

Companions are typically powerful enough to go adventuring with Wigmar without getting insta-killed or being useless. Upon becoming a companion, an NPC gets 1 Fate point and can earn more if they are with Wigmar during key events. They can also use up their Fate points, at which point they are still companions but could end up dead. There is oc no way to tell how many, if any, Fate points an NPC has.

Companions gain XP as Wigmar advances, but at a considerably slower pace. The key to advancing companions is to delve deeper into their pasts and personalities, helping them accomplish their main goals and milestones.

Companions are loyal but have their own agendas and motivations. If they are ignored (or outright opposed), they might leave, either permanently or for a time. Some companions won't get along and might end up fighting each other, leaving, or making everyone miserable.

It's possible to collect multiple companions (a harem of companions if you will), but Wigmar can't have more than 2 with him at any time (the absolute maximum is 3 for major showdowns and such). This limit is in place to make the GM's life better and to avoid taking up too much of Wigmar's time in the spotlight.

Thesalva: Sea-elf warrior-princess (Wigmar made part of that up). Follows Wigmar around and kills people and monsters who try to murder him. Rarely sleeps and sees very well in the dark. There are none quite like her, so she's quite priceless. There are some other elves looking for her. Speaking more and more Reikspiel.

U1: Thesalva is neither princess nor sea-elf. She's a witch-elf of Naggaroth, one of Khaine's blood-crazed murderers. Wanting no further part of the endless violence, she fled, ending up in the Empire, where she was captured by wood elves. Wigmar probably saved her from being sent to Ulthuan. She has a daughter who is trained as a sorceress.

U2: Thesalva remains Wigmar's closest and most loyal (and best-looking) companion. She's been feeding him very small doses of poison with his meals and wine for months now to fortify his constitution. Of late, she's been more reluctant to kill. Unless they're cultists. All followers of the Dark Gods must die.

U3: With the arrival of the Naggaroth delegation and her daughter, the sorceress Nesheea, Thesalva has distanced herself a bit from Wigmar. Curiously, she seems to have become quite comfortable around the other companions, especially Anna and Ulfberth. So maybe she doesn't despise them quite so much anymore?

U4: Thesalva went to Norsca with Ulfberth and Anna in search of the (true) Eternal Flame of Ulric. They found the flame, but Thesalva was lost. Wigmar is convinced she's still alive. Ulfberth thinks she's dead - but still wants to go back and look for her.

U5: After parting ways with Anna and Ulfberth, Thesalva kept walking north, crossing the ice on the Sea of Chaos in winter and entering into the Chaos Wastes. She was carried away from that dreadful place by Seraphon, the Witch King's dragon.

U6: Thesalva has taken it upon herself to guard Ankh from danger (and himself) while he resides in the Old Lands.

Ulfberth: Norscan-turned-mercenary. Big guy. Blond, turning to grey. Steely-eyed. Fierce. Drinks too much. Gets captured a lot. On the plus side, he seems entirely fearless and undaunted by the prospect of injury or death. Armed with a sword, a big bearded axe, various knives - and a blunderbuss. Annoy him at your peril.

U1: Ulfberth was a jarl (chieftain) and reaver captain back in the day until he went berserk and slaughtered his entire clan, his own family included. He left Norcsa in shame, ending up as a drunken merc in the Empire. He's also a werewolf, a sort of shapeshifter. Of late, he's better able to control this transformation and, as a result, doesn't drink as heavily.

U2: Ulberth now works for Wigmar as a captain of guards. He seems to have settled into this new role. He's also got half a share in the Blue Oyster, a fine establishment in Übersreik where fine women serve fine wines to fine gentlemen. There is still no woman in his life though he's developed some sort of friendship with Thesalva. The two sometimes talk about taking a longship north, first to Norsca and then on to Naggaroth.

U3: Ulfberth has been kept busy by his many new military and lordly obligations, now also including marriage. Good for him, or he might have felt left out in the cold, with all these elves and wizardly women hugging Wigmar's time and attention.

U4: Ulfberth has returned from Norsca with the Flame. Carrying the Flame has clearly affected him, but it's hard to say how things will play out. He is a Knight of the Inner Circle (White Wolf) now. His maritime experience will need to be put to the test - he's the only person close to Wigmar with any knowledge of the sea.


Anna de Vedenza (Anita Pflaster), Amethyst Wizard (ex-Necromancer): A doctor and professor of theology (pre-Empire religious practices in the Reikland) at Altdorf University. Wanted for questioning. Charges of necromancy. She's got a talkative mouth and some strange opinions regarding women and their place in the world. Anna's father is a Tilean from the city of Vedenza, and she'd inherited his dark southern looks and her mother's beauty.  Sergeant Pflaster's sister.

U1: Changed her name and left her old life behind to travel the world with Wigmar.

U2: Currently apprenticed to Herr Halmstadt, but he has suggested sending her to Altdorf to be trained, as her talents seem to run towards the Lore of Death. 

U3: Formally an Amethyst wizard. Hangs around in Liberungen most of the time. Accompanied Thesalva when she went looking for the "ghost" of Isolde.

U4: Became a companion during her trip to Norsca. Seems to have found Ulric. She is now friendly with Ulfberth (Wigmar didn't see that one coming).

Annika Müller, Celestial Wizard (ex-Witch): The miller's wife from Unfer. Really, a witch or hedge wizard of some kind. Doesn't know Magick, so she is clearly not a trained practitioner. Will not (or can not) cast any spell but can brew potions and craft charms. This blonde bombshell expects feather beds and attention. 

U1: Technically still married to Unfer's miller, but didn't say no when Wigmar asked her to accompany him.

U2: Currently apprenticed to Fraülein Nacht. 

U3: Became a companion after being redeemed. Apprenticed to the sorceress Aneeshka.

U4: Has stepped up to become a more independent character, beholden to no master. Wigmar's primary court wizard/traveling companion. 


Ankh-Akh: Self-proclaimed priest of Ankh-Akh, a forgotten sun deity from southern lands, he's taken the name of his god as his own. Easily the largest person Wigmar has ever met. Maybe he's a half-ogre?

U1: Ankh-Akh has recently assumed a more active role in Wigmar's retinue. He has real power, strong enough to turn night into day, stop vile magic, and burn daemons of Chaos. Came to the Empire as a young man after being taken prisoner by the Knights Panther during a raid on Araby, where he was living as a slave. Possibly the last priest of Ankh-Akh and the last living Nehekharan.

U2: Ankh-Akh has developed a heart condition. Something to do with his abnormal size. He could die at any time if he exerts himself unduly. Ankh is undaunted, discussing more openly now the worship of the sun god. He also claims that his death isn't the end; he'll continue to walk among men but in another guise.

U3: Ankh is dead (it turns out his form was possessed by a daemon following the events at Castle Wittgenstein). But he has returned in the form of a Bretonnian baker's boy. Ankh no longer counts as a companion.


Followers are typically less powerful and less loyal than companions. They can be very skilled within their field of experience and might be decent adventuring companions. They do not, however, have that little extra something (and never have Fate Points). There is no upper limit to the number of followers, but there is a practical limit to how many can be in the limelight at any given time.

Glugnur, Troll Slayer: Recruited in Middenheim. Has fought alongside Wigmar both in the Underdark and against daemons. Gifted with a rune axe. Rides on top of carriages, never inside.

U1: Fought the skaven. Nearly died.

U2: Fought a daemon. Nearly died. Got a rune axe. 

Nesheea, Sorceress of the Ebony Tower: Thesalva's daughter. She is determined to drag her mother back to Naggaroth but has been ordered not to. 

U1: Wigmar tries to turn her to his cause, but her true loyalties are uncertain. She's definitely not loyal to the Naggaroth ambassador. And definitely not to Wigmar (though she does pretend to). It may be she's only loyal to herself. Yeah, that's probably it.

U2: Nesheea despises humans (except possibly Wigmar), abhors the Empire, and thinks the wizards of the Colleges are the dumbest excuses for magic users she's ever had the misfortune to meet. But more than anything, she hates her mother for running away and effectively exiling her (curiously, she doesn't seem to blame Wigmar, whose fault it really is for making a deal with the Witch King).

Aneeshka, Witch Elf of the White Heart: Nesheea's bodyguard. Half crazed berserker, half murderous assassin. All in a very enchanting package. Unlike most elves Wigmar has met, Anee has blonde, almost white, hair and blue eyes. 

U1: Aneeshka is a simpler (and colder) soul than Thesalva. She's determined to fulfill her mission; drag Thesalva back to Naggaroth or kill her if she can't be brought "home."

U2: While it's hard to be certain with these crazy elves, Wigmar thinks Anee has become rather fond of her new life in human lands, far from the cruelties of Naggaroth. Is she going soft?

Emmanuel Giscard: Grail Knight visiting the Etzelhaus. Helped defeat the Priest of the Drinker. 

U1: Freed from captivity. Steward of Etzel-Drakzen.


The followers listed below this point are not necessarily less competent or powerful; they just don't feature as often:

Khulnan: Male wood elf. Leader of the band of "wild" elves that kidnapped Rallane. Currently accompanies Wigmar.

Uysha: Female wood elf. A devotee of Atharti, the dark elven goddess of lust and revelry (totally not Slaanesh). With Wigmar.

Shif Doppler: Former lieutenant of the von Wittgenstein household guard. Horrid burn scars on his face. Completely fearless and heartless (probably a result of too much time serving such a corrupt family). Captain of infantry. Colonel of the 1st regiment.

Brunda: Dwarven lady/smith/warrior. Mother ran away. Father drank a lot and hanged himself in the end. Head of the Schrabwald dwarf ghetto. An important figure in the Liberungen village. Persuaded to come north and take on more important positions.

Fritz von Geralt: Young priest of Sigmar. Anointed but lacking a parish. From Averland. More zeal than wits. The von Liberungen household priest (and also the only priest in the village). He's accepted the worship of Soll - he thinks it quant and unnecessary, but it is not contrary to his Sigmarite beliefs, and Wigmar is such an upstanding defender of the faith, isn't he.

Sturm Blackaxe: Dwarf adventurer encountered in Nuln. The only city dwarf to respond to Wigmar's call to arms (prior to the Skaven reveal). One of few dwarf warriors in Wigmar's employ - most of the rest can fight in a pinch but aren't true fighters.

Gort of Ostland: Mercenary recruited in Nuln. From Ostland. Promoted to sergeant by Wigmar on account of his resourcefulness and willingness to stick his own neck out.

Felicia of Myrmidia: Initiate of Myrmidia. Guarded the temple in Parravon during Zul's attack. Now an officer in Wigmar's employ. Better soldier than a lover, but if you like 'em fit, she's one for you. Serves as a colonel of cavalry.

Golthog: An ogre mercenary. Recruited in Middenheim, where he had just returned from service in Ostland.

Sir Léon Fuileré: Bretonnian knight from Quenelles. His master died at the hands of Zul, and he seeks atonement (losing your liege and yet surviving is the worst sin for a true knight) in Wigmar's service.

Laetitia of Parravon: Daughter of Antigone of Parrvon (who was sister to Duke Escarot and Damsel Francesca) and a handsome peasant. Not technically a bastard since her parents were wed by some backcountry priest, she's nevertheless the result of an unwanted liaison. Has magic potential.

Yasmina of Araby: The 17th (of 54) daughter of the Great Sultan of All Araby (he's got a LOT of children). Very attractive, very exotic, very much trained in the higher arts of keeping her man happy.


Janna: Lady Isolde's maid. She's much too young and naive to be out in the big world. Fortunately (?) Thesalva is teaching her to take care of herself (read: stab people and shoot them with arrows). Murdered by cultists in Bögenhafen.

Marie Schutz: Lady Isolde's bodyguard. Big, burly woman. Very protective of her charge. Such loyalty is very rare, especially since Isolde has no coin or future prospects beyond running away from her father and prospective husband. Possessed by a shadow (evil spirit) in Bögenhafen; had to put her down.

Sigrid Stein: Former chief of the outlaw band that formed in opposition to the corrupt rule of the Wittgenstein family. She's a skilled scout and leader. Good shot. Sergeant of pistoliers. Often accompanies Wigmar. Killed in combat with a Champion of Tzeentech.


Philippe Descartes: Bretonnian. Former soldier turned gambler. He's not told why he left his former career behind nor why he chose to stay in the Empire rather than his homeland. Currently in Bretonnia to "pursue his birthright." Stole a bunch of Josef/Wigmar's money. Which is bad enough but Philippe clearly expects to die trying to claim his "rightful title" making it a poor investment. Not a very popular man at the moment. Though it does seem that time has made some of Wigmar's anger fade. "He's still one of us," or words to that effect have been uttered.

Lady Isolde von Strudeldrof: This young noble lady with strawberry blonde hair ran away from home to seek fame in Altdorf. Quite an accomplished musician and singer. If she had a rich and powerful patron she could actually make it. Strudeldorf is a village not far from Delbren (that's the Duchy east of Etzel-Drakzen). Currently married to Wigmar. Gave birth to Wigmar's trueborn twins. Ran away (faked her death). Resides in Kemperbad.

Emmaretta: Red-haired ranger from the Hägercrybs (hill country). Affinity with cats. Should by now have given birth to Wigmar's bastard child. Ran away. Whereabouts unknown.

Josef Quartjin (Heck)One of Wigmar's brothers who was adopted by another family following the death of their parents. The first mate of the Berebeli, an independent river trader. Currently the captain of the Lady Janna, the new barge co-owned by Wigmar. Currently an important figure in Adler of Übersreik.

Wilhelmina Drücker: The spoiled (in more ways than one) Daughter of Parravonian merchant Adolphus Drücker (whose family obviously has ties back to the old country). Accompanies Wigmar in the hopes of attracting a worthy Reikland suitor. Wigmar has sworn to protect her honor against everyone but himself. Married to Josef; important figure in Adler.


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