
My name is Zul. How do you do?


Priest of the Drinker: Nameless priest of Ahalt the Drinker. Used a magical ritual to empower himself. Destroyed among the peaks of the Five Sisters, deep in the Drakwald.


Kastor Alois Liberung: Magister Impedementae (Master of procurement, meaning he was in charge of ritual supplies, including human sacrifices) of the Purple Hand in Nuln. Kidnapped the wrong people and had to flee to Middenheim. Lurde to Bögenhafen by Adolphus (working for Nacht). Killed by mutants when his coach was ambushed by mutants near Neue Etzel (still counts as a kill). Looked a LOT like Wigmar and members of the cult still seem to think he's alive and on the run.

Captain Scharlach: A named cultist in Middenheim.

Karl-Heinz Wassmeier: Former Law Lord of Middenheim. His burning carriage careened over the end of the eastern causeway and was smashed to bits at the foot of the mountain. RIP.


Etelka Hertzen: Named member of the Cult of the Red Crown, based near Grissenwald (a small trading town downriver from Nuln). From there, she assisted her friend Councillor Franz Steinhäger with his plans to influence Bögenhafen through sorcery. It seems likely she came into contact with the late Steinhäger through Councillor Johannes Teugen, who studied alongside Hertzen in Nuln. Gave herself up in return for the (already stolen) warpstone beneath. RIP. She's now some sort of ghost/daemon/angel/guardian. She seems to be helping Wigmar but doesn't communicate, and it's hard to understand her motives.

Ernst Heidelmann: Her apprentice. First encountered on the road prior to finding Kastor. RIP: Killed during the battle of Castle Wittgenstein.

Ordo Septenarius (Bögenhafen)

It's unclear if the members of the Ordo's inner circle (Steinhäger, Teugen, Magirius, and so forth) were actually members of the Red Crown or merely associated with them through Etelka Herzen.


Another cult that was mentioned by a Red Crown cultist. No names. Possible links to Middenheim and the Purple Hand.

Annika-Elise Nikse: Todbringer's second late wife. Rumored to be a cultist. RIP: Died of illness before the start of the campaign.

von Wittgenstein: The last scion of the House of Wittgenstein escaped Middenheim with some sort of jade scepter he was working on. His current whereabouts are unknown.

ZUL "the Mighty"

Sorcerer of unknown origin (possibly a Kislevite). Controls the Crystal of Earth. Is seeking additional crystals. Commands a horde of greenskins (including an unexpectedly large number of black orcs), beastmen, humans, and others.

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