


It costs about 12 GC to equip a musketeer with a uniform and kit, medium armor, handgun, shot and power, and a bayonet. It's possible to save about 20% if you can manufacture most of the equipment in-house, so let's say around 10 GC.

If you skip armor, it costs only 7 GC per man, or almost half the price. This is, of course, great for mustering, but the upkeep cost is only marginally higher for the men in armor. Men in armor will also be slower and tire more easily on the march and in battle, but they will have better protection and probably higher morale. 

Interestingly, shock infantry is about the same cost as unarmored musketeers - what they save on guns, they must pay extra for armor. Heavy infantry, such as Landsknechte, are about the same price as an armored musketeer on account of heavier armor and great weapons.

The most expensive men of the Liberungen troops are the pistoleers. They cost approximately 20 GC with 2 pistols, cavalry saber, kit, and medium armor - plus 30 GC for a good light warhorse. Still cheaper than a knight on a charger but more expensive than lancers and traditional light cavalry.

For recruiting a typical regiment, 10% of the cost is in command/support/logistics, 30% infantry, 30% cavalry, and 30% guns.


Net balance: -4 (+2 when garrisoned)

1st Regiment Guards (5/-3*): Garrisoned in Nordland. Active bc of relocation. Can be brought to garrison (2/+0) next period. 

* The City of Salzenmund is paying 2 upkeep (an extension of the security arrangement they had with Middenheim).

2nd Regiment Foot (2/+2*): Garrisoned in Übersreik/Duchy of Übersreik. 

* Upkeep paid by Jungfreund/Übersreik. Upkeep/income increases to 5/+5 in times of war.

3rd Regiment Foot (2/+2*): Garrisoned in Königsdorf/Karak Azgaraz. 

* Upkeep paid by von Liebwitz/Karak Azgarz. Upkeep/income increases to 5/+5 in times of war.

6th Regiment Horse (5/-5): Garrisoned in Nordland. Active bc of relocation. Can be brought to garrison (2/-2) next period.


Wigmar is typically accompanied by a squad of 5 bodyguards, whose sergeant is always called "Sigrid" or "Sigurd."

Commander: Knight-Captain "Sigrid/Sigurd" (Promoted.)

  • 5 Lightbringer command squad: 
  • 20 Lightbringer knights: Pistol-armed knights templar (typically: Knight, ex-Pistolier, ex-Soldier) with heavy armor and quality light warhorses.
  • 100 Hird: Rifles, pistols, armor, light warhorse


All female unit.

Commander: Cpt. Gretel aus Lintstadt/Sgt Heloise de ???
  • 5 command squad 
  • 20 pistoleer bodyguards
  • 100 musketeer honor guard


The regiment consists of 2 infantry battalions of 3 companies of 200 men (1 of which is a grenadiers company), 1 mixed cavalry battalion (oversized), 1 well-equipped artillery battalion (standard for all Liberungen regiments), 1 command company (oversized), and various supporting assets (oversized).

The original regiment was paid for by Herzog Jungfreund. Elements fought at Karak Azgaraz, Blood Keep, Parravon, and later at Brass Keep. The regiment has been transferred to Nordland, where it is headquartered at Salzenmund, but with one battalion split and garrisoned along the coast and cavalry subunits assigned to various forts, keeps, and villages for patrols.

Motto: Tod durch Feuer (inherited the banner of the 2nd) ) (You probably have your own motto, but it was unreadable; we can sub it in later.)

Garrison: Salzenmund/Nordland

Financials: Upkeep was paid for by Herzog Jungfreund but is now covered by the Nordland treasury.

Equipment: Complete and in good repair.

Experience: Veterans of several major battles and campaigns. The 2nd battalion is significantly less experienced than the rest of the regiment (but the entire unit still counts as veteran). Morale is high.


Commander: Oberst Shif Doppler (Promoted.)

  • 10 color bearers: For carrying assorted standards.
  • 10 color guards: To defend the standards.
  • 50 musicians: For signaling.


  • 10 outriders: Dedicated scouts and pathfinders.
  • 100 marksmen (jäger): Rifle-armed skirmishers.
  • 100 guards (hird): Rifles, pistols, armor, light warhorse
  • 200 Salzenmund greatswords


Commander: Oberstleutnant Maximilian Bauer (Promoted.)

    • 600 grenadiers (3 companies): As musketeers but also trained and equipped to fight with grenades (which at this stage are both quite exotic and hazardous). 1 in 10 has an experimental grenade launcher.


      Commander: Freiherr Johan Händler (Promoted.)

      • 600 musketeers (3 companies): Handgun, shot & powder, bayonet, medium armor, uniform & kit.



        • 600 musketeers (3 companies): Salzenmund citizens, trains 2 days per week.



          • 600 musketeers (3 companies): Paid for by other cities. Mustering. Garrisoned throughout. 



          • 600 musketeers (3 companies): Infantry (musketeers). Westerland.



          • 600 musketeers (3 companies): Under training, infantry (musketeers). Paid for by the non-city nobility. Kilts. Garrisoned throughout.


          Commander: Felicia, Myrmidian Amazon (templar)

          • 5 command section: Color bearers, musicians etc.
          • 20 outriders: Dedicated scouts and pathfinders.
          • 8 8-pound galloper guns (2 batteries): The galloper battery is a lot more mobile than the other batteries as the guns are much lighter and can be moved while mounted on their carriages
          • 25 waggoneers


          • 200 pistoliers (2 troops): Pistoliers are light pistol-armed cavalry. They are used for screening and harassing but are also decent shock troops, using their pistols to soften the enemy before the charge.
          • 100 Kislev mounted archers


          • 400 mounted sergeants (4 troops): The only real shock cavalry in the regiment. Mounted on light warhorses and armed with demi-lances and swords. Typically only veteran soldiers are used. The main role is as a mobile reserve, used to either counter enemy attacks that threaten the line, break a weakened enemy, or run down routed units. The regiment has twice the usual number of troops of this type.
          • 100 Kislev winged lancers


          Commander: Gross-Rittmeister Hans Zimmer

          • 600 dragoons (2 troops): Dragoons are essentially gun-armed mounted infantry but are additionally equipped with melee weapons suitable for mounted combat. Their main use is to guard/fight alongside the galloper guns. The regiment has twice the usual number of troops of this type.


          Commander: Master Gunner Grimm Greathammer

          • 2 24-pounders (1 battery): Heavy siege guns from Nuln
          • 16-pounder guns (2 batteries): When deployed for battle, 1 battery usually supports each infantry battalion. The guns are quite powerful, especially against massed enemy formations. The 16-pounders are, however, not very mobile (both on and off the battlefield). Not only are the guns very heavy, but they must be removed from their carriages for transport. Plus, all the wagons and horses needed to move them and their ammunition make the logistics load significant. The battles of Karak-Azgaraz and Parravon highlight the effectiveness of these guns when used from fixed positions. Parravon also highlights the limited mobility once the guns have to move. 
          • 4 24-pounder mortars (1 battery): Regimental asset. Mortars are used for indirect fire, either against fortified positions or against enemy units in the open. The mortars can be highly effective if they are correctly employed, but are often let down by the fickle nature of explosive shells (technological limitations unlikely to be overcome). The battery is even less mobile than the cannon batteries; once emplaced, they cannot be moved during a battle.
          • 12 12-pounder guns (3 batteries): Quite a bit more mobile than the 16-pounders.
          • 4 8-pound galloper guns (1 battery): The galloper battery is a lot more mobile than the other batteries as the guns are much lighter and can be moved while mounted on their carriages.


          Commander: Strum Blackaxe (Promoted.)

          • Engineers
          • Smiths and other artisans
          • Supply train


          This regiment was wholly paid for by the City of Übersreik at the height of the Green Scare of 2498/99 when it seemed the Reikland was about to be attacked by a massive greenskin horde. Since the 1st Regiment has moved to Nordland, the 2nd is responsible for the whole Duchy of Übersreik, not just the city proper. This is a task more suitable for a full regiment.

          Motto: Reikland über Alles (inherited the banner of the 1st regiment)

          Garrison: Übersreik and surrounding Duchy.

          Financials: Upkeep paid for jointly by Herzog Jungfreund and the City Council.

          Equipment: Standard, but with some noncritical shortfalls.

          Experience: This is a standing regiment, so it is well-drilled. Lacks any large-scale combat experience.


          Commander: Oberst Rasch. Former mercenary commander. Fought with the 1st during the Karak Azgarz and Parravon campaigns. He's quick to adapt to the situation but somewhat prone to rash decisions.

          • Standard command staff

          ?? BATTALION

          Commander: Open

          • 600 musketeers (3 companies): Handgun, shot & powder, bayonet, medium armor, uniform & kit.

          ?? BATTALION

          Commander: Open

          • 600 musketeers (3 companies): Handgun, shot & powder, bayonet, medium armor, uniform & kit.

          ??  BATTALION HORSE

          Commander: Open

          • 100 pistoliers (2 troops):
          • 50 mounted sergeants (1 troop): 
          • 50 dragoons (1 troop): 


          The full complement of guns, powder, and shot. Gun crews are relatively inexperienced, with many senior gunners and assistants either having been sent to Salzenmund or transferred to work with manufacturing.

          Commander: Open

          • 8 16-pounder guns (2 batteries): Equipped with modern, uniform guns that have all been cast in Nuln.
          • 4 24-pounder mortars (1 battery): Equipped with modern, uniform guns that have all been cast in Nuln.
          • 4 8-pound galloper guns (1 battery): Equipped with modern, uniform guns that have all been cast in Nuln.


          Commander: Open

          • Engineers: Somewhat lacking due to many having been sent to Nordland.
          • Smiths and other artisans: Somewhat lacking due to many having been sent to Nordland. Proximity to Übersreik compensates but would need strengthening before a campaign.
          • Supply train: Somewhat lacking due to mainly garrison work. If the regiment needs to move, the supply train can be brought up to strength in short order.

          3RD LIBERUNGEN MUSKETEERS (ex Wissenland Foot)

          Mustered by the Elector-Countess of Wissenland, control transferred to Wigmar, supplemented with additional forces to make up a full regiment. Elements of the regiment helped quell unrest in Wissenland. Familiar with mountain warfare and dwarfs. Otherwise relatively inexperienced with minimal time in the field.

          Motto: Ewig wie die Berge (You probably have your own motto, but it was unreadable; we can sub it in later.)

          Garrison: One battalion in Blood Keep, one battalion in Karak Azgaraz. Cavalry in the Blood Keep/Königsdorf area. Cannon batteries and mortar battery in Karak Azgaraz; gallopers in Blood Keep.

          Financials: Upkeep paid for jointly by von Liebwitz and Karak Azgaraz.

          Equipment: Mostly standard, but some legacy equipment from Wissenland. More lightly armored than the 1st and 2nd regiments.

          Experience: Good garrison and mountain troops, but lacking in real combat experience.


          Commander: Oberst Straff. This veteran officer originally served von Liebwitz. He runs a very tight ship with impeccably uniformed and disciplined troops.

            • Standard command staff

            ?? BATTALION FOOT

            Commander: Open

            • 600 musketeers (3 companies): Handgun, shot & powder, bayonet, uniform & kit.

            ?? BATTALION FOOT

            Commander: Open

            • 600 musketeers (3 companies): Handgun, shot & powder, bayonet, uniform & kit.

            ??  BATTALION HORSE

            Commander: Open

            • 100 pistoliers (2 troops):
            • 50 mounted sergeants (1 troop): 
            • 50 dragoons (1 troop): 


            Commander: Open

            • 8 16-pounder guns (2 batteries): Equipped with modern, uniform guns that have all been cast in Nuln.
            • 4 24-pounder mortars (1 battery): Equipped with modern, uniform guns that have all been cast in Nuln.
            • 4 8-pound galloper guns (1 battery): Equipped with modern, uniform guns that have all been cast in Nuln.


            Commander: Open

            • Engineers: Somewhat lacking due to many having been sent to Nordland.
            • Smiths and other artisans: Somewhat lacking due to many having been sent to Nordland.
            • Supply train: Somewhat lacking due to mainly garrison work.

            5-6 Guard companies

            5 command + 10 roadwardens + 100 musketeers


            The Freikompanie (Free companies) fulfill garrison roles. Equipment varies with the task.

            • Freikompanie Lieberungen (Rick the Ogre): 5 command squad, 20 dwarf shield breakers, 100 musketeers
            • Freikompanie Grausee (Cpt. von Dabernick): 5 command squad, 20 road wardens, 100 musketeers
            • Freikompanie Etzel-Drakzen (Emmanuel Giscard, former Grail Knight): 5 command staff, 20 road wardens, 100 musketeers. Also keeps an eye on the Great Hospice of Shallya (technically in the Reikland). (Added by GM based on player input; modeled after Grausee.)


            The Wachttruppen (Guard platoons) are similar to the Free companies but with slightly more specialized tasks (usually looking after assets and interest in one town/city).

            • Wachtrupp Übersreik (Sgt. Helmut Bader): 25 halberdiers (Upgraded to 25 bc lots more property.)
            • Wachtrupp Blutschloss: 50 halberdiers (heavy infantry)
            • Wachtrupp Königsdorf: 25 guardsmen (swords/pistols)
            • Wachtrupp Nuln: 25 hirdmen (heavy armor, rifles/swords/pistols)
            • Wachtrupp Kemperbad: 25 guardsmen (swords/pistols)
            • Wachtrupp Altdorf: 25 guardsmen (swords/pistols)

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