Monday, September 25, 2023

Characters of Nordland and Middenland



Boris X Todbringer: Elector-Count. Lord of Middenheim and Middenland. De-facto ruler of Nordland. In his 50s (same generation as the Emperor and von Liebwitz). Married twice, plenty of mistresses and dalliances. Could very well have more children than those known.

(Maria von Richthoven): Boris' first wife. Died in childbirth with Stefan.

(Annike-Elise Nikse): Boris' second wife. Died young in 2498. No children. Niece of Baron Werner Nikse of Nordland. Claimed to be a Slaaneshi cultist (no proof, but she may have been associated with von Wittgenstein, which would warrant some questioning if she was alive). 

Stefan Todbringer (b. 2470): Boris' oldest son and heir. Around 30 y/o at present. Sickly and sometimes simple-minded, but has improved somewhat under Doctor Luigi Pavarotti's care.

Katarina Todbringer (b. 2479): Boris' second (recognized) child. Born out of wedlock to an unnamed lady at court but raised as Boris' own from an early age. Often called the Princess of Middenheim. Engaged to Wigmar. Future Princess of Nordland. 

Baron Heinrich "Todbringer" (b. 2470): Widely assumed to be Boris' illegitimate son. Why else would he be given the title of Baron? He has no right to the family name, however, as he is not formally recognized. A fine warrior with experience fighting greenskins in the Middle Mountains, Skaven, and now also Chaos. He may (or may not) be the oldest child of Boris, born out of wedlock right before Stefan, depending on what sources you believe.

Uther: Venerable Knight of the White Wolf. Accompanies Wigmar to Nordland.

Baron Emil Kärzburdgers Responsible for maintaining and manning the Brass Keep wall and the picket. Considerable gunpowder production (sells to both Middenland and Hochland). Very impressive - and very red - beard.

Emilline Kärzburdger: Baron Emil's twn sister. Quite attractive - if you like gingers.



Baron Werner von Nikse: Cheerful and sociable man in his 40s. Uncle of Annike-Elise Nikse. Married for the 5th(?) time to a very young lady. The last in a long line of "Princes" from House Nikse to rule Nordland in the name of the Todbringers. Rather gracefully stepped down from his position to become Wigmar's Chancellor.

Dowager Baroness Ingrid Gausser (the elder): The matriarch of the Gausser family. Quite elderly but energetic. One of the few who can credibly trace her lineage back to the Jutones tribe (almost all nobles claim descent from the old tribes, but few have proof as good as this). Despite this, the Gaussers have been a marginalized House during the 2209-2500 Nikse era. Ingrid and her late husband (and later her son) have done much to reverse the Gausser fortunes, to the point where they are quite wealthy and well-connected both inside and outside of Nordland.

Baron Theoderic Gausser: The current Lord Gausser. Son of Ingrid. Spends much of his time outside Nordland.

Ostwind Gausser: Theoderic's son and heir. Apparently, the man is a fine sea captain that was ventured the width and breadth of the world. As such, he's rarely at home.

Ingrid Gausser (the younger): Theoderic's daughter/Ostwind's sister. Lady in waiting for Katerina. One of the most attractive young noblewomen in the Empire.

Baron(ett) Goderic Tant "von Beeckerhoven": Self-proclaimed lord of Beeckerhoven. Tries to pass as a Reiklander, but is probably from the hill country of southern Averland or Stirland. Rode to war with Wigmar. Missing a few fingers after Brass Keep.


Magister Sabine Flamius: Magister extraordinaire. Originally a gold wizard, this weird lady has an interest in heavenly phenomena, including the Chaos moon. The only wizard of note in Salzenmund.

Wolf Lord Erich Granholm: High Priest of Ulric.

Wave Lord Otto Sider: High Priest of Mannan. Currently on a journey to Norsca. Mentioned only.

Wave Rider Aelfric Kalt: Acting High Priest of Mannan.

Lector Germund Vorstell: High Priest of Sigmar. A Southerner that tries to apply Southern logic to Northern peoples. Sigmar's temple hasn't really grown much on his watch.

Agata von Durch: High Priestess of Shallya. 


Burgomeister Maximilian "Max" von Kirscheschlage: Mayor of Salzenmund.

Herr Antal von Rammel: The Silversmiths' Guild representative to the City Council. Which probably makes him the most powerful person in Salzenmund. 

Captain Sigrid Neiding: Commander of the Salzenmund Greatswords and Protector of the Crimson Gate. Owner of an eye patch. Quite fierce. Not corrupt, just dedicated to her job of collecting coins.

Grandmaster Artur von Pretzer: Leader of the Knights of the North Star, the only local order of (secular) knights. Their primary sponsors include the Silversmith's Guild and House Gausser.


Piotr Wagner: A peddler of mixed ancestry. Now a trader and spy for Wigmar in Salzenmund.

Ulli Jenk: An engineer encountered in Südtor. Well schooled in Altdorf, but too young to be very experienced. Recruited into Wigmar's service. If he can build a stone arc bridge, maybe he can build the largest canal project in Empire history?

Sister Superior Frobel: Head of the Adler Academy of Fine Learning. Mentioned only.

Sister Tennetz: Senior teacher at the academy and "envoy" to the new Prince.

Chancellor Otto Krogh: Headmaster of the University. Mentioned only.

Professor Stefan Elledan: A teacher at the Salzenmund University and "envoy" to Wigmar.

Dag Olhauser: Upstanding Salzenmund trader (and perhaps sometimes smuggler) in his 50s. A staunch supporter of Ulric's temple.

Khulnan: Male wood elf. Leader of the band of "wild" elves that kidnapped Rallane. Currently accompanies Wigmar.

Uysha: Female wood elf. A devotee of Atharti, the dark elven goddess of lust and revelry (totally not Slaanesh). With Wigmar.