Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Characters: Prince Eltharion of Yvresse & Uthlass "Eonir" the Envoy



Eltharion, also called Eltharion the Grim, is the Prince of Yvresse and the Warden of Tor Yvresse. He is one of the greatest of all High Elven lords. Many times, he has achieved what would have been thought impossible. It was Eltharion who was the first of Ulthuan's generals to dare an assault on Naggarond itself and live to speak of it, and he who finally brought about the defeat of Waaagh! Grom. For his valor in that battle, Eltharion was elected Warden of Tor Yvresse, and though he is a dour ruler, the people of that fair city love him dearly.

Eltharion and his griffon steed (yes, they are real, just like dragons) intercepted Wigmar and the Geist von Manann off the west coast of Ulthuan. The prince was clearly moved (or as much as grim high elves betray any emotions at all) impressed with Wigmar's acumen, bearing, and hospitality (or as much as humans can impress elves). It probably also helped somewhat that he and Wigmar are of about equal social standing (in so far as elves acknowledge human nobility). But more importantly, he seemed to think Wigmar was touched by the flame of Asuryan (the head/sun god of the elves - oc known to Wigmar since he has lore). Does this have anything to do with the Flame of Ulric? Or is it unrelated?

At any rate, the prince felt he could trust a human enough to tell of the kidnapping of Aliathra, the Everchild, the daughter of the Everqueen. Which curiously coincided with the attack on Ulthuan by multiple Bretonnian plague ships.


He invited Wigmar to come visit his capital, but when Wigmar had other plans, he sent his envoy Uthlass (whom the prince referred to as 'the Eonir') to accompany Wigmar on his adventures. The reason for this strange nickname was revealed during the trip to Al-Adiz: Uthlass is literally one of the Eonir, a wood elf of the Laurelon - practically a neighbor to Wigmar!

Anyway, Eonir left his home long ago and traveled the world, eventually ending up in Ulthuan and in the Prince's service. Eltharion might think that having been born and living in the Old World makes him an expert on all things human. Or something.

He's also an expert on Ulthuan and something of a gossip (and quite fond of good drink and food). He's confided in Wigmar that the Everchild is a figure of some controversy at court or perhaps only the target of vile slander. That she is not, in fact, the daughter of the Phoenix King but of Tyrion, one of the King's most trusted advisers (and brother to the somewhat famous Teclis).

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