Saturday, April 9, 2022

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 41 (The Road Home)

14 Jahrdrug

The storm's over. Eight days it lasted. The world is covered by snowfall at least a meter deep, much more in places. The dwarfs are confident no more orc armies will appear. We are snowed in and so are the greenskins.

Well, nearly snowed in: we have the tunnel which leads to the Holdfast. From there it's possible to follow the snowy road down the valley to Blood Keep. It'll take time, but its possible.


He's weaker now. 

I know why: he's been feeding off the magical energies left by the stone of earth. That's interesting. Maybe if we get him to the stone of fire he could feed on it's energies? Maybe he won't die at all? Maybe he can live forever if he gets enough power?

Weaker or not: every morning he gets up and goes up on the mountain to greet the sun.

18 Jahrdrug

The dwarfs have gifted me a suit of armor. Nothing fancy, just high-quality dwarf steel. Suitable for wearing on travels or in battle. 

Nothing like my gromnil knight's armor. When I get it from Nuln I'll be well protected. Gromnil is indestructible. Or so I've heard.

Speaking of gromnil: the rune axe I got from the ogre is made of the material. Does that mean it can cut through anything? And what happens when a gromnil weapon strikes gromnil armor?

31 Jahrdrug

The 7th Nuln Guards, the first battalion to be fully equipped in the new manner, arrived today. We are already packed and ready to march. We shall leave in the morning.

33 Jahrdrug

We reached Drumstrang's Holdfast. The men put sleds on the cannon and the road has been cleared all the way down to the Keep.

3 Pflugzeit

We reached Blood Keep. Captain Grüber is still in charge of the place.

We will march on the day after tomorrow. Tomorrow is for celebrating our victories and honoring our dead.

5 Pflugzeit

We crossed the bridge into the Reikland.

A detachment of soldiers were camped on the other side, unwilling to cross into Wissenland uninvited. I bad them join the forces at Blood Keep. They complied.

7 Pflugzeit

We reached Dunkelberg.

There are patrols out, watching for signs of orcs. There's been a few raids which they have stopped, but no major attacks. I told them more orcs are coming. They seemed unconvinced.

10 Pflugzeit

We passed Stimmigen. 

Got invited to dine with the local lord. He set a fine table  and his wife had a nice cleavage, but took my orc warnings a little too lightly for my taste.

13 Pflugzeit

Weather is sometimes fair, sometimes not. Some nights are cold, others not. The cold nights are the best; it leaves the roads less muddy. The rainy days makes for hard going and miserable nights.

Marched past the village of Grausee on our way home. Some sort of winter plague had taken hold and the place was under Reiksguard quarantine. 

I left Sigrid with a troop of pistoliers to reinforce them. Don't want no plague on my lands.

A few hours later we were riding across Liberungen lands... finally!

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