Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Item highlight: Ghal Maraz, Hammer of Sigmar Heldenhammer

Ghal Maraz, which means "Skull-Splitter" in the Dwarf tongue of Khazalid, is the name of the legendary magical warhammer once wielded by the founder and patron god of the Empire, Sigmar Heldenhammer.

For millennia after Sigmar's disappearance at the end of his reign, the warhammer was lost, and various copies were added to the regalia of succeeding emperors. 

The true warhammer was rediscovered in 2501 IC and is now wielded by Wigmar von Liberungen, Prince of Nordland and Westland.

In many ways, Ghal Maraz is the stronger, meaner cousin of the Runefangs. It's highly magical and carries three greater runes.

Powers: This two-handed hammer is magical and of exquisite quality (forged from a unique gromnil alloy). It does SB +8 damage, increases the severity of crits by 2 (4 for head hits), and ignores all normal armor (special armor, such as magic armor, chaos armor, gromnil armor, etc., protects normally). 

Due to the hammer's history, it causes Fear 1 in greenskins (goblins, orks). The wielder may roll 2 damage dice and pick the better result as the hammer hunger for more ork blood.

The hammer can only be wielded by a descendant of Sigmar with at least 1 corruption point (but no more than 3).

  • Greater Rune of Courage: The wielder is immune to Fear and Terror. Targets struck must make a -20 Ag test or gain the Ablaze condition. The rune can also be used to set stuff on fire (but using it to light your campfire is just wrong). 
  • Greater Rune of Radiance: The hammer emits magical light (20 yards brightly lit, 20 additional yards dimly lit). Any Unstable creature engaged with the wielder suffers 3 Wounds at the end of each round. Any daemon or other otherworldly creature damaged by the blade must make a WP test or be banished.
  • Greater Rune of Sundering: While attacking, if the attack roll is a double, the wielder can make a powerful slamming attack that damages each creature engaged with him. Roll damage 1d10+8, ignoring the test's SL and the wielder's Strength. Each engaged creature, including the original target, suffers that much damage (resisted only by T, not armor). If a creature takes any wounds, it must make a -20 S or Ag test or gain the Prone condition. The hammer can also be used to easily smash most things, although using it to chop wood or break stones is... and affront to the gods.

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