Tuesday, January 31, 2023

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 52 (The darkness within will always out)


12 Ulriczeit 2449, Neue Etzel

While passing through Neue Etzel on our way north along the Middenheim Road, we were caught by a nasty winter storm and forced to seek shelter. It's only been a few years since the town seemed the height of civilization (and Helga, the finest woman in the Old World), but in hindsight, it's nothing special, neither in size nor anything else. I've been to worse places, much worse, but I've been to plenty of better towns too.

Anyway. While waiting for the weather to improve, we received an invitation to join the Duke at Etzelhaus. I brought a few trusted men (and women) along for the carriage ride. While initially a pleasant enough visit, the milk quickly turned sour, so to speak.

When the dust (or shall we say snow and ash?) settled, there was not much left of the old castle. I wrote to Bova and the Emperor post haste and described how I had uncovered a den of corruption and pestilence at Etzelheau, with the Duke at the center. The rot had to be burned out. It was the only way to be sure.

I'm not going to bore this journal with every dark detail. Suffice it to say the Duke had once been a good man, but loss and grief had turned his heart black and led his mind into dark places. He'd started searching for ways to extend human life, to cure illnesses of every kind, so that others might be spared his family's fate. But in time, he became ever more desperate and willing to turn to the dark arts. Until such a time as he became an unwitting tool for the Grandfather - and perhaps also later a willing servant.

The Duke was among the instigators of the Aderverein and was instrumental in retrieving the old recipe and restoring it to working order. Another sign the Eagle club was doomed from the beginning. 

14 Ulriczeit 2449, Near Mittleweg

The rest of the trip north was uneventful, save one encounter. We were waylaid by a strange minotaur, its skin colored blue and purple, and its beastly minions. It admitted to being there just for me - apparently, I had caused enough problems for its master, and it was time to die.

Unlike most minotaurs, this champion of Chaos did not die easy. It fought hard and long with claw and horn and blade and magic. But in the end, the light triumphed over the dark as it always must. So death there was, but not mine.

I hacked off the thing's horns, for they were solid gold, and inscribed with dread runes. Not something I could let lie to be found by some unfortunate fools. I put them in the lead box. Bova might know what to make of them.

17 Ulriczeit 2449, Middenheim

Today we reached the foot of the mountain. Middenheim perches on the top, buildings looking tiny, so high up, are they. The world is dark green and white and grey, with a brilliant blue sky above. Ankh's light touched everything, and I know in my heart we will succeed.

We have arrived a week before the start of the Carnival.

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