Monday, December 20, 2021

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 32 (Detour to Achern-am-Reik)

13 Ulrichzeit

I have uncovered more nefarious business in Wittgendrof, all of it pertaining to the late Doctor Rousseaux, Lady Margritte's good friend and accomplice (and the man who tried to broker a deal with the Red Crown). It seems he was mixing warpstone dust into his remedies and feeding it to his patients. He made detailed accounts and if his records are to be believed some of his patients made astounding recoveries. Broken bones healed. Fatal diseases cured. But at what price? No good can ultimately come from ingesting chaos. Rousseaux also supplied warpstone infused rotgut to the poor of Wittgendorf. I have made a detailed recording of who has been exposed. They must be examined and properly taken care of.

I have sent word by river to Castle Reiksgard, asking that a garrison be set up here to watch the castle. And priests and witch hunters to make sure the rot is cut away from the village.

25 Ulrichzeit

A barge from Castle Reikgard arrived around midday. Eighty men under Rittmeister Grünner, sent by Feldherr Tracht, commander of Castle Reikgard, and one Father Mürt of the Temple of Sigmar. The Rittmeister was, and I cannot really blame him for it, a rather suspicious man. The good Father, however, had attended my wedding and knew me to be a well-connected man of impeccable character. With that unpleasantness out of the way the Rittmeister warmed to me and even agree to lend me the Reiksgard barge so I could transport my new recruits and all my loot to Nuln.

26 Ulrichzeit

We packed up and made ready to depart. Lieutenant Shif Doppler and his few good men, Sergeant Sigrid Stein and her merry band, and the odd villager out to see the world beyond Wittgendorf. Twenty five in number all told.

27 Ulrichzeit

A steady wind from the north, with associated sleet and snow, pushed us upriver and we arrived in the town of Achern-am-Reik, principal trading post of the Duchy of Walfen. The dead knight from the Barren Hills hailed from Walfen.

28 Ulrichzeit

Had a few days to kill while my new river boat got fixed up (quite leaky you see), so I decided to go on a little expedition to see where the man had lived. Not much to see really. After the man never returned his house fell to ruin.

32 Ulrichzeit

Stopped at Grissenwald to inquire about Etelka. Nothing interesting to be learned. She probably came this way, saw the tower ruin, then grought the remaining gobos - and the troll - with her to join the Red Crown beastmen she'd brought down from the north.

2 Vorhexen

We arrived in Nuln. Weather continues to be atrocious but at least the wind is strong and steady, pushing us upriver despite the current. 

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