Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Lieberungen lands

The Liberungen lands were bestowed upon Dagmar Liberung the Elder by Emperor Dieter IV some 80-odd years ago, during the 2410s (the exact date is lost) for "services rendered onto the Empire" (the exact services are also not recorded). 

Dagmar's son and heir was Dagmar Liberung the Younger. He passed away unmarried and childless nearly five years ago (the winter of 2493). The Younger is Wigmar's grandfather through some rather obscure (some would say creative) genealogy (but it's got an Imperial seal so that's what counts).

The fief consists of two main parts: the smaller bit east of the Verfelfluss and the larger bit west of the river. To the north, the border is the Einsamerfluss and in the south, the Graufluss. To the west lie hills and the Ortschlamm wetlands, to the east the Grausse. Roughly speaking.

The eastern part is relatively level and has some good farmland (rocky, like most parts of the Vorbergland, but fertile). It measures about 1 league by half a league (3 Imperial miles). The western part is more rugged, consisting of rolling plains, woods, and foothills. It measures about two leagues times three-quarters of a league.

It's not a large fief like a barony but it's certainly bigger than a single manor-village. Back in the day the village and the surrounding lands could support the baronet in relative comfort but were never developed beyond that. At present, the lands lie fallow and the village nearly deserted, but Wigmar is working hard to remedy that. Going to cost a pretty penny...

Due to the nature of the fief's borders, the baronet is the vassal of both the Graf of Widow's Vale and widower Baroness Alexa von Grausse (and through her, is a vassal of the Lord of the Lady's Vale, which is usually the heir of the von Jungfreunds).

The village of Grausse is the closest major settlement (about 500 people) and lies within easy walking distance. Baroness Alexa is rarely there, spending her days in Nuln instead.

The main road from Übersreik to Graustad and Huperberg passes through Grausee (and close to Liberungen lands) but it's not much used. Most trade now passes along the Grey Lady Canal. The Verfluss is traversable by river boats but not true barges. The baronet has no toll rights.

Übersreik lies half a day's (mounted) travel to the north along a good if somewhat poorly maintained road.

Übersreik (city and duchy both) are technically part of the Süd-Vorbergland Erzherzogtum (Archduchy of the Southern Vorbergland) but the archduke's title is largely symbolic. 

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