Wednesday, February 16, 2022



The Runefangs are twelve ancient (presumably magical) swords forged by the legendary Dwarf Runesmith Alaric the Mad. The Runefangs are, after Sigmar's hammer, easily the most well-known weapons of the Empire.

The swords were intended for the twelve tribal leaders who had followed Sigmar. Today they are the badges of office of the Elector Counts of The Empire. Rarely wielded in combat, they have become regalia rather than weapons of war.

While there are twelve Runefangs, there are now only ten Elector Counts and provinces that remain. The realm of Drakwald (located in the Drakwald Forest) was destroyed and absorbed by Nordland and Middenland. Solland, the southernmost province, was sacked and destroyed in the early 1700s by Gorbad Ironclaw. The Elector was killed, and his Runefang was taken as a trophy by the ork warlord. Its current whereabouts are unknown.

The Runefangs

Unless otherwise noted the Runefangs are all heavy longswords (bastard swords) better suited to barbarian warfare than modern combat.

Averland - Mutters Verderben: Mother's Ruin is one of few Runefangs to be carried daily by an Elector-Count. It's also one of few to be regularly wielded in combat.

Drakwald - Bestienschlächter: Beast Slayer, the Runefang of Drakwald is kept in Altdorf under the protection of the Emperor and Sigmar. 

Hochland - Goblinfluch: The Bane of Goblins is said to be badly corroded after slaying a terrible Chaos beast during the Great War Against Chaos. 

Middenland - Beinbeißer: The legendary Leg Biter is the blade of the Todbringers, rulers of Middenland and Middenheim. It's likely that the Todbringer carries a replica in public.

Nordland - Krähenfresser: Crow Feeder is, like Stone Breaker, not a sword at all, but a bearded axe in the Norscan style. The lords of Nordland don't really talk about this much. Indeed, they always carry sword and axe together, so it's a moot point really.

Ostland - Kopfzerstörer: Head Chopper (or maybe Destroyer is a better word) is a mighty zweihänder that rests peacefully in the Great Hall in Wolfenburg. None of the Tassenincks have the might to wield it.

Ostermark - Trollspalter: The blade Troll Splitter is forged in the manner of a Kislevite cavalry sword, a heavy curved blade well suited for mounted murder. The weapon earned its name in Troll Country.

Reikland - Drachenzahn: Dragon's Tooth is the blade of Riekland and thus the blade of the current Emperor, Lutipold I, long may he reign. The number of heroic paintings and statues depicting the Emperor and his blade is quite large. As far as is known, the Emperor has never wielded the sword in anger - or been in a battle.

Solland  - Groll Siedler: Grudge Settler was lost to the orcs many years ago and never recovered, despite many claims to the contrary (every few years, someone claims to have found the blade). 

Stirland - Ork-Messer: Orc-Chopper is the twin of Mother's Ruin; the blades are so similar they are hard to tell apart. Unlike the Averland blade, its role is mostly ceremonial.

Talabecland - Steinbrecher: Stone Breaker isn't a sword at all, but a mighty warhammer, not entirely unlike Sigmar's. It sits silently in a vault somewhere; it's been generations since any lord of Talabecland had the strength to wield it.

Wissenland - Blutbringer: Blood Bringer is the sword of Emmanuelle von Liebwitz. She does not carry it in public (nor is she strong enough to wield it).

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