

Navy of Nordland

Main ports: Neue Liberungen

Other ports of importance: Norden (improvements underway), Barboza (captured pirate port in Estalia), Al-Adiz (a trading city on the northeastern coast of Araby)

Ships of the fleet

Seawolf (Wolfship, inherited): Captain Hartmann

Stormwolf (Wolfship, inherited): Captain Erhardt

Werewolf (Wolfship, inherited): Captain Steingrimr

Carrack, purchased used

Carrack, purchased used

Carrack, purchased used, presumed lost at sea winter of 2501/02

Dawn Eagle (Frigate-Carrack, c. 2501): Captain Heinrich aus Emskrank

Sea Eagle (Frigate-Carrack, c. 2501)

Bright Eagle (Frigate-Carrack, c. 2501)

Nordland (Razeed Greatship, building in Dietershafen)

Salzenmund (Razeed Greatship, building in Dietershafen)

Prinzessin Katrina (Razeed Galleon, building in Bretonnia)

Hawk 1 (Frigate-Carrack, building)

Hawk 2 (Frigate-Carrack, building)

Hawk 3 (Frigate-Carrack, building)

Support ships

Cog, purchased used in Marienburg

Cog, built in Salzenmund

Cog, built in Salzenmund

Cog, built in Salzenmund, presumed lost at sea in the winter of 2501/02

Spirit of Mannan (Bretonnian Galleon, former plague ship purified by the light): Captain Vincenza de Barboza

Princess of Barboza (Caravel, Vincenza's ship, taken a prize off the Nordland coast)

The following ships were captured in Barboza:

Light of Ankh (Bretonnian Galleon, formerly Chaos Moon)

Great Carrack

Ulthuan scout catamaran

Tilean Galleass: 3-masted galleass w/massive mortar

Tilean Galley: 2-masted gun galley

Tilean Galley: 2-masted gun galley

Estalian Caravel (Cog equivalent)

Estalian Caravel (Cog equivalent)

Estalian Caravel (Cog equivalent)

Estalian Caravel (Cog equivalent)

Arabyan Dhow (Cog equivalent)

Arabyan Dhow (Cog equivalent)

Arabyan Dhow (Cog equivalent)

Other ships

Some captured Norscan warships are used for coastal work.

Allied Nagarothi vessels


4 Wolfships (Baron Köhler): 

12 Greatships (2nd Imperial Fleet): Some complete and outfitting, some building. 2 slipways given over to Wigmar's ships (partially out of the Baron's great love for his liege but also bc he has trouble sourcing enough guns and other naval supplies to actually outfit all hulls).

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