Sunday, May 30, 2021

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 13 (Got married in a fever)


29 Pflugzeit

Did the honorable thing and got married in Tahme (when the locals say the word it sounds like Dahme, which feels more natural). The local priest of Randal tied the knot. We're Wigmar and Isolde von Liberung now. Spent the day wining and dining and the wedding night wasn't half bad. The blushing bride wasn't a virgin but I already knew that. If we don't get an heir soon it's not for lack of trying. Nothing wrong with my lovely mistresses, fine women both, but I have to say those young women of noble birth are something special. So slender and supple, so eager. 

It'll be a good marriage, I'm sure.

30 Pflugzeit

Departed Tahme accompanied by a fellow whose name eludes me. No matter - undoubtedly a false name. He offered to make us a trade: our little wagon for a much sturdier one that he had stashed just outside town. When asked about his motivations he explained he only had the one horse and couldn't afford to get another. A smaller wagon would be a boon. So pretty much a brigand getting rid of his ill-gotten gains.

Half expected to get attacked by those very brigands but I supposed our weapons and armor convinced them otherwise. Just as well. We would have fought them off, certainly, but being taken in ambush is always an uncertain thing. And with so many women to protect, including my lady wife...

We barely made it to the little town of Havelfurt before dark. Other than having a road leading to Bögenhafen it was a very nice place. Cleaner than most places. There was a feeling of safety and something else I couldn't put my finger on. Peaceful maybe?

31 Pflugzeit

Another day spent on the road, another roadside inn. We're making slow progress, getting up late and eating a hearty breakfast. No wonder, given the amount of night-time activity. Being newly-wed I'm giving my wife all my affection, but I can hear A&A on the other side of the wall. They are quite loud sometimes. Come to think of it, Isolde gets loud at times too. And not only when entertaining in the common room, if you get my drift.

But there is no rush, is there? The road is going nowhere and neither are my lands. We'll travel at our leisure and enjoy ourselves rather than rush along the roads like common merchants.

32 Pflugzeit

Around midday, we came to a stone bridge crossing a tributary river. There was no shortage of water in this one, coming down from the Hägecrybs, but not enough of it to matter in the grander scale of things. 

The ravine was too steep to cross without the use of said bridge. There was something of a traffic jam on both sides. Turned out horses wouldn't cross for no reason I could determine. Magic? Troll piss? Who knows.

Men could cross just fine though. So we made a deal with some traders on the far side to switch our horses for some of theirs. With some effort, we man-handled the wagons across and that was that. Better than turning back or taking the long way around through the hills.

I later learned the bridge acted like that every year around the same date. Something to do with a dwarven curse or some such nonsense. I'll make a note to avoid the bridge around the end of Pflugzeit - problem solved.

The affair with the bridge slowed our progress and forced us to spend the name at a ghastly inn called the Hooded Man. Or was it the Hanged Man? The name eludes me, but no matter. Long story short: we were attacked by mutants. They had murdered the innkeep and his people and were posing as them. The handful of locals present turned out to be mutants as well. There was quite the fight but we put them to the sword.

33 Pflugzeit

In the morning I and the big guy took a little detour to check up on the village of Osterndorf, the only settlement nearby. I had a mind to see if there were more mutants about.

That's when things took a turn from bad to worse. A boy of ten or twelve or eight or something - I'm not good with kids - came running down the rutty road with a babe in his hands. Not far after came a dead man walking. It took quite some effort to put down dead flesh. I suppose being dead makes it hard to kill them again.

The kid explained the villagers had pulled a strange black stone out of the dried-out river. Not long after the dead had risen from their graves to murder the living. As far as the kid knew he was the only one to get out alive. Him and his dear baby brother, who had died of a fever in the winter. I'm not often moved but it was a sad thing we had to do. And the only thing we could do.

We headed back to the others to get some backup and to get the boy out of harm's way. Then we returned to Osterndorf to set things right. I'd rather not write about any of it. Suffice to say we took the stone from the dead and hurled it into the river. The dead are now gathered around it, waiting for the waters to rise.

We reached the town of Jettenberg in the evening and reported our grizzly findings. The powers that be bade us remain in town until they could get their Graf. So we threw a party at the town's best inn (such as there was) to pass the time and unwind

I did the thing with Thesalva. I figure it's not infidelity. We were merely doing something we should have done already before I married. Plus I'm a nobleman. Nobles do stuff like that all the time. It was nice but frantic, almost mechanical. She's a good warrior but I don't think she's spent much time practicing her bed skills. For all her lack of finesse: how can I go back to my human women after this?

Thursday, May 20, 2021

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 12 (Sold down the river)


19 Pflugzeit

With Bögenhafen out of sight - if not out of mind - we had us a little party to celebrate our victory and honor the fallen. Isolde drank too deeply and too quickly. Puked and passed out long before what's proper, even for a lady. She's young and has lost the most. I will strive to be supportive and give her the affection she deserves.

Had a chat with Josef and Philippe. After dropping us off at Ubersreik, Josef will take the Berebeli downriver, sell all the goods (he's estimating a profit of between 800 and 1200 gold if all goes well), get rid of the boat, and get another one. The Berebeli is old and decrepit - and she's one of the few things to link us to the Bögenhafen docks. Better she changes hands and name. My brother will then rejoin us in Ubersreik, where we'll set up a business together. I'll arrange for a warehouse or something - the merchants of Bögenhafen had a lot of those and they were stinking rich - and also buy a quarter share in the new barge. Could call it Janna-Marie or something. Nothing wrong with honoring the dead.

Speaking of Ubersreik that's where we'll stash Anna & Annika. Fine women the both of them, but they are not combatants and never will be. Perhaps they can set up shop in the von Liberung townhouse or something. I don't have all the details rear - never even been to Ubersreik before - but it'll be fine, I'm sure of it.

Thesalva and Ulfberth are with me all the way, over the top and through the breach. Finer, braver, and more loyal companions no warrior could wish for. If their own peoples won't have them, their loss. Von Liberung will count them as his best man/elf.

We were a bit overloaded so we had to drop off some crate or the other in deep water. That done, we floated better and slowly sailed downriver towards Weissbruck. The current was working to our advantage, but the northerly winds were not. Josef says maybe five days to Weissbruck where he'll unload some legit cargo he picked up in Bögenhafen.

Debated sending another letter to Bova. I'll pass - for now. I'm not sure she can be trusted, not like my companions can. That's what my instincts tell me, and I like to think of myself as a good judge of character.

20-23 Pflugzeit

More time spent on the river. It's getting pretty boring. 

Isolde is moody and given to drink, and her performances make grown men cry. Not because they are bad, but because they are sad. Rather than let her suffer I gave her a good dicking. That brought about quite the change. The way she plays that lute... no one can resist the call to dance. And no woman can resist the Wigmar.

Philippe shot a man in the face down in Gramdorf. Tried to stab a crippled man after calling him a liar, a cheat, and worse. Justice served if you asked me. Ten gold crowns and the city watch agreed wholeheartedly.

On the 23rd we reached Weissbruck and got rid of the cargo. News from Bögenhafen had gotten there before us. Well, not very accurate news. Just rumors, some of them pretty wild.

24-28 Pflugzeit

Josef turned the Berebeli around and we went upriver again. When we reached Gramdorf we left the Bögen to go up the Blut - the blood river, so named because of its ruddy color. Philippe was not allowed to shoot anyone this time.

The Blut is not as wide as the Bögen but flows more quickly. Through deep forests, we traveled for three days, the mighty Hägercrybs growing in front of us with every passing hour. On the eve of the third day, we reached the small town of Blutroch.

It's a challenge to keep all the ladies happy. I can't wait to get to Ubersreik so I can get away from them.

The day after Blutroch we left the red river and sailed south, up the Tahme river. The gercrybs are to our left now, covered in dark, forested valleys, except for some jagged, barren peaks. Who knows what horrors lurk there. We won't find out, because we're taking the long way around.

On the evening of the 28th, we put in at Tahme, a large trading town in the heart of the Reikwald. We quickly learned the Berebeli wasn't going further upriver. The water level of the Tahme was too low for a barge as big and heavily laden. This was unusual for this time of year. Some blamed a lack of winter snows, others a lack of spring rains. Another theory was jealous dwarves damming the river.

Josef will turn the Berebeli around and head of Carroburg and maybe Marienburg. The rest of us will go overland to Ubersreik. I think I'll make a small offering to Ranald. I was getting mighty fed up with that boat and the constant wet and creaking.

Let von Liberung ride into Ubersreik in style, rather than come as a lowly peasant aboard a rotten barge!