Sunday, February 13, 2022


Die Adlerverein (the Eagle Club) is a curious little social club that comprises Kurfürstin von Liebwitz and many of her childhood friends, confidantes, and business connections (though their number has dwindled somewhat of late).

Though the origins of the club are innocent enough, at some point it turned towards the esoteric and mystical. For the past decade (or more) it has concerned it's with the extension of human life. Without resorting to sorcery, dark pacts, and the like. 

In time, it probably would have turned to more sinister means as it's members started to feel death breathing down their necks. But in this case, it didn't happen, because the Adlerverein has discovered the secrets of the Elixir of Life. According to von Liebwitz the recipe was written on ancients scrolls carried from Araby by the Knight's Panther. This alchemical concoction, when brewed just right with the correct ingredients, and administered correctly (the wrong dose will kill you), can indeed slow aging. 

Ankh-Akh has confirmed that the potion Wigmar carries is indeed the Elixir of Life. He also claims it's the first step towards undeath and damnation: the Elixir will only keep a man alive for a limited period of time. As you grow older, you need ever-increasing doses, until such a point that continuing to take the Elixir will kill you as surely as not taking it. Then, you turn to necromancy or the dark gods.

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