Thursday, June 13, 2024

Characters: Al-Adiz residents



Mulek ibn-Aharat al-Aswara, Emir of Al-Adiz: Ruler of the city and the surrounding lands. Vassal to the Sultan of All Araby. Seems concerned about his city, its security, and its prosperity. Has the looks of a warrior but is getting long in the tooth. Courteous and generous. Four wives.

Akul the Bull, Harbor Master of the Third Port of Al-Adiz: This obese man oversees the third harbor reserved for foreign traders (the first port is military, the second for true believers). He's as corrupt as he is fat but too clever to take bribes directly. Indeed, he gives a token gift to all visitors while his henchmen collect hard gold from whoever comes to port. 

Wigmar has not had direct contact but has received an ornate water pipe as a welcoming gift. It's unlikely that common visitors get this treatment. Then again, by looking at the Spirit, you can tell its owner is someone special.

Muthmet the Black, Captain of the Guard: A towering figure, his dark skin betrays his Southern origins. He holds the power of life and death over foreigners in the city, a stark reminder of the strict laws that govern Al-Adiz. His presence alone is a testament to the city's commitment to order and security. 

Again, not a man Wigmar has been in direct contact with.

Hakim ibn-Alim al-Hakk, Master of the Emporium of Heavenly Delights: This darkly handsome man in his late 40s or early 50s is the primary owner and chief operator of one of the dozen or so major merchant companies in Al-Adiz. Wigmar chose to call upon Hakim specifically because "the omens were favorable."

Sekhmet: The illegitimate daughter of Hakim, she was once the least of his servants. Now, she serves Wigmar, her new master. A budding artist, her journey from the shadows to the forefront of the story is just beginning. 

Nafira: Curvaceous slave girl. Tribal origins. Unknown how she came to be a slave. The only person to mention Akh. Formerly owned by Emir Mulek.

Bastheth: Local minor "goddess" that dwells in a magic cave near Al-Adiz. Bastheth is both a woman and a leopard - and sometimes both at the same time.

Nadia: Voice of Bastheth. Recently promoted. Helped oversee the rite of marriage. Kislevite roots.

Fidez: An elderly gentleman and scholar of Al-Adiz. Also, a fakir (sorcerer). His faith is on the pragmatic side of the scale.

Fatimeh: Daughter of the Emir. Rather adventurous. Will come north.

Hemeth: Daughter of the Emir. Rather timid. Will stay in Al-Adiz.

Hashan: Desert dweller, tribal leader, accompanied Thesalva to the Dead Lands.

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