Friday, September 30, 2022

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 50 (Everything is capital, just capital)


17 Brauzeit 2449, Altdorf

It's been twelve days since I last had time to write in my journal. Twelve most momentous days. How do I put these things in writing? I scarcely know where to begin... chronologically would take too long and be too detailed. Better if I break it down. Let's start with the least things first.

I've claimed the Nacht family's old house near the northern wall. At first, I was a little disappointed by the location, far removed from anything important, but it is actually a blessing. Out of sight, out of mind. Near the wall and one of the main gates. This will be good for business. There is also a ship, a fast three-master, normally anchored in Marienburg, but it's currently on the other side of the world.

The building came with Nacht's half-Cathayan half-brother, Dong. He seemed like a nice chap, so I let him stay. Hired a handful of servants and left a squad of loyal veterans to guard the premises. They are no longer fit for battle, but they can still guard my property.

Took my seat in the Reikland Diet, and, dare say, acquitted myself well. I'm squarely in the pro-Emperor camp, I would say, without having declared anything openly. There are probably those who detest me out of principle, but overall I would say I avoided making any outright enemies. My grandfather, Old Baronett von Liberungen, would have been proud of me.

There was time for some social activities as well. All politics and work would make Wigmar a dull boy. I was reunited with my ladies. Von Liebwitz (ever youthfully and playful) is always fun to be around. Von Tasseninck is in town, too (he seems mostly recovered from his ordeals). Met my dear Mother, Bova von Dunkelberg again. Got acquainted with Rand von Grünburg, heir to the Grünburg fief and a fellow Knight Griffon.

Speaking of Bova, there was an incident up at the University. Went there with Ulfberth to speak with Professor Quintus Fassbinder, another Verenan, and a scholar of cults and mutations. Ended up uncovering a cult dedicated to carnal pleasures worming its way into the student ranks. Names were offered, and the investigation led all the way to the top. The rot was cut from the flesh with minimal damage to the host. Bova was most pleased - she likes it when the real culprits are found and dealt with, with a minimum of collateral and no public outcry.

But there are more... more elves, to be precise. Nesheea, Thesalva's daughter, is here, in Altdorf. She did get Nacht's sending... and promptly alerted her superiors. They had thought Thes dead, but now that they know she's alive, they've sent an entire delegation to the Empire to bring her back. Maybe that sending wasn't the smartest thing we've done... but done is done, and we'll have to make the best of it.

For now, the elven prince Gonthar has established an embassy here in Altdorf. The first of its kind. I'm sure it'll piss off the High Elves, but that's not my problem. Nesheea and her minder Aneeshka will go with me to Middenheim to find Thesalva. They say they will bring her back - or kill her - but we'll see. I'm sure it'll work out well for everyone. If not... these elves of Naggaroth are no more bullet-proof than wood elves.

I've met the Crown Prince, Karl-Franz, on several occasions now. At the diet, of course, and at the elves' reception, but also personally at the theatre and out hunting. He seems a clear-headed young man, free of taint as far as we can tell. Most reassuring. His sister Isabella, the Princess, I have also met. She was injured in the head when young and always wears a veil. That story checks out. Ankh has checked. The Specials Act is still damn foolish, but at least the emperor's children are not mutants!

This leads to my meeting with Emperor Lutipod, long may he reign. I was summoned into his presence and was given a private audience. He even dismissed his personal guards to speak with me privately. He has taken notice of me and my career. I sensed approval, but he had one demand: that Von Liebwitz stops taking the longevity potions. He called it unnatural and an affront to the gods. I agreed, of course, and my dear Countess is off the hook. I did not mention my own potion-taking...

The Emperor requests and commands that I go to Middenheim to investigate. There is talk of sedition, heresy, and even rebellion. Bova must have whispered into his ear, for he seemed very well pleased with my ability to find the rot, deal with it, and not cause a ruckus. I will, of course, do as my Emperor commands. With the master of the Empire as my patron, there will be no stopping my rise.

But first, I must go south again. Kommandant Hird came up from Meissen with grave tidings. There is unrest down in Wissenland, and I must immediately escort von Liebwitz south so that she can settle matters. Then I will travel to Middenheim.

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Priests of Ankh-Akh (special rules)


Priests of Ankh-Akh can learn multiple lores, each one representing an aspect of the great elder god that is the Ankh and the Akh. The great Nekharans cared nothing for the colleges and colors instituted by the elves to help lesser men master a fraction of magic.

The first lore is chosen (for free) when the character becomes a Priest (e.g. when they gain a magic rating of 1). Subsequent lores can be purchased when the priest's magic rating increases for the cost of 200, 300, and 400 XP, respectively.

The following lores can be chosen for a priest of Ankh: Light and Heaven (for Ankh), Death and Shadow (for Akh).

Note: The only way for a priest to learn the final lore (e.g. have a magic rating of 4) is to take the full wizard career - or to be chosen by Ank-Akh as the vessel of their divinity.

Initiate: No magic rating

Priest: MR 1 + 1 wizard lore (free)

Anointed Priest: MR 2  + 1 wizard lore (200 XP)

High Priest: MR 3  + 1 wizard lore (300 XP)