Monday, February 14, 2022

The Imperial Electorate


As of 2499 there  are 10 Kurfürsten that rule a province (these are the proper Elector Counts). There used to be 12 but two provinces have been lost.

1. Kurfürst von Averland: Marius "der Löwe" Leitdorf. One of the Empire's most renowned knights.

2. Kurfürst von Hochland

3. Kurfürst von Middenland: Boris Todbringer

4. Kurfürst von Nordland

5. Kurfürst von Ostland: Hans-Hals von Tasseninck (father of Hergard von Tassenick).

6. Kurfürst von Ostermark

7. Kurfürst von Reikland: Emperor Lutipold, long may he reign.

8. Kurfürst von Stirland

9. Kurfürst von Talabecland

10. Kurfürst von Wissenland: Emmanuelle von Liebwitz

(11. The Elector Count of Drakwald): The bloodline was destroyed. Territory divided between Nordland and Middenland.

(12. The Elector Count of Solland): Ravaged by orcs. Absorbed by Wissenland.

There are now 5 additional Kurfürsten (Electors) that aren't provincial rulers (but have other high titles).

11. The Grand Theogonist of the Cult of Sigmar: Yorri XV

12-13. The two Arch Lectors of the Cult of Sigmar

14. The Ar-Ulric of the Cult of Ulric

15. The Elder of The Moot

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