Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Some new combat talents



Tier 1 (100 XP)

Ambidextrous: Attack equally well with both hands, taking no penalties with either hand. Reduce the off-handed penalty by 10 when attacking with two weapons (-10 penalty instead of -20 when using the Dual Wielder talent).

Blather: Use the Charm skill to confuse an opponent.

Dual Wielder: When attacking with two weapons, you only take a -20 penalty on your off-hand attack (instead of -20 to the primary hand and -40 to the off-hand).

Wigmar gets this talent for free as it's part of the Noble career.

Tier 2 (200 XP)

Double Shot: You combine the power of two pistols into one powerful volley. Use the base damage and special qualities of the main weapon but roll 2d10 for damage instead of only 1 die. This attack can only be made in melee or at close range.

Double Strike: You plunge two melee weapons into the target at the same time. Use the base damage and special qualities of the main weapon but roll 2d10 for damage instead of only 1 die.

Swift Attack: You lash out at your enemies with fury and speed. You may make 2 melee attacks during 1 round, either with a -10 penalty to WS to both attacks or a -20 penalty to the second attack. You can attack the same target or different targets. You cannot make this attack with cumbersome weapons.

Tier 3 (300 XP)

Lightning Attack: You strike with unbelievable speed. You may attempt to make 3 melee attacks during 1 round, with a -20 penalty to all 3 attacks or  a -20 penalty to the 2nd attack and a -40 penalty to the 3rd attack. You can attack the same target or different targets. You cannot make this attack with cumbersome weapons.

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