Thursday, March 3, 2022

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 36 (Blood Keep)


10 Nachhexen

Set out from my new Nuln townhouse - previous owner: the late Hult von Liebwitz - in fine, if unusually cold, winter weather. 

I've set all my affairs in order: the tab at the Vine & Grape settled (and arrangements made for my future visits to town), Magister Frimm in full swing with refurbishing the Nuln army, a suit of gromil armor worth a baron ordered from the dwarfs, the riverboat is undergoing repairs, and the manor is adequately taken care of.

Now it is time to return home and see what has become of my family, friends, and fief. Buy the time I reach my own hall I shall already be a father twice. My heir has already been born and probably Emmaretta's bastard too.

11 Nachhexen

It's cold, really cold, like winter up north. Ulberth just laughs at us and says we've never had a taste of real winter. Cold is better than wet though. Cold also means the roads are rock solid, not drop of mud on my boots. With a fur coat and good gloves the cold is your friend.

And at day's end you can find room at an inn and enjoy a brandy before the fireplace and an elf on a feather bed. Truly, life is not so bad. Not all of the time anyway.

13 Nachhexen

We reached the village of Königsdorf late in the day. Pretentious name: saw no kings, only a sleepy village. The bridge had been destroyed by floods some weeks before. Braving the rapid icy current of the River Wut was out of the question, so we decide to head west, towards the old dwarf-built stone bridge beneath Blood Keep.

Blood Keep turned out not to be uninhabited at all. Met a Sigmarite monk, brother Jäger, chopping firewood. Would have moved on, but two things happened: a dwarf runner, telling of a great greenskin assault on Kaer Azgaraz, and Ankh-Akh having sought sanctuary at the monastery.

After slaying a few orks scouts hot on the dwarf's heels, we went to say hello Anastasia Krilenko, an old Shallyan priestess overseeing the sanatorium nestled among the ruins of a the old keep. Ankh was there, Ulfberth and the doctor too. They should have been home by now, but Ankh needs his rest.

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