Friday, July 2, 2021

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 19 (Home, sweet home)


29 Sommerzeit

After a night of song, dance - and too much strigany brew - I woke up earlier than I should have. I went into the woods to have a good piss and there he was, Hugg the goblin, Master Halmstad's servant, waiting for me in the misty morning woods.

The master was concerned, he said. We'd been gone a long time. Maybe we were lost and needed a guide to get back home? We were technically a bit lost but the strigany knew where we were and had promised to take us back home. But they had said weeks or more and Hugg said he knew a shortcut or two. 

And what a shortcut it was. Scarcely a day and we came over a ridge and saw the wizard's tower, just as we had left it.

We talked a bit about this and that. The prince. The stone. And more. I invited my good friend to the wedding but he declined, claiming not to care much for city life. I also got the impression he didn't want to meet Fräulein Nacht. He did, however, again promise to come and visit. I think Jürgen can do great things for my garden and my fields. 

Oh, and I gave him the stone. I had thought a lot about whether to keep it or not, but no. A baronet doesn't keep such gems. It would attract unwanted attention. From dwarfs and thieves and others. And besides, it's definitely magical. I don't need Ulfberths hairs to stand to know that. Just holding it, looking at it, is enough to know it's not a natural thing. Didn't know that dwarfs were magicians. I must ask Jürgen about that when he visits.

30 Sommerzeit

The next morning we set out for home. I cannot wait to see my lands and my darling wife again. I wonder how much work has been done. Hopefully a lot. But knowing how things work, I'll probably be disappointed. But no matter, I'll set things straight in no order.

Only a month left until the wedding. I wonder if I should send out invitations to special guests. Or is it too late?