Tuesday, March 1, 2022

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 35 (The Black Baron of Nuln)


32 Vorhexen

With the Countess safely back in the city it was time to get to work. To secure for myself  my just reward(s): more guns for my own army, a proper title, and a knighthood. In the Empire's long history men have been given more for less. But I'm not a greedy man, nor foolish enough to try to eat the entire cake in one sitting.

I also took it upon myself to modernize the Nuln army. For a city that produces so many fine guns its remarkably old-fashioned. Crossbows and halberds are fine for defending high walls protected by cannon but out in the field the new muskets will reign supreme. I know it!

Captain Hird and Herr Magister Frimm will oversee the initiative. Emmanuelle will pay for it. Good thing she's a rich woman - reequipping any army like this is almost as expensive as mustering a whole new army.


Couldn't let the Countess be alone on Witching Night. Who knows what evils might have befallen her if denied my protection on this darkest of nights.

1 Nachhexen, 2499

Glorious New Year. I'm hung over. Weather atrocious. Will remain in the Countess' bed for the duration.

7 Nachhexen

I'm officially a Knight Griffon and a Baron of Nuln. It was a nice little ceremony, with the Countess making me her vassal first, and the chapter master of the Griffons knighting me after (they would not even consider me unless I was a peer of the realm).

The Barony isn't much in terms of lands or income but I'm now officially a peer of the realm. Isolde is my baroness and my children will follow in my footsteps.

The knighthood is a formality. Technically I'm sworn to defend all of Sigmar's flock (especially his priests and richly appointed temples), but chance of actually being called to arms is miniscule. 

2498 was the year Wigmar Heck reconnected with his ancestry and reclaimed his birthright.

2499 will be the year Wigmar von Liberungen starts to put his own mark on the Empire.

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