
The EMPIRE is the greatest nation in the OLD WORLD. Blessed by its patron god SIGMAR and protected by the stalwart armies of EMPEROR LUITPOLD and the ELECTOR COUNTS, no enemy has dared set foot within the Empire's heartlands since MAGNUS THE PIOUS defeated the LEGIONS OF CHAOS two centuries ago.

Trade flows freely along the RIVER REIK and its tributaries, connecting every part of the Empire to the great seaport of MARIENBURG and beyond, swelling the coffers of merchants and nobles alike. The rich and the privileged use this time of peace to plot and feud amongst themselves, seeking ever greater riches and more power.

The common folk flock to the growing towns, particularly the great cities of ALTDORF, NULN, MIDDENHEIM, and TALABHEIM. Or they strike out to claim new lands from the vast forests, lonely moors, and hilly hinterlands that make up the Empire's frontiers—anything to get away from life under the thumb of the old nobility.

The old enemies have faded from memory, becoming scarce more than legends. GREENSKINS sometimes raid across the borders, and BEASTMEN still lurk in the dark places, but they are nuisances, not existential threats. The NORSCANS are more likely to trade than to burn and pillage. The SKAVEN, the vile rat-men, have not been seen in half a millennium—they are fit only to scare disobedient children. Even the LOST AND THE DAMNED seem to avoid the lands of the Empire.

It is a wonderful time to live. Best enjoy yourself while you can. The good things in life never last. Before you know it, your false sense of safety and contentment will be swept aside, replaced by a STORM OF SHADOWS long in the making...

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