Thursday, August 1, 2024

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 89 (Something reeking in Altdorf)


9 Sigmarzeit 2502

Salzenmund, Nordland

Preparations for the trip south to Altdorf and Übersreik are well underway. Some elements have already departed so as not to cause delays or congestion. I shall not, however, travel by road. Instead, I shall take to the air upon my griffon, Swiftwind. Freed from its age-long curse of stone, the mighty steed is eager to take to the skies again. Huggoth shall accompany me, carrying upon his broad back my essential companions: Annika (hard to do without her advice), Celia (one must have at least one Lightbringer guard), and Nastassia (as a coin-holder of the Kommission).

Speaking of the Kommission, Nastassia reports that Festus is closely linked to the temple of Shallya and that he may have been either a priest of Shallya or, at the very least, a follower of the goddess. The current level of infiltration and corruption is low but bears constant monitoring. The Kommission has also traced Nine Eyes involvement in several other locations related to the Great Northern Canal. This is troubling, but we are on top of the situation. Finally, there are some troubling news - or lack thereof - from Ostermark that may or may not be related to the Nine Eyes.

11 Sigmarzeit 2502

Salzenmund, Nordland

My house and domain are in reasonable order, additional plans and projects have been initiated, and we are ready to go south. My wife is in good form, and the omens are favorable. She shall travel by carriage and meet me in Altdorf.

16 Sigmarzeit 2502

Altdorf, Reikland

It takes mere DAYS to fly from Salzenmund to Altdorf. Flying is not without hardship or hazard, but really... is there any other way to travel? Indeed, there are - for long, comfortable journeys, I would prefer my private cabin aboard my own ship or my carriage or horse for short hops. I wonder how far I could fly? Would Swiftwind be able to carry me from Tilea to Araby? From Estilia to Ulthuan? I'm sure a dragon could, but a griffon?

I arranged for a carriage to bring us into the city: arriving on a dragon's back would be too much, even for me. Still, I was greeted like Sigmar himself, I would say. People spontaneously took to the streets and cheered. I am glad our arrival came as a surprise—or we would have been stuck in traffic for days!

29 Sigmarzeit 2502

Altdorf, Reikland

I have spent the last two weeks reacquainting myself with the city of Altdorf and its denizens, from the Emperor to the lowest of my servants, fellow lords and nobles, old friends and lovers, elves and mothers, and more. So much talking and plotting and planning... and drinking and eating and fucking around. All is well in the Old Village, although the Reek is on the rise. I shall not be cross when we leave for the Vorbergland. But today there is reason to celebrate: today my dearest wife and the rest of my house arrive.

18 Sommerzeit 2502

Altdorf, Reikland

It is time for my retinue to begin the journey south—we don't want to arrive just in time. Katarina shall remain in Altdorf to give birth. She will be protected and well cared for. For my own part, I shall travel by air and thus still have a few days to kill.