Tuesday, January 31, 2023

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 51 (A Grafin on the throne is better than one in the grave)


29 Kaldzeit 2449, Nuln

When last I wrote, a month and a half ago, I was heading south to Wissenland to "sort things out."

And things have indeed been sorted - after a fashion.

On the surface, everything is well down south. Von Liebwitz is back in Nuln, more vibrant and vigorous than ever, and various disloyal factions are being dealt with (most severely) by Hird. I've been given Blood Keep as my fief so that my rank and prestige are equal in Wissenland and the Reikland. Von Liebwitz was only too happy to grant me this small boon.

But there are some hidden truths that must never be exposed, lest Wissenland - and by extension, the Empire will be much weakened. Von Liebwitz is dead, brutally slaughtered alongside every man, woman, and child down in Meisen. I do not know what kind of beast could have done such a thing, but it must be a ferocious thing indeed. We shall endeavor to find the truth, but it must wait.

Von Liebwitz's double is now sitting on the throne, pretending nothing is amiss. As long as she keeps up appearances, it should be fine. I do not do this for myself, I must add. I do it for my Emperor. These are dark times, and the Empire can ill afford a complex and drawn-out succession struggle in the south.

4 Ulriczeit 2449, Kemperbad

Stopped by Kemperbad to sort things out. My good friend Otto was most helpful. The town is returned to the Emperor's good graces and will resume payment of taxes - and stop sinking the Emperor's river barges.

9 Ulriczeit 2449, Altdorf

After a brief stop in Altdorf, we hit the road again. North, towards Middenheim. To learn what ails the City of the White Wolf. And pay a long overdue visit to my "friends" in the Purple Hand...

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