Friday, February 16, 2024

Imperial Family


Lutipold von Holswig-Schliestein: Current Emperor. Long may he reign. The 4th of his house to rule in succession. Something of a playa in his ill-tempered youth.

Maria-Luise von Walfen: Empress. Sister to Grossherzog Viktor von Walfen (Walfen is a town not terribly far from Übersreik).

Karl-Franz von Holswig-Schliestein: Imperial Crown Prince.

Isabella "Bella" von Holswig-Schliestein: A seer - and possibly a sorcerer. Resides in the Great Hospice (on account of seeing and hearing things). Disfigured since childhood.

Immanuel-Ferrand von Holswig-Schliestein: Lutipold's younger brother. Spymaster.

Kurt: Probably not his given name. Hideously mutated creature found beneath Blood Keep. Transferred to Castle Wittgenstein, where he remains under Reiksguard's guard. Suspected as being one of the Emperor's bastards.

Wigmar: Could be one of the Emperor's bastards. Not as mutated as Kurt.

Cult of Sigmar - Some important characters


Back in the day...

Grand Theogonist Yorri XV: Recently deceased. Possessed by a daemon of the Changer (never explicitly stated, but kind of obvious). Fond of cats. No known vices (very disturbing). May have been involved in the Emperor's poisoning and the plot to draw K-F out of Altdorf.

It's unclear how the possession could escape notice, but then again, such things are tough to detect, especially if the daemon does not directly puppeteer the human shell.

Arch Lector (of the East) Aglim 'Osthammer' (literally: the hammer of the East): Recently deceased. Killed by a falling statue of Sigmar in the grand cathedral in Altdorf. Usually found in Ostland. 

Arch Lector (of the West) Rupert von Lintheim: Mentioned only. Headquartered in Nuln, but present in Altdorf ATM. Close ties to the Knights Griffin, but he's not a templar by training.

Capitular-Captain Johann Esmer: Capitular of Wolfenburg. He was formerly of the Knights of the Fiery Heat (he retains his rank oc but is now a priest, not a templar).

Luthor Huss: Warrior-priest of Sigmar. When he's not battling 'the enemies of Man and Sigmar,' he can be found rooting out corruption within the Temple of Sigmar. Without sanction, but typically with the backing of the locals. Like a reverse witch-hunter. He's been arrested and tried on occasion but is not without allies - and is also more than capable of invoking the ancient rites of personal combat. 

Capitular Volkmar von Hindenstern: Capitular of Carroburg. Has been known to use his position (and considerable worldly connections) to get Huss out of trouble.

High Capitular Herhardt Schult: High Capitular (basically an archbishop) of Altdorf and de-facto leader of the Silver Hammers. He had the privilege of marrying Wigmar and Katerina T.