

Treasury: ??

Current net gain: +1

  • Estate: +0
  • Adler: +6
  • Army: -4 (+2 when garrisoned)
  • Fleet: -1


Numbers in parenthesis are economic potential (population, resources, trade, etc.), followed by current surplus/deficit (based on local conditions, projects, and garrison).

Garrisons: Free companies and guard forces have their costs and benefits baked into the domain descriptions. Take Etzel-Drakzen, for example, which would generate a profit if it did NOT have a relatively big garrison/road warden force, but now has way better security than it used to.

Army: Each regiment consumes 1/2/5 resource tokens (reserve/garrison/active). Running all 3+1 regiments at war footing would cost 20 resources, which would bankrupt Wigmar in short order (fortunately, he's got some mercenary contracts for some of his units).


Übersreik: Wigmar is the Lord Protector of the city (and controls the old "Imperial" precinct) but not its formal ruler (Herzog Jungfreund rules the Duchy and has a big castle in town, but Übersreik is a Free City). Income is generated by trade and "mercenary" activity. See the Adler tab.

County of Widow's Vale (4/+2): This mountainous fief encompasses the Liberungen lands. There is some mineral wealth (coal, for the most part), and prospectors are looking for more, but most of the area is underdeveloped. Greenskins would usually be a concern, but for the time being, they are greatly weakened. Internal security is minimal, but Free Companies from Grausee and Liberungen help out, and the area is shielded from invasion by Karak Azgaraz (and Halmstad's tower). 

Vassal of the Duchy of Übersreik (Jungfreund).

Liberungen (2/-2): This tiny rural fief has no real economic significance in the grand scheme of things and, indeed, is a drag on the Liberungen Estate's overall economy due to constant investments and improvements, as well as a large garrison. 

Vassal to Widow's Vale (Wigmar is his own vassal).

Barony of Grausee (3/-3): Grey Lake Barony is a small but rich rural fief. The soil is fertile, and the growing season long. Then there is the Grausee itself and a river connection to Übersreik. The town of Grausee is rapidly being developed. New gun foundries, a powder mill, two major temples, and a hospice are all being constructed. People are flocking to the (largely depopulated) town, but it will be a while before it turns a profit. A Free Company provides ample protection for the town and surrounding areas. In a few years, Grausee should be a booming town generating a healthy profit.

The Baron of Grausee is a vassal of the Count of Lady's Vale.

Kemperbad: Kemperbad is a Free City run by a City Council. Although Wigmar has interests and influence here, he's not the ruler. See the Adler tab for details.


Barony of Schwarzrauch aka. the Black Barony (2/+0): Tiny manorial fief a few hours' ride southwest of Nuln. Income is (barely) sufficient to maintain the place (and the townhouse) and the guards, as long as Wigmar doesn't visit. When he does, numbers go Blood Keep Red.

County of Königsdorf (3/+1): This small rural fief lies on the northern border with the Reikland. The land is moderately fertile land, with some forest/mountains. There is some road trade, but most of it goes elsewhere along the rovers and canals, leaving Königsdorf a sleepy backwater. There is a small garrison/watch.

Blutschloss aka. Blood Keep: (1/-1): Blood Keep is well garrisoned by 50 men. Most of the massive keep is still a ruin (but as long as it is defended, it will be hard to take), but work is always ongoing. With no real source of income, Blood Keep will always be a net loss.


Duchy of Eztel-Drakzen (4/+0): This forest fief lies on the southern border with Reikland (Sudengard, which used to be part of Middenland, is currently under Reikland control). There is a sizeable agricultural area around the town of Neue Etzel, but the rest of the domain is deep forests. The town sits astride the Altdorf-Middenheim road, generating additional trade income. There is a sizeable garrison and plenty of road warden patrols, which together provide good security, but at a high cost.


Principality of Nordland (11/+3): Massive investments are ongoing!

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