Tuesday, January 31, 2023

What to do in Middenheim


There are several reasons why Wigmar has gone to Middenheim, some of them dating back quite a bit, others more recent.

The Emperor: Has requested and commanded that Wigmar go north to Middenheim and figure out what's going on at Boris Todbringer's court without upsetting the status quo too much. The Dragon is Emperor, but each Elector is pretty much king of his own domain. And while the Emperor can lean on them, he can't lean too hard without making the other electors concerned.

So the more Wigmar can learn about what's going on, who has the Graf's ear, what his plans are, and so forth, the better. If there is treason afoot, the Emperor definitely wants to know, but proof is needed. Wigmar isn't really expected to fix everything (but knowing Wigmar, he'll probably end up trying to); just report back.

Bova von Dunkelberg/Professor Quintus Fassbinder: Both are interested in learning more about the cults of Middenheim. Who are they? What are their resources? What are they planning? What connections do they have elsewhere? Bova's motives are more practical - knowledge is the way to root out Chaos without burning entire cities - while Fassbinder is more academically inclined (but has been known to take an active hand in interrogating young students who have fallen to Chaos).

The Purple Hand: Wigmar has long known that the cult's leadership can be found in Middenheim. That in itself is troubling - and of interest to Bova and her kind - but there is also a personal angle. For too long has the Hand been a thorn in Wigmar's side. It's time to put an end to them.

Gotthard von Wittgenstein: The last scion of the House of Wittgenstein has lived in Middenheim for several years. Given the corrupt nature of his family and castle and the incriminating letters sent to his sister, it's likely he's deep in the counsel of Chaos. At the very best, he's a fool flirting with powers beyond his ken.


Wigmar is traveling incognito, using the name KONRAD VON KÖNIGSDORF, a Wissenlander (still a southerner, but better than a Reiklander) noble (from Königsdorf, obviously) who is escorting his elven companion, the wizardess NESHEEA (Thesalva's daughter) to the City of the White Wolf. The wizardess (who is - of course - pretending to hail from Ulthuan) is accompanied by her handmaiden, the demure ANEESHKA (a blonde, blue-eyed, and very bloodthirsty witch-elf).

Also in the group are ULFBERTH and ANNIKA. Ulf uses his own name but pretends to be more a follower of Ulric and less a fierce Norscan. Ann goes as Nesheea's human apprentice and general eye candy.

Wigmar has also been reunited with THESALVA and ANNA - and met with his late wife, ISOLDE.

ISOLDE isn't coming back. She'd rather stay dead and on the road but might be persuaded to take up residence somewhere and keep in touch.

THESALVA and ANNA are staying hidden for now. Thesalva has been reunited with her daughter. Harsh words were exchanged (Thes should not have done a sending, and Nesh should not have come), but Wigmar made everyone kiss and make up, so that's settled. Thes and Aneeshka haven't tried to kill each other... the latter is probably ordered to bring the former back alive, while Thesalva isn't quite as fierce as she used to be. Or maybe she is...

The group also consists of two guards (the rest remain in Etzel, waiting for the Emperor and/or the Graf to take action). There was also a coachman, but he was kidnapped/tortured/killed.


The Middenheim Carnival has been a thing for as long as anyone can remember. It's held during alternating seasons in consecutive years: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and finally, Winter. The Winter Carnival is, for obvious reasons, the least visited by foreigners (but still popular enough to feel crowded). The Winter Carnival is when the locals come out in force and party the hardest, almost as if to compensate for the relative lack of foreigners.

Middenheim is surprisingly pleasant for a city sitting on top of a mountain in the far north. The cold is less harsh, and the wind gusts rather than try and blow you off the mountain. A pair of sturdy boots or shoes and a winter cloak is all you need, really. It's almost like magic (guaranteed to make the locals angry) - or Ulric's blessing (will make locals happy).

The actual Carnival lasts for 8 days, starting on Wellentag and ending with a display of magic fireworks at midnight, Festtag.

Wigmar arrived about a week before the Carnival started.

17th Ulriczeit, Wellentag: Arrival. Found lodgings at the Templar's Arms, a reasonably fine establishment run by ULI BREITNER and his staff (which includes a female halfling chef).

18th Ulriczeit, Aubentag: Arranged to see the Deputy High Wizard, JANNA EBERHAUER. Became acquainted with the Graf's Minstrel, RALLANE LAFAREL (very useful fellow for getting in touch with other high-ups).

19th Ulriczeit, Marktag: Went looking for CAPTAIN SCHARLACH, Hoffen Strasse 31, Middenheim. Didn't find him but learned (at the Crossed Keys, a most seedy inn) that some Sigmarite Witch-hunters had caught and burned the occupants of Scharlach's tenement building (before those Sigmarites were killed/driven from the city by the Sons of Ulric - the story varies with the teller). 

Wigmar was led to believe Scharlach might have escaped. At any rate, the Purple Hand is now aware that KASTOR LIBERUNGEN is in town - but they do not know what he's after. Is it revenge? Has he come to hand over the gold, beg forgiveness and rejoin his brethren?

20th Ulriczeit, Backertag: Coachman missing. Met the Fixer, SASCHA ROTHBERT, who proved very useful in tracking down the corpse of the said coachman. He was also able to provide a variety of high-quality costumes at short notice and for a very reasonable price (surely they were not stolen, more like misplaced or ill-fitting).

One thing led to another, and suddenly you were breaking into the home of GERD WALLENSTEIN (in reality Gotthard von Wittgenstein) of the Commission of Dwarf/Elf/Halfling Affairs. Hidden sanctum beneath the apartment, which included a lot of sorcerous apparel, a box of warpstone dust, and a strange jade scepter that teleported away when Wigmar tried to examine it.

21st Ulriczeit, Bezahltag: Visit the Chancellor, JOSEF SPARSAM. Present him with yesterday's findings, among other things. The High Wizard and his deputy goes to secure the box of warpstone.

Later in the day, reunited with THESALVA, ANNA, and ISOLDE.

22nd Ulriczeit, Konistag: A quiet day of trying on costumes, checking the sights, good food, lots of drink, and plenty of f-ing. All work and no play turns Wigmar bitter and sad - can't have that!

23rd Ulriczeit, Angestag: With some help from Sascha was able to track down another member of the Purple Hand, a jeweler - and Tzeetchian Magister - by the name Joachim Bitterfeld. Agrees to arrange a meeting between Kastor/Wigmar and the rest of the Magisters.

Joachim delivers, but it's not a physical meeting, but a magical sending that takes place at the agreed place at the appointed hour. Thus Wigmar was unable to massacre all of them (and maybe take a prisoner or two).

24th Ulriczeit, Festag: The Spymaster NASTASSIA reveals herself to Wigmar. She has some interesting information about the Graf's Paramour (Mistress), EMMANUELLE SCHLAGEN. Seems she's also been seeing (or is still seeing, that's a bit unclear) the Ar-Ulric (who is honor-bound not to fuck anyone). Oh, and Nastassia doesn't work for the Graf, but his bastard son, Heinrich. So there could be some loyalty issues here.


25th Ulriczeit, Wellentag: 1st day of Carnival. Bloodsports. Aneeshka enjoys herself. Recruit the Troll Slayer, GLUGNUR. Music and party with Isolde.

26th Ulriczeit, Aubentag: 2nd day of Carnival. Eat with Champion, DIETER SCHMEIDENHAMMER, and his betrothed, KIRSTEN JUNG, a lady of the court. 

TODAY (see below).

27th Ulriczeit, Marktag: 3rd day of Carnival. Fight the Champion. Garden Party.

28th Ulriczeit, Backertag: 4th day of Carnival

29th Ulriczeit, Bezahltag: 5th day of Carnival

30th Ulriczeit, Konistag: 6th day of Carnival

31st Ulriczeit, Angestag: 7th day of Carnival

32nd Ulriczeit, Festag: 8th (and last) day of Carnival

33rd Ulriczeit, Wellentag: Party is definitely over; massive hangover. The city needs cleaning, then goes back to normal, and visitors go home.


It's now the evening of Aubentag, the 2nd day of the Carnival. Tomorrow is Marktag (3 of 8 days). Wigmar has an 11 am appointment to fight the Graf's Champion, Dieter, in the Square of Martials. 

After that, he has an invitation to the Graf's Garden Party (which starts at 2 am and ends around 8 am). He can bring a Lady, but not anyone else. The rest of the group can watch Barnumble's Incredible Elephant show or something else entirely...


So, what's going on, really?

WIGMAR has been reunited with his ladies, so that's a wrap. 

The PURPLE HAND is up to something, but what, exactly? They know Wigmar is in town, but they think he's KASTOR, and aren't sure what his game is. VON WITTGENSTEIN is also up to something. But has he truly fled the city? And is he really working on his own? 

BORIS TODBRINGER is also involved in something - he's instituted a whole slew of aggressive taxes, has isolated himself from all but his closest advisors, refuses to support the EMPEROR'S MUTANT ACT and has not spoken out against the SIGMARIAN HERESY (Ulricians claiming Sigmar was never more than a mortal) or the SONS OF ULRIC (harasses, sometimes violently, Sigmarites in Middenland/Middenheim).

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 52 (The darkness within will always out)


12 Ulriczeit 2449, Neue Etzel

While passing through Neue Etzel on our way north along the Middenheim Road, we were caught by a nasty winter storm and forced to seek shelter. It's only been a few years since the town seemed the height of civilization (and Helga, the finest woman in the Old World), but in hindsight, it's nothing special, neither in size nor anything else. I've been to worse places, much worse, but I've been to plenty of better towns too.

Anyway. While waiting for the weather to improve, we received an invitation to join the Duke at Etzelhaus. I brought a few trusted men (and women) along for the carriage ride. While initially a pleasant enough visit, the milk quickly turned sour, so to speak.

When the dust (or shall we say snow and ash?) settled, there was not much left of the old castle. I wrote to Bova and the Emperor post haste and described how I had uncovered a den of corruption and pestilence at Etzelheau, with the Duke at the center. The rot had to be burned out. It was the only way to be sure.

I'm not going to bore this journal with every dark detail. Suffice it to say the Duke had once been a good man, but loss and grief had turned his heart black and led his mind into dark places. He'd started searching for ways to extend human life, to cure illnesses of every kind, so that others might be spared his family's fate. But in time, he became ever more desperate and willing to turn to the dark arts. Until such a time as he became an unwitting tool for the Grandfather - and perhaps also later a willing servant.

The Duke was among the instigators of the Aderverein and was instrumental in retrieving the old recipe and restoring it to working order. Another sign the Eagle club was doomed from the beginning. 

14 Ulriczeit 2449, Near Mittleweg

The rest of the trip north was uneventful, save one encounter. We were waylaid by a strange minotaur, its skin colored blue and purple, and its beastly minions. It admitted to being there just for me - apparently, I had caused enough problems for its master, and it was time to die.

Unlike most minotaurs, this champion of Chaos did not die easy. It fought hard and long with claw and horn and blade and magic. But in the end, the light triumphed over the dark as it always must. So death there was, but not mine.

I hacked off the thing's horns, for they were solid gold, and inscribed with dread runes. Not something I could let lie to be found by some unfortunate fools. I put them in the lead box. Bova might know what to make of them.

17 Ulriczeit 2449, Middenheim

Today we reached the foot of the mountain. Middenheim perches on the top, buildings looking tiny, so high up, are they. The world is dark green and white and grey, with a brilliant blue sky above. Ankh's light touched everything, and I know in my heart we will succeed.

We have arrived a week before the start of the Carnival.

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 51 (A Grafin on the throne is better than one in the grave)


29 Kaldzeit 2449, Nuln

When last I wrote, a month and a half ago, I was heading south to Wissenland to "sort things out."

And things have indeed been sorted - after a fashion.

On the surface, everything is well down south. Von Liebwitz is back in Nuln, more vibrant and vigorous than ever, and various disloyal factions are being dealt with (most severely) by Hird. I've been given Blood Keep as my fief so that my rank and prestige are equal in Wissenland and the Reikland. Von Liebwitz was only too happy to grant me this small boon.

But there are some hidden truths that must never be exposed, lest Wissenland - and by extension, the Empire will be much weakened. Von Liebwitz is dead, brutally slaughtered alongside every man, woman, and child down in Meisen. I do not know what kind of beast could have done such a thing, but it must be a ferocious thing indeed. We shall endeavor to find the truth, but it must wait.

Von Liebwitz's double is now sitting on the throne, pretending nothing is amiss. As long as she keeps up appearances, it should be fine. I do not do this for myself, I must add. I do it for my Emperor. These are dark times, and the Empire can ill afford a complex and drawn-out succession struggle in the south.

4 Ulriczeit 2449, Kemperbad

Stopped by Kemperbad to sort things out. My good friend Otto was most helpful. The town is returned to the Emperor's good graces and will resume payment of taxes - and stop sinking the Emperor's river barges.

9 Ulriczeit 2449, Altdorf

After a brief stop in Altdorf, we hit the road again. North, towards Middenheim. To learn what ails the City of the White Wolf. And pay a long overdue visit to my "friends" in the Purple Hand...