Monday, July 17, 2023

Item highlight: Wizard's staff


Most wizards (and other powerful magic-users) are often seen brandishing long walking sticks, sometimes plainly made, other times set with gems or other items of power. There is a very specific reason why the staff is such a popular and iconic part of a wizard's inventory:

Powers: While wielding the staff, the risk of Tzeentch's Curse is NOT increased when over-channeling.

Individual staffs can have various additional powers. Some may provide bonuses to attack or defense (and are considered magical weapons) or provide bonuses when channeling a specific color of magic.

Staffs are attuned to a specific wizard but can, with some time and effort, be attuned to a new wielder.

Wizards are not penalized in any way for NOT using their staff. So it's perfectly possible for a wizard to go "undercover" by leaving their staff in the broom cupboard at home. 

Note: Some rare wizards have wildly different channeling items.

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