Thursday, March 31, 2022

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 38 (Grey Mountains in Winter)


15 Nachhexen cont.

We took up concealed positions some six hundred feet from the road. We had an excellent vantage point and a line of retreat. Hit the column with shot and arrows as soon as the vanguard came into view. Those orks are hard to kill, I'll tell you that. More heavily armored than your regular greenskin, and large shields too. Hard to tell if I got any hard kills, but at the very least there are a few orks that will carry bullet scars until their (soon to come) dying day.

After some confusion, the orks sent three groups on foot towards us. Twenty-something in total. The rest of the column, at least five hundred in number, marched on. Hard going for the orks, literally an uphill struggle on snowy grown, with a master marksman and his witch elf raining death on them every step of the way. Not every shot a kill, but out of formation opportunities for crippling shots to arms and legs (and  heads) did present themselves.

Not a single arrow shot back at us - a marksman's wet dream. The center group started to falter. We fell back to avoid the flankers. A spear came sailing out from between some white-cloaked boulders. Not orks, but a rugged-looking band of dwarfs, seven in number (like in the fairy-tales).

Their leader was one Furak Stonesplitter of Karak Azgaraz, envoy of King Zaladrin Blood-beard to Karak Norn, the great dwarf hold in the southern Grey Mountains. Sent to summon aid for the increasingly besieged Karak Azgaraz (other envoys had been sent to other holds - but none to human lands), he'd set out with a party of twelve, but five had died to ork attacks on the way back. 

Since there was little hope of actually getting back to the Kaer with an army of orks swarming the mountains, Furak's party made common cause with us. Between us we lured the remaining orks to their deaths. Not all the orks, of course... the ones sent to kill us.

We spent the rest of the day pursuing the ork horde down the valley. We stayed off the road. Hard going, but worth it. We managed another attack on the rear of the column. Predictably, they sent a platoon to deal with us. We fought a mobile battle, weakening them with missile fire until they were weak enough for the dwarfs to slaughter those who remained. Glorious. My load of powerder and shot is running low; I only have enough for another of these little skirmishes. Same with Thes; she's recovered some arrows, but some break and others are lost.

Note to self: These 'black orks' have almost no missile weapons. Some have spears and throwing axes, but nothing that can compete with elf bows and human rifles. I would hate to engage them in melee. Better to whittle then down with missiles!

16 Nachhexen 

We continued to hound the orks with some success. We can hardly kill them all. But we can slow them down. Struck the column several times, halting it. But we retreated before a real battle could develop, using the opportunity to get ahead of the orks to set yet another ambush. Fewer dead orks that way, but we buy more time for fewer shots fired.

Before dark we staged a more serious attack on the orks, attacking their lead elements from an advantageous position. Much bloodletting there was. We then retreated into Blood Wood. The orks followed as the pale creatures watched from the treetops. Deep in the wood a dread knight awaited our coming. We parlayed and it was agreed: we would be granted safe passage, the orks would not. In return: Blood Keep would be handed over to its "rightfull owner" when this debacle is over.

We reached the Keep, save a single unfortunate dwarf, some time during the night.

Had some words with Sister Superior Anastasia regarding the thing in the basement. A bastard of the highest breeding, from back in the day, when  the Dragon collected cunt, not gold. Sent away to rot in the dark when he started to change into... something special. Somehow I don't think twenty years locked in the basement of Blood Keep did the poor sod any favors!

Note to self: I sincerely hope my men got Ankh's message and are riding hard for Blood Keep. If not, we may be in real trouble. I also hope the light will forgive this alliance with the dead. It was entered willingly, to save the living from the orks.

17 Nachhexen

The orks made for the bridge, not the keep. Maybe they don't know we're here? Put a few shots into their backs. That got their attention. A company charged right up the path to the keep and went at the gate with massive axes. We kept at them but those damn shields and that armor make them painfully slow to kill. Before the gate could be breached, we welcomed them inside, then cut them down with a fusillade of fire.

As soon as could be managed I set out with Ulf, Thes and my five riders. The remaining orks, at least three hundred in number by my count, had split up, with one group going towards Königsdorf on either bank of the river. I sent Thes and Ulf to watch the southern group, then crossed the bridge and took the north bank myself.

We didn't kill too many orks. Maybe ten dead and twice as many wounded. But we got them to chase us back towards the bridge. They took up position in the woods, afraid to cross out into open ground. Wigmar has the orks running scared!

I sent riders to the north to see how far my troops had come. They could be here soon. On the other hand, things never go according to plan, so maybe not.

Thes and Ulf returned later in the day. The weakened ork horde had been pushed back by the local lord commanding a mix of militia and house troops. The orks had retreated - in good order - back the way they came: into Blood Wood. Ah, another night of terror for the greenskins. 

18 Nachhexen

My riders finally arrived at Blood Keep. The rest of the army is still days away. The orks north of the river are nowhere to be found. Retreated into the forest they have. Good luck with that my green friends.

23 Nachhexen

The rest of my army has arrived. A little worse for wear than the riders, but looking good. A day's rest and they will be ready to march towards the Karak. Outriders report no significant ork activity along the road into the mountains.

We have also been joined by Captain Kurt Grüber of the Nuln 5th Heavy Foot. It's a mixed battalion, half gunners, half heavy infantry. I will leave the captain and the regulars at Blood Keep, take the rest of the foot and horse and guns into the Grey Mountains. In the middle of the winter. Ulric, favor the faithful of thine brother. Failing that, Ankh, please provide sun and warmth.

24 Nachhexen

We set off into the mountains. A battalion's worth of gunners, a brace of pistoliers, and four cannon. The dwarfs came along of course. 

Two days of hard going along the snowy road but if it doesn't get worse than this, we'll managed. 

26 Nachhexen

On the third day, it got worse. Out of the valley we were now high up in the mountain. No trees, no protection from  the elements. Only grey rock, snow, and unrelenting wind. It would be slow going in the terrible cold. Five days by my best guess. We'd be completely ragged by the time we arrived, not accounting for ork attacks.

Dwarfs had a better idea. Take the underground road from the Holdfast of Drumstrang to the keep: a tunnel cut through the stone between a hidden outpost and the main dwarf town. We had no real choice, so Drumstrang it was.

The place was dead, it's location uncovered by the orks, doors broken, inhabitants slain to the last dwarf. We killed a few stray greenskins, then descended into the earth...


Friday, March 4, 2022

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 37 (Blood Woods)


13 Nachhexen

The White Oak Sanatorium of the Mentally Diverse. Hidden away from prying eyes in the ruins of old Blood Keep, once home to both knights and vampires. A joint Shallyan and Sigmarite venture, paid for by the great Lutipold III, long may he reign. Fifty or so patients, twenty-odd clerical staff, and a few able hands besides. Their leader is Anastasia Krilenko of Erengrad. Appointed by none other than my old friend, Emmanuelle Nacht. I guess that Empire isn't that big a place after all.

Why this sudden charity on the part of the good Emperor? Well, he does seem to have an unusual interest in the Diverse and the Special. Why that is I cannot say. But there is a pattern nonetheless. Maybe it has something to do with the mutated monstrosity special diverse person they have locked up in the basement? Dieter it named itself. It was articulate and spoke a Reikspiel dialect that would no have been out of place in a major Reikland city. Twenty years locked up in the dark. The very first patient to be brought to Blood Keep. What makes him so special he warrants such a prison - yet cannot simply be put down with a bullet to the head or axe in the neck?

Sitting in the glass-roofed winter garden Ankh appeared calm and content. His health is not good. You don't need to be a doctor to see that. He's still just as big as he always was but he seems weaker, less substantial, as if life has already started to leak out of him. But this life, Ankh say, is only the beginning of our journey together. To the light, death is no barrier, it is a doorway to the next life.

Speaking of life and death: the elixir I got from the Countess is the real deal. It's the Elixir of Life, the one Ankh gave to the kings of old so that they could lead long, healthy lives. It's also the first step to damnation: a long life is never good enough for mortal men. Always they crave more. And thus the undead came to be. When I see the Countess next I must ask here more about how they came into possession of those scrolls and how they managed to distill the elixir. Ankh seemed very surprised that they had actually managed to get it right.

We will have to be careful going forward. Ankh's light will protect us and guide us, but the clerics of the other gods will not understand. So we must lay low and bide our time. And we must strengthen the ties between the other gods and Ankh. Ulric is his brother - and by extension Taal - surely there must be other connections to old and classical gods.

Ankh will attempt to bring word to Liberungen about our situation. A dream or omen of some sort. If it works it could shave many days off the time needed for my men to reach Blood Keep.

Night raid

Set out with five good men (plus Ulf and Thes), in the darkest hours of the night, with nothing but starlight and elven eyes to guide us. We found the tracks of the orc that got away during our previous skirmish with the greenskins. Found it disemboweled and beheaded among the trees.

There is something else out there in the woods. It's not us and its not ork. A dark shape among the great trees of Blood Wood. One that not even elven eyes can see. Only by the light is the sun it is revealed. A tall, gaunt shape, cloaked in dark light. It didn't speak, nor did it attack. It fled as soon as it realized it had been spotted.

The orcs had put up a roadblock a bit further up the alley. Curious behavior of orcs. They had an ogre and numbers, so I summoned the rest of my carls and pistoliers. We cut them all down with only a handful of casualties on our side.

The asylum should be safe for the time being. No need to evacuate as I had originally planned. Not now anyway. It's for the best: how do you shepherd fifty of the insane through the freezing snows? And what of the monster below? 

I will take Ulberth and Thesalva and a few of the soldiers deeper into the mountains. We must see where the rest of the orcs are and if possible determine the location and status of the dwarf hold.

14 Nachhexen

It's cold and windy. Light snowfall. We push on. The road is the only way forward, snows are too deep to muck around. Ulfberth is laughing and telling us to bring "skis" next time. Planks of wood you strap to the feet. The man is insane. In a good way.

I feel like we are being watched. On the other side of the valley a figure, mounted. How does it keep up with us? There are no roads there. It's impossible to see who or what it is. The distance is too great, the weather poor.

We made camp where we found a couple of dead and mutilated dwarf runners. Orcs had caught them and tormented them horribly. Herr Malthus was right: never be taken alive by orcs. Fight to the last drop of blood.

15 Nachhexen

A dead knight approaches at dawn. Literally. Undead, surely, but he did not attack. Instead, he turned his dead steed around and left. I'm not sure what he wanted. But I'm pretty sure the dead knight was the rider I saw yesterday. Has he followed our progress all the way from the keep?

Around midday we spotted an entire battalion of black orcs coming down the valley. So many black orcs this close to the Empire? Where did they come from? Herr Malthus always said they come from the East, from the World's Edge.

I will take Thes and continue up the valley. We must know more. A small group is less likely to be spotted. Ulf will take the outriders and head back to the keep and send word to the local nobles. They must prepare for war.

Thursday, March 3, 2022

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 36 (Blood Keep)


10 Nachhexen

Set out from my new Nuln townhouse - previous owner: the late Hult von Liebwitz - in fine, if unusually cold, winter weather. 

I've set all my affairs in order: the tab at the Vine & Grape settled (and arrangements made for my future visits to town), Magister Frimm in full swing with refurbishing the Nuln army, a suit of gromil armor worth a baron ordered from the dwarfs, the riverboat is undergoing repairs, and the manor is adequately taken care of.

Now it is time to return home and see what has become of my family, friends, and fief. Buy the time I reach my own hall I shall already be a father twice. My heir has already been born and probably Emmaretta's bastard too.

11 Nachhexen

It's cold, really cold, like winter up north. Ulberth just laughs at us and says we've never had a taste of real winter. Cold is better than wet though. Cold also means the roads are rock solid, not drop of mud on my boots. With a fur coat and good gloves the cold is your friend.

And at day's end you can find room at an inn and enjoy a brandy before the fireplace and an elf on a feather bed. Truly, life is not so bad. Not all of the time anyway.

13 Nachhexen

We reached the village of Königsdorf late in the day. Pretentious name: saw no kings, only a sleepy village. The bridge had been destroyed by floods some weeks before. Braving the rapid icy current of the River Wut was out of the question, so we decide to head west, towards the old dwarf-built stone bridge beneath Blood Keep.

Blood Keep turned out not to be uninhabited at all. Met a Sigmarite monk, brother Jäger, chopping firewood. Would have moved on, but two things happened: a dwarf runner, telling of a great greenskin assault on Kaer Azgaraz, and Ankh-Akh having sought sanctuary at the monastery.

After slaying a few orks scouts hot on the dwarf's heels, we went to say hello Anastasia Krilenko, an old Shallyan priestess overseeing the sanatorium nestled among the ruins of a the old keep. Ankh was there, Ulfberth and the doctor too. They should have been home by now, but Ankh needs his rest.

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 35 (The Black Baron of Nuln)


32 Vorhexen

With the Countess safely back in the city it was time to get to work. To secure for myself  my just reward(s): more guns for my own army, a proper title, and a knighthood. In the Empire's long history men have been given more for less. But I'm not a greedy man, nor foolish enough to try to eat the entire cake in one sitting.

I also took it upon myself to modernize the Nuln army. For a city that produces so many fine guns its remarkably old-fashioned. Crossbows and halberds are fine for defending high walls protected by cannon but out in the field the new muskets will reign supreme. I know it!

Captain Hird and Herr Magister Frimm will oversee the initiative. Emmanuelle will pay for it. Good thing she's a rich woman - reequipping any army like this is almost as expensive as mustering a whole new army.


Couldn't let the Countess be alone on Witching Night. Who knows what evils might have befallen her if denied my protection on this darkest of nights.

1 Nachhexen, 2499

Glorious New Year. I'm hung over. Weather atrocious. Will remain in the Countess' bed for the duration.

7 Nachhexen

I'm officially a Knight Griffon and a Baron of Nuln. It was a nice little ceremony, with the Countess making me her vassal first, and the chapter master of the Griffons knighting me after (they would not even consider me unless I was a peer of the realm).

The Barony isn't much in terms of lands or income but I'm now officially a peer of the realm. Isolde is my baroness and my children will follow in my footsteps.

The knighthood is a formality. Technically I'm sworn to defend all of Sigmar's flock (especially his priests and richly appointed temples), but chance of actually being called to arms is miniscule. 

2498 was the year Wigmar Heck reconnected with his ancestry and reclaimed his birthright.

2499 will be the year Wigmar von Liberungen starts to put his own mark on the Empire.