NPC list


This is a collection of ner-do-wells encountered by Wigmar during his grimdark travels and travails.

Presented by area in more or less chronological order.


Eldwin Heck (d. 2480): Wigmar's (adoptive) father. Died of the plague.

Dagna Heck (d. 2480): Wigmar's (adoptive) mother. Killed herself by jumping into the river.


Adler: Fate unknown.

Josef Quartjin: Took the name Quartjin after the boatman who adopted him. Told Wigmar they were all adopted.

Henrietta (d. 2480): Died of the plague.

Berit (d. 2480): Died of the plague.

Ernst (d. 2496): Convicted of rape and murder. Hanged in Dunkelberg.

Kurt Heck: Two years Wigmar's senior. A mercenary with the Dark Griffons.

Kleine Emil (d. 2480): Sickly child. Died of the plague.

Wigmar: PC.

Adoptive (second) family

Heller Heck: Uncle. Eldwin's brother. Adopted Wigmar and Kurt, the youngest living children. A mercenary sergeant with the Dark Griffons.

Maud Heck (d. 2497): Became sick in spring, died in summer.

Olina Drauer: Heller's daughter. Married to a watchman in Dunkelberg.

Wanda Metternick: Heller's daughter. Married to a freeholder outside Dunkelberg.

Breda Dreck: Heller's daughter. Married to a cavalryman.

Also see this post.


Günter von Etzel: Duke of Etzel-Drakzen and Baron of Etzel.

Alfred: One of the Duke's manservants. Accompanied the coach to Altdorf. Tall and gangly fellow.

Emmanuel Giscard: Grail Knight visiting the Etzelhaus. Helped defeat the Priest of the Drinker.

Captain Ulrich: Watch Captain of Neue Etzel.


Walter Müller: Miller.

Annika Müller: Miller's wife. See Companions.

Marius Wald: Head hunter and de facto village leader.

Hermann Löw: Anointed priest of Sigmar - and the village blacksmith. Big beard and big hands.

Kurt Krank: The innkeep.

Peter Baden-Vürt: Witch-hunter found dangling on a rope.


Prince Hergard von Tasseninck: Friend to Duke Günter von Etzel. Proud owner of a great estate in one of Altdorf's good quarters. Son of the Elector Count of Ostermark. Currently on an expedition into the Grey Mountains. 

Captain Polder: Watch captain of the district where the Tasseninck estate is located.

Bova von Dunkelberg: Professor emeritus, initiate of Verena, witch-hunter. Pays for detailed first-hand accounts of monsters and mutants.


Adolphus Kuftsos: Nasty-looking bounty hunter with a hoarse voice. Looking for Kastor Liberung, to bring him to Nuln for questioning. Deceased.

Edgar: The grumpy innkeeper of the Trumpet Inn.


Graf Wilhelm von Saponatheim: The current ruler of the Duchy of Saponatheim and thus the liege lord of Bögenhafen.

Friederich Magirius: Head of the Merchant's Guild and also the Town Council. Not one of the Big Four but very influential nonetheless. Committed suicide after realizing the gravity of his actions.

Jochen Haagen: Head of the Haagen family, Bögenhafen’s main dealers in luxury goods. Upstart immigrants from Marienburg.

Hieronymus Ruggbroder: Head of the Ruggbroder family, prime dealers in farm produce.

Franz Steinhäger: Head of the Steinhäger family, closely linked to mining and metalworks. Looks like he's a cultist and a sorcerer! Deceased.

Heinrich Steinhäger: Franz's younger brother. Conspired with Wigmar to get control of the family.

Johannes Teugen: Head of the Teugen family, the oldest and most influential of the trading houses. He studied at Nuln, returning to take over the business after his brother, Karl, died of (purple) brain fever. Deceased. The less said, the better.

Karl Teugen: Johannes's late brother. Died of the same rare disease that nearly got Richter. or so they say.


Ludo Edel: The late High Priest of Sigmar. Found stabbed to death in his own chambers in the main temple.

Fabergus Heinzdork: Visiting "priest" of Sigmar that turns out to be a witch-hunter.

Mother Rubenstein: The sole anointed priestess of Shallya in Bögenhafen. She knows about hygiene and stitching but isn't much of a miracle worker.

Greta Harbokka: The sole anointed priestess of Verena in Bögenhafen. Has heard of Bova von Dunkelberg. Knowledgeable about sorcery and dark powers. Level-headed but no adventurer.

Chief Magistrate Heinz Richter: The middle-aged, yet vital Chief Magistrate of Bögenhafen. A beacon of efficiency and integrity in a very corrupt and bureaucratic town. Nearly died of (purple) brain fever.

Gertie: Richer's elderly housekeeper.

Magistrate Gorvintz: Another magistrate. Takes over for Richter when the chief magistrate falls ill.

Doktor Reinhold Heichtdorn: Guildmaster of the Physician's guild and Richter's personal doctor. Seems more concerned about guild matters and money than the actual health of his patients. Or maybe he's not that competent. Or both.

Captain Goertrin: Watch captain of the North Barracks. Implicated in the poisoning of Magistrate Richter. A tall, cadaverously thin man of superb manners and disdainful mien.

Other Burghers

Herr Landau: The very tall innkeep of the fire-damaged Journey's End inn near East Gate.

Odelina: His daughter, an attractive woman even older than A&A. Works the bar of the Journey's End.

Lock (dwarf), Stock (human), and Barl (gnome): Solicitors of the law firm by the same name. Holds 200 gold for Wigmar.

Doctor Malthusius: Owner and manager of Doctor Malthusius’s Zoocopeia, a traveling freak-show, circus, and more. Colorful and flamboyant. Fake Altdorf accent (probably from Middenheim or some such).

Grunni: Malthusius’s assistant. Blamed for letting the rat-ogre escape.

Gottri Gurnisson: Drunken dwarf, first seen in the stocks, then floating in the servers, badly cut up.


Ronald: Seller of fine wagons.


Gert Krügdel, Graf of Jettenberg.

Dagmar Dübwald, Priest of Sigmar.

Emmaretta: See companions.

Klaus: Emmaretta's partner (and possibly a cousin). Ran away after he was released from prison in Jettenberg.


Figaro: A helpful Tilean.

Brunda: See companions.


Emmanuelle Nacht, Imperial Envoy, Celestial Wizard: The Emperor's Representative in Übersreik is a dark-haired woman of indeterminate age and exceptional tallness. Her manners are impeccable and her clothes the finest Altdorf fashion. She seems to be both unmarried and without a good family name.

Sigismund von Jungfreund (mentioned), Herzog of Übersreik, Markgraf of Black Hills, Burggraf of Graustad: Formally the ruler of Übersreik (and thus has a seat on the Reikland Diet) and surrounding lands, effectively in exile in the Black Hills. Supposedly a feeble, old, and bitter man, given to disregarding Imperial authority and trying to rise above his station.

Gregor von Schadelfaust, Graf of Witwental (Widower's Vale): Wigmar's immediate liege lord is technically a vassal of the Jungfreunds. Rules the hills and valleys to the southwest, but spends most of his time in the city now, overseeing the rich and vast countryside around the city, the Frauental (the Lady's Vale). Former adventurer and warrior. Seems to work closely with Envoy Nacht.

Jendrick von Dabernick, Captain of the Guard: An officer in Graf Gregor's employ.

Gilda Two-tooth: An old hag. Wigmar's housekeeper in the city. Decent cook. Probably runs a crime ring from the townhouse. 

Karl-Franz: One of Gilda's little mice. A dark-haired boy with shifty eyes and quick hands. Around 12. Has heard the name of one of the Dark Gods. Didn't seem to like that much. Probably a good sign.

Dankmar Hild: Creepy solicitor that used to peep on his female neighbors. Witnessed the murder of the chef's assistant's mother. Now he's in the dungeon.

Mathilda Füller: A young but skilled whore. Tried to poison Wigmar with Red Sap, a vile brew that will either kill or mutate.

Jonas: Halfling co-proprietor (his current partner is Captain Ufberth) of the Blue Oyster tavern.


Dagmar Liberung, the Elder: The original Baronett of Liberungen.

Dagmar Liberung, the Younger: His son, who died in 2493 without any heirs. Wigmar claims to be is recognized as his grandson.

Hubert: Village leader. A peasant.

Wilfred Willmann: Oberfeldwebel (color sergeant).

Paul: Gefreiter (corporal). A notorious thief and pillager but a fine soldier.

Ohlff: Dwarven engineer.

Grimm: Dwarven labor leader. He's pretty... grim.

Kristjen Ronald: Middle-aged trader from Marienburg, blading and somewhat overweight. In charge of Herr Liberungen's hardware store. A keeper of ledgers.


Jürgen Halmstad: Wizard living alone in a tower with his goblin. From Averland (Halmstad). Brown (amber) college.

Hugg: Jürgen's only servant/assistant. Trueblood goblin. A bit grumpy. Good cook, awesome brewer. Fond of storytelling.


Dasha: Strigany. The old matron. Led the troupe when Wigmar met them. Hasn't been seen since the group arrived on Liberungen lands.

Johanna: Strigany. Leader of a group of about twenty families. This young rogue was elevated to a position of authority after meeting Wigmar in the Vaults. Exactly how/why this transition of power took place is unclear but has something to do with Johanna being "chosen" or something. It's a cultural thing.

Laetitia: Strigany. A young lady offered as a wedding gift to Wigmar. He declined.

STRUDELDORF (never visitied)

Adhalf von Strudeldorf: Isolde's father, baron of Strudeldorf (Middenland)

Dahlan von Strudeldorf: Isolde's oldest brother, heir to the Strudeldorf lands.

Günter von Hopp (mentioned): Isolde's would-be husband.



Anette Jung: Towheaded proprietor and barkeeper of "Sigmar's Hammer," a Stimmingen drinking establishment. Has an old oil painting of Sigmar that resembles Wigmar. A bit too old for the Baronett of Liberungen but a good-looking nonetheless.


Emmanuelle von Liebwitz: Grand Countess of Wissenland, Countess of Nuln and Duchess of Meissen, is the Elector Countess of the Grand Province of Wissenland and the noble ruler of Nuln (Meissen is the family estate in central Wissenland). Has ruled Nuln for nearly 20 years after taking the throne as a young woman. Looks much younger than her years. She's about the same age as Emperor Lutipold, who is at least 50, if not older. Has an affair with Wigmar.

Wolfgang Hird: Captain of the Countess' personal guard. In his 40s but still vital. In charge of transforming the rather old-fashioned Nuln Guard into a modern (gun armed) force.

Felix Frimm: Magister of the First Order. A human solicitor turned civil servant. Had dealings with Hertzen. Not really a cultist but Wigmar uses the connection for all its worth.

Derek Durr: Magister of the Second Order. A dwarf accountant turned civil servant. 

Waldermar von Wilderstein: Master gunsmith. Murdered by Skaven assassins.

Rick/Richter: Waldermar's queer-acting eunuch servant. Made some very fine guns, including a priceless repeating pistol. Now in Wigmar's employ as a bodyguard and manservant.

Franklin Drück: Professor of Ancient Languages and Cultures. Helped Wigmar find info about Nehekara and Ankh-Akh.

Wolfgang Hertz: Chief rat catcher. Currently a sewer jack watching the sewers for mutants and skavens.


Faust Grissenwald: Markgraf of Grissenwald. Presumed dead after goblins stormed his manor and set it on fire.


Etelka Herzen (mentioned only): Recluse. Lives outside town in the Black Hills. See Red Crown.


Franz Helgmar Füller: Merchant. Member of the Council of Thirteen (the ruling body of the Freistadt).

Herr Otto: Crime lord with a lot of influence on the Reik docks. Knows a lot about Lustrian summerwine and brandy.

Vincenzo: Crime lord of Tilean origin that controls access to the locks that give access to the River Stir and thus trade with Stirland and beyond.


Feldherr Tracht (mentioned only): Commander of Castle Reiksgard.

Rittmeister von Grünner: Leader of the soldiers sent to occupy Wittgendorf and the castle.

Father Mürt: Sigmarite priest accompanying the soldiers. Attended Wigmar's wedding. Elderly chap.


Sabine Hoffland: Elderly female doctor with a practice in a small Wissenland town. Left Nuln years ago after her reputation was destroyed following a malpractice suit (in fact, there may have been multiple suits). Works for Wigmar now, attending Ankh.

Bernt Heimler: Clothes merchant from Pfeildorf. Robbed of his money by the guards he hired but they left his wares "so they could rob him another time." Very mercantile mercenaries.

Egbert: Heimler's assistant and seamster. He's young (and probably likes men better than women) but is very talented.

Hult von Liebwitz: Kurfürstin von Liebwitz's second cousin. Well respected solicitor in Nuln. Member of the Adlerverein. Part of the Purple Hand led by Kurt Adolf Krammer. Would-be ruler of Nuln and Wissenland. Killed during the Meissen purge.

Kurt Adolf Krammer: Wealthy cattle merchant from Averland. A commoner, but well connected. Member of the Adlerverein. The leader of a Purple Hand cell that sought to control or replace Emmanuelle von Liebwitz. Faked his own death, then ended up dead for real.

Evert von Topp: Elderly, overweight member of the Adlerverein. Resident of Altdorf. Doesn't the elixir work on him?

Heinz Glück: Another non-cultist member of the Adlerverein. Normally resides in Carroburg.


Blood Keep aka. the White Oak Sanatorium for the Mentally Deranged Diverse.

Anastasia Krilenko: Of Erengrad (Kislev). Shallyan priestess. In her 60s with all-white hair. In charge of the sanatorium. Everything is paid for by the Emperor (as overseen by Fräulein Nacht) in return for keeping a special patient in the old dungeons.

Brother Jäger: Sigmarite monk. Middle-aged. Likes to chop wood.

Zul the Mighty: The name the orc horde uses for their leader. Zul isn't an ork name, but the moniker "the Mighty" is shouted in the guttural greenskin tongue.


Montfort des Grises

Literally: Montfort (of) the Grey (Mountains). Not to be confused with the great province and city of Montfort.

Giscard: Survivor of the ork assault. Plump boy of 10 or 12. Baker's son. Speaks rubbish and riddles sometimes. Wigmar has decided he's touched by the Sun (i.e. Ankh speaks through him).

Laetitia: Survivor of the ork assault. Very attractive girl of 17 (or maybe a little bit younger). Might be an actual virgin. Her mother's name was Antigone (presumed dead). Probably of noble birth and hidden away in this forest village.

Athel Loren (aka the Everwood)

The big ass forest south-west of the Grey Mountains that Reiklanders have only heard of in legends and myths.

Alvar Oakleaf: Elf scout leader.

Parravonian countryside

Sir Faulton: Grail knight fighting the ork incursion. Got two squires with him. It's the second genuine grail knight Wigmar has met, and he's starting to think they really are special in some way.

Barony of Villevue/Château Descartes

Long time (8 generations) home of the noble Descartes family.

Philippe no-longer-Descartes: Oldie but goodie. Divested of all claims to his inheritance. Filthy commoners.

Desmond Descartes: Philippe's half-brother and current lord of the Descartes.

Gisele: Commoner of uncommon beauty (strawberry blonde hair is rather rare this side of the mountains) "serving" Baron Descartes. She's now on Wigmar's staff.

City of Parravon

The capital of the province by the same name. About the size of Bögenhafen (10-12000 inhabitants, approximately twice that of Übersreik).

Duke Escarot II of Parravon: Lord of Parravon.

Marquis de Salle: The Duke's right-hand man. Probably a spy.

"Baron" le Trois: Heir (not really a baron) to the le Trois legacy. Serves on the Duke's staff. Probably a spy. Wants to touch Wigmar's pistol.

Master Fabien: Elderly gentleman. Palace staff. Likes to wear colorful gowns. Probably a spy.

Val Adrie: Elf (from Athel Loren) envoy/spy to Parravon. Is convinced Thesalva is a high elf spy.

Francesca: Laetitia's spinster aunt (sister of Antigone).  Lives at the Parravonian court. Knows something about magic. Maybe or maybe not a spy. Hard to tell.

New follower

Sir Léon Fuileré: Bretonnian knight from Quenelles. His master died at the hands of Zul, and he seeks atonement (losing your liege and yet surviving is the worst sin for a true knight) in Wigmar's service.

New girls

Laetitia of Parravon: Daughter of Antigone of Parrvon (who was sister to Duke Escarot and Damsel Francesca) and a handsome peasant. Not technically a bastard since her parents were wed by some backcountry priest, she's nevertheless the result of an unwanted liaison. Has magic potential.

Wilhelmina Drücker: The spoiled (in more ways than one) Daughter of Parravonian merchant Adolphus Drücker (whose family obviously has ties back to the old country). Accompanies Wigmar in the hopes of attracting a worthy Reikland suitor. Wigmar has sworn to protect her honor against everyone but himself.

Felicia of Myrmidia: Initiate of Myrmidia. Guarded the temple in Parravon during Zul's attack. Now an officer in Wigmar's employ. Better soldier than a lover, but if you like 'em fit, she's one for you.

Yasmina of Araby: The 17th (of 54) daughter of the Great Sultan of All Araby (he's got a LOT of children). Very attractive, very exotic, very much trained in the higher arts of keeping her man happy.

Naggaroth delegation

Wigmar doesn't know how many elves* there are. Fifty or more is the best bet. They arrived aboard a three-masted full rigger coming up the Reik. The vessel is moored next to the Emperor's (not a battle) barge. How they got past Marienburg (which has a large elven population and an embassy from Ulthuan) is anybody's guess. They are here to get back the traitor witch (Theslava) elf at all costs. And establish diplomatic relations between the Empire and Naggaroth.

* In this version of Warhammer, humans consider elves to be elves. They know next to nothing about intra-elven politics and conflicts. Even if they did, humans wouldn't care.

Gonthar, Prince of Naggaroth, Ambassador to Altdorf: His name means something like "he who sleeps/plays with apes." So the post of ambassador to the apes is probably not highly sought after. He seems nice enough but is probably a total bastard (like all elves). Getting Thesalva back is only part of his mission. The other half is establishing an embassy.

Nesheea, Sorceress of the Ebony Tower: Thesalva's daughter. Seems determined to drag her mother back to Naggaroth. Wigmar plans to turn her to his course. Cuz no one can resist the Wigmar.

Even though elves are ageless, she seems younger than her mother. Hard to tell exactly how old she is. Sixty maybe? Very young for an elf to be a full-fledged sorcerer. Looks a lot like Thes. Less lean muscle and horrendous scares and more curves and flawless skin.

Aneeshka, Witch Elf of the White Heart: One of several witch elves in the group. Assigned to protect Nesheea. Half crazed berserker, half murderous assassin. All in a very enchanting package. Unlike most (all?) elves Wigmar has met, Anee has blonde, almost white, hair and blue eyes. Maybe she's a mutant?

Other NPCs

Professor Quintus Fassbinder: Respected professor of both law and Reikland history at Altdorf university. Secretly specializes in such fun fields of research as mutants and cults. Connected to the temple of Verena and Frau Dunkelberg's little inquisition.

Rand von Grünburg: Son and heir of Graf Dolph von Grünburg (Grünburg is an important trading town on the Tefuel - the same river that flows through Übersreik). His father's proxy at the 2499 Reikland Diet. Knight Griffon (of the Altdorf chapter). The Grünburg clan has had connections to the Griffons since the order's inception.

Dong (Nacht): Emmanuele's bastard half-brother. He's half-Cathayan.

Eligible bachelorettes

Fidelia Leitdorf von Averland (mentioned only): Niece of the Elector-Count of Averland. She's a bit on the young side, but that'll sort itself out. They do, however, say she's a bit too skinny to be a good child-bearer, which could be a major issue for a future Emperor. 

Veranda von Bildhofen: Second daughter of the Duke of Carroburg. She's the right age, of a fine family (rich and powerful), and is said to be very pleasant to look at. They also say she's got quite the appetite for a woman her age. Whatever that means.



GRAF Boris Todbringer [MENTIONED ONLY]: The renowned ruler of Middenland and Middenheim. From the same generation as Lutipold and von Liebwitz. A great warrior back in the day. Not so much now, apparently.

LATE WIFE Anika-Elise Nikse [MENTIONED ONLY]: Mother of the graf's 2 legitimate children. Died years ago - graf never remarried. A scion of the ruling house of Nordland.

HEIR Stefan Todbringer [MENTIONED ONLY]: The graf's sole son and heir. Said to be sickly. Many doctors have tried to cure him. His current PHYSICIAN is said to have (almost?) cured him.

"PRINCESS" Katarina Todbringer: The graf's young(ish) daughter. She's probably close to 20 now and quite attractive, so why isn't she married yet? Has a fairy-tale castle in the graf's park. Likes elves and music (probably dancing too).

BASTARD Baron Heinrich "Todbringer": The graf's unrecognized (but still ennobled) bastard son. The graf is said to have other illegitimate children as well. NASTASSIA claims she works for him.


CHANCELLOR Josef Sparsam: The Graf's prime minister. Elderly gentleman. Both too refined and a bit too frail to fit the image of an archetypical Middenlander.

CHAMBERLAIN (HAUSMEISTER) Hans Breugal: Head of the graf's household. Basically responsible for running the court.

CHAMPION Dieter Schmeidenhammer: Graf's champion. Undefeated for years. Big guy. Surprisingly social and friendly. Engaged to one of the LADIES AT COURT.

MINSTREL Rallane Lafarel: The court minstrel. An easy-going sort. Has been very helpful. Doesn't seem to care much about the "sea elves" - what matters is that they are elves.

MASTER OF THE HUNT Allavandrel Fanmaris [MENTIONED ONLY]: An elf.

PHYSICIAN Luigi Pavarotti [MENTIONED ONLY]: Stean Todbringer's personal physician. Judging by the name, he's probably a Tilean.

CHAPERONE Hildegarde Zimperich: Old hag. Follows the "Princess" at all times.

PARAMOUR Emmanuelle Schlagen [MENTIONED ONLY]: Very attractive. Tall, slender yet curvaceous, ash-blonde. In her late 20s. Officially a "lady at court" but in reality the Graf's mistress. Formerly the Ar-Ulric's mistress (according to SPYMASTER Nastassia).


Kirsten Jung: Lady at court. Engaged with Dieter.

Petra Liebkosen [MENTIONED ONLY]: Lady at court.

Natasha Sinnlich [MENTIONED ONLY]: Lady at court.


AR-ULRICH Jarrick Valgeir [MENTIONED ONLY]: High priest of Ulric. Supposedly had an affair with the PARAMOUR.

GRAND MASTER Emil Valgeir: Commands the Knights of the White Wolf

ETERNAL KNIGHT Siegfried Punkvoll [MENTIONED ONLY]: The honorary guardian of the Eternal Flame.

Isolde Begegnen: Shallya


HIGH WIZARD Albrecht Helsher: Leader of the Grand Guild of Wizards. Just wants to be left alone with his magical work.

DEPUTY Janna Eberhauer: His second-in-command. A no-nonsense lady who looks down on non-mages.




MARSHAL Maximillian von Genscher [MENTIONED ONLY]


Reiner Ehrlich [MENTIONED ONLY]: Supposedly (according to Nastassia) proposed both the Dwarf tax and the Scroll tax.

Joachim Hoflich [MENTIONED ONLY]: Another law lord.

Karl-Heinz Wasmeier [MENTIONED ONLY]: Another law lord.


Middenheim is home to several influential Councils (Commissions) and powerful guilds (the Dwarven engineering guild, the merchant guild, and the wizard guild are the most prominent).

Gotthard von Wittgenstein/Gerd Walleinstein: Last scion of the Wittgenstein clan. Lives in Middenheim under the name Gerd Wallenstein, a mid-level (human) official of the Commission of Dwarf/Elf/Halfling affairs. Currently out of town. 

Anders Mann: Chairman of the City Commission on Commerce, Trade, and Taxation. Also the leader of the Merchants’ Guild.


FIXER Sascha Rothbert: Works for the Low King called "the Man" (Middenheim's underworld bosses). Has been extraordinarily helpful both with costumes and information.

SPYMASTER Nastassia: Knows a lot about the ruling class and what's going on. Provided info about the AR-ULRIC and the graf's PARAMOUR. Works for the Todbringers, but specifically for the BASTARD, Heinrich Todbringer.


TROLL SLAYER Glugnur: Fellow pit fighter. Had come to die fighting minotaurs but now works for Wigmar.


CAPTAIN Scharlach: Purple Hand. A "public" contact. Asking for the good captain in will draw the attention of the cult. Scharlack is in hiding but alive.

JEWELLER Joachim Bitterfeld: Purple Hand, Magister. Has a deaf-mute "wife" that helps him in the shop and at home.


Boris X Todbringer: Elector-Count. Lord of Middenheim and Middenland. De-facto ruler of Nordland. In his 50s (same generation as the Emperor and von Liebwitz). Married twice, plenty of mistresses and dalliances. Could very well have more children than those known.

(Maria von Richthoven): Boris' first wife. Died in childbirth with Stefan.

(Annike-Elise Nikse): Boris' second wife. Died young in 2498. No children. Niece of Baron Werner Nikse of Nordland. Claimed to be a Slaaneshi cultist (no proof, but she may have been associated with von Wittgenstein, which would warrant some questioning if she was alive). 

Stefan Todbringer (b. 2470): Boris' oldest son and heir. Around 30 y/o at present. Sickly and sometimes simple-minded, but has improved somewhat under Doctor Luigi Pavarotti's care.

Katarina Todbringer (b. 2479): Boris' second (recognized) child. Born out of wedlock to an unnamed lady at court but raised as Boris' own from an early age. Often called the Princess of Middenheim. Engaged to Wigmar. Future Princess of Nordland. 

Baron Heinrich "Todbringer" (b. 2470): Widely assumed to be Boris' illegitimate son. Why else would he be given the title of Baron? He has no right to the family name, however, as he is not formally recognized. A fine warrior with experience fighting greenskins in the Middle Mountains, Skaven, and now also Chaos. He may (or may not) be the oldest child of Boris, born out of wedlock right before Stefan, depending on what sources you believe.

Uther: Venerable Knight of the White Wolf. Accompanies Wigmar to Nordland.

Baron Emil Kärzburdgers Responsible for maintaining and manning the Brass Keep wall and the picket. Considerable gunpowder production (sells to both Middenland and Hochland). Very impressive - and very red - beard.

Emilline Kärzburdger: Baron Emil's twn sister. Quite attractive - if you like gingers.



Baron Werner von Nikse: Cheerful and sociable man in his 40s. Uncle of Annike-Elise Nikse. Married for the 5th(?) time to a very young lady. The last in a long line of "Princes" from House Nikse to rule Nordland in the name of the Todbringers. Rather gracefully stepped down from his position to become Wigmar's Chancellor.

Dowager Baroness Ingrid Gausser (the elder): The matriarch of the Gausser family. Quite elderly but energetic. One of the few who can credibly trace her lineage back to the Jutones tribe (almost all nobles claim descent from the old tribes, but few have proof as good as this). Despite this, the Gaussers have been a marginalized House during the 2209-2500 Nikse era. Ingrid and her late husband (and later her son) have done much to reverse the Gausser fortunes, to the point where they are quite wealthy and well-connected both inside and outside of Nordland.

Baron Theoderic Gausser: The current Lord Gausser. Son of Ingrid. Spends much of his time outside Nordland.

Ostwind Gausser: Theoderic's son and heir. Apparently, the man is a fine sea captain that was ventured the width and breadth of the world. As such, he's rarely at home.

Ingrid Gausser (the younger): Theoderic's daughter/Ostwind's sister. Lady in waiting for Katerina. One of the most attractive young noblewomen in the Empire.

Baron(ett) Goderic Tant "von Beeckerhoven": Self-proclaimed lord of Beeckerhoven. Tries to pass as a Reiklander, but is probably from the hill country of southern Averland or Stirland. Rode to war with Wigmar. Missing a few fingers after Brass Keep.


Magister Sabine Flamius: Magister extraordinaire. Originally a gold wizard, this weird lady has an interest in heavenly phenomena, including the Chaos moon. The only wizard of note in Salzenmund.

Wolf Lord Erich Granholm: High Priest of Ulric.

Wave Lord Otto Sider: High Priest of Mannan. Currently on a journey to Norsca. Mentioned only.

Wave Rider Aelfric Kalt: Acting High Priest of Mannan.

Lector Germund Vorstell: High Priest of Sigmar. A Southerner that tries to apply Southern logic to Northern peoples. Sigmar's temple hasn't really grown much on his watch.

Agata von Durch: High Priestess of Shallya. 


Burgomeister Maximilian "Max" von Kirscheschlage: Mayor of Salzenmund.

Herr Antal von Rammel: The Silversmiths' Guild representative to the City Council. Which probably makes him the most powerful person in Salzenmund. 

Captain Sigrid Neiding: Commander of the Salzenmund Greatswords and Protector of the Crimson Gate. Owner of an eye patch. Quite fierce. Not corrupt, just dedicated to her job of collecting coins.

Grandmaster Artur von Pretzer: Leader of the Knights of the North Star, the only local order of (secular) knights. Their primary sponsors include the Silversmith's Guild and House Gausser.


Piotr Wagner: A peddler of mixed ancestry. Now a trader and spy for Wigmar in Salzenmund.

Ulli Jenk: An engineer encountered in Südtor. Well schooled in Altdorf, but too young to be very experienced. Recruited into Wigmar's service. If he can build a stone arc bridge, maybe he can build the largest canal project in Empire history?

Sister Superior Frobel: Head of the Adler Academy of Fine Learning. Mentioned only.

Sister Tennetz: Senior teacher at the academy and "envoy" to the new Prince.

Chancellor Otto Krogh: Headmaster of the University. Mentioned only.

Professor Stefan Elledan: A teacher at the Salzenmund University and "envoy" to Wigmar.

Dag Olhauser: Upstanding Salzenmund trader (and perhaps sometimes smuggler) in his 50s. A staunch supporter of Ulric's temple.

Khulnan: Male wood elf. Leader of the band of "wild" elves that kidnapped Rallane. Currently accompanies Wigmar.

Uysha: Female wood elf. A devotee of Atharti, the dark elven goddess of lust and revelry (totally not Slaanesh). With Wigmar.


Naggaroth, the "Land of Chill," is the bleak and forbidding northern continent of the New World. It is the land of the Dark Elves and as unforgiving as the people who have claimed it as their home. It is a land of rocky mountains, dark woods, and fast-flowing, icy rivers amidst which the black towers of the Dark Elf city-states stand defiant.

Malekith: The Witch King

Morathi: The Witch King's mother.

Naggaroth characters


Averland characters




YVRESSE characters

Aliathra: The Everchild

Alarielle: The Everqueen

Finubar: The Phoenix King

Tyrion: Teclis' brother. Possibly the father over the Everchild.

Teclis: The High Mage


Mulek ibn-Aharat al-Aswara, Emir of Al-Adiz: Ruler of the city and the surrounding lands. 

Akul the Bull, Harbor Master of the Third Port of Al-Adiz: This obese man oversees the third harbor reserved for foreign traders (the first port is military, the second for true believers).

Muthmet the Black, Captain of the Guard: A towering figure, his dark skin betrays his Southern origins. 

Hakim ibn-Alim al-Hakk, Master of the Emporium of Heavenly Delights: This darkly handsome man in his late 40s or early 50s is the primary owner and chief operator of one of the dozen or so major merchant companies in Al-Adiz.

Sekhmet: The illegitimate daughter of Hakim. 

Nafira: Curvaceous slave girl. Tribal origins.

Bastheth: Local minor "goddess" that dwells in a magic cave near Al-Adiz.

Nadia: Voice of Bastheth. Recently promoted.

Al-Adiz characters

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