Friday, February 24, 2023

Item highlight: Amulet of Warding


As magic items go, this protective amulet is about as common as they get. It's even possible to purchase such amulets from the Colleges if you have the connections and several thousand GCs.

Powers: The amulet adds 1 AP of magic armor to all locations. protects against both mundane and magical attacks. It doesn't stack with other magic armor, but it does stack with armor (even armor like gromnil that has enhanced protection but isn't actually magical).

Some powerful amulets have additional powers, such as protecting against poison and diseases and/or providing more than 1 AP (Wigmar has the common 1 AP variant)..

Item highlight: Dwarven Rune Axe


This axe was forged by the dwarf master smiths of old and inscribed by dread runes. While there are many (relatively speaking) such weapons, all are unique works of art, and priceless. Dwarfs will take offense at any non-dwarf (unless a dwarf-friend) wielding such a weapon.

Powers: The axe head is gromnil, so is immune to breakage from most sources (it's not literally indestructible, but all gromnil is nearly impervious to damage). 

The axe count as magic, does +2 damage, and scores crits on '0s' against orcs, goblins, and skaven.

Item highlight: Ring of the Desert Genies (aka Ring of Spell Storing)


This ring was pried from Zul's dead finger. It is not unique in function - other similar rings exist - but its Arabyan origins are certainly unusual.

Powers: Rings of spells storing can hold from 1 to 5 spell levels (Wigmar's holds 5 spell levels). They prepare these rings, a spellcaster casts their spells into the ring beforehand, then release the spells as needed.

Only spells with a casting time of up to 3 Half actions can be cast into the ring. It takes 10 minutes per spell level to cast a spell into the ring

Make a Spell test as normal. As long as the spell is successfully cast, it is absorbed by the ring - there is no need to record the exact SL. If the spell is normally opposed, the opposing test is made when the spell is later released from the ring (see below).

If more levels are put into the ring than it can hold, all spells are ruined and the ring becomes inert for 1d10+18 hours. The same happens if the caster fails his Channeling test.

Any spellcaster, the original caster or otherwise, can later release the spell from the ring. Casting time, range, effect, and so forth are normal, and SL is automatically set to 1. MR is based on the original caster's MR. There is no chance of miscasting (that's checked when the ring is prepared).

Spells stored in the ring can be used for Conterspelling.

The ring has several applications. A master could place a powerful spell into a ring and give it to an apprentice about to embark on a perilous quest. Or a pair of wizards could each power their rings, then swap them, thereby giving their partner access to some out-of-color spells. A wizard could prepare difficult spells ahead of time, with easy access to components and other support.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Item highlight: Jade Ring of Cathay


These magic rings (about a dozen are known to the Colleges) are said to originate from Cathay, but some of the ones found in the Old World are definitely made locally. The common denominator is being made of a solid piece of jade, without any other materials present. The purpose of the rings is to absorb magic energy and thereby protect the wearer.

Powers: Jade rings can safely absorb up to 8 spell levels (some rings may have higher or lower capacity). The rings will absorb any spells with the wearer as the target, where the wearer is within the direct area of effect, or if the wearer moves into an ongoing area of effect. Rings will also absorb spells cast by the wearer, although some rare rings are said not to eat the caster's own spells (Wigmar's ring is of this type).

After absorbing 8 levels, the ring will continue to absorb spell levels, but there is a cumulative 10% chance for each extra spell level that the ring will overload (check once after each spell is absorbed). For example, if a jade ring has 7 absorbed levels and is hit by an MR 3 spell, it's 2 points over, and there is a 20% mishap chance.

Removing a ring that has absorbed 1 or more spell levels is dangerous: there is a 10% chance per absorbed level a mishap will trigger.

If a mishap triggers, the ring is ruined and the wearer suffers 1 hit to the hand wearing the ring with S = absorbed spell levels. Armor does not protect against this damage.

The ring can be drained of spell energy by a magic user (MR 1+) by making a Channeling (any type) test, with Normal difficulty (Hard -20 if the ring is over capacity). This takes 10 minutes per level drained. All levels must be drained in one go, or the ring suffers a mishap as described above.

Cursed rings: Some rare jade rings are cursed. These appear normal jade rings when examined, but only work when used by a spell caster, and only to absorb their own spells! If a cursed ring is removed, it automatically suffers a mishap, but the ring is NOT ruined.

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Lore of the Heavens sample spells


These spells are not final but should give a good indication of how the system will work.

Foci with a * are consumed by the casting, and those without * are not.

Aethyric Omens

MR: 1+

CT: 1 minute

Difficulty: Normal (+0), Simple (+10) if you can see the stars

Foci: Arcane almanac (+5) or liver of a small animal (+10*)

Description: Consider a course of action and cast this spell. If successful, the GM will make a hidden Int test, that if successful will truthfully—but vaguely—reply if the course of action is favourable or not. The difficulty of the Int test is Normal (+0) is the action is straightforward and to be taken in the immediate future. More convoluted and distant actions have higher difficulties.

Note: It’s a fun little spell but don’t expect too much in the way of details.

First Portent of Amul

MR: 1+

CT: Half

Difficulty: Normal (+0). Every subsequent time you cast this spell without taking a Long rest first, the difficulty is cumulatively increased by 1.

Foci: Aethyric crystal (+5) or piece of glass (+10*)

Description: You gain 1 Fortune point that must be spent during the next round. You cannot spend Fortune points other than those granted by spells until after you have taken a Short rest.

Note: Extra Fortune is super strong, so there have to be some checks and balances.

Lightning Bolt

MR: 2+

CT: Half

Difficulty: Normal (+0) at Close/Short, Challenging (-10) at Medium

Foci: Silver tuning fork (+5) or piece of wood struck by lightning (+10*)

Description: Conjure 1 bolt of lightning. This is a magic missile with Medium range, MRx2+3 damage, AP 4 vs metal armour (typically medium and heavy armour) and the Shocking (MR) quality.

Note: Very useful now, especially against armour, plus has the ability stun in some cases. Damage scales steeply with MR.

Second Portent of Amul

MR: 2+

CT: Full

Difficulty: Challenging (-10). This spell cannot be cast again without taking a Long rest first.

Foci: Aethyric gemstone (+5) or piece of stained glass (+10*)

Description: You gain 2 Fortune points that must be spent within the next hour or before daybreak, whatever comes first. You cannot spend Fortune points other than those granted by spells until after you have taken a Long rest.

Note: Extra Fortune is super strong, so there have to be some checks and balances.

Wind Blast

MR: 2+

CT: Half

Difficulty: Normal (+0) at Close-Medium, Challenging (-10) at Long, opposed by target’s Strength

Foci: Aethyric gemstone (+5) or piece of stained glass (+10*)

Description: Target a point at up to Long range. Anyone at Short range of that point are knocked down and gains the Prone condition unless they successfully oppose the spell’s effect. Large targets and targets with more than 2 legs gain a bonus, fliers get a penalty (and could be knocked out of the sky if they are flying very low). The winds persist until the beginning of your next turn. Movement in the affected area is halved and missile attack out of/through the area suffer a -20% penalty.

Note: Repeat to keep enemies knocked down, unable to move fast, and trouble using missiles.

Curse of the Heavens

MR: 3+

CT: Half

Difficulty: Normal (+0), opposed by target’s WP.

Foci: Silver mirror (+5) or pieces of a broken mirror (+10*)

Description: Choose a target at up to Short range. Target suffers a -10 penalty on ALL tests and all attacks against it do +1 damage. The duration is equal to 8 hours times SL.

Note: Basically a debuff for bosses and other powerful opponents.

Wings of Heaven

MR: 3+

CT: Full

Difficulty: Challenging (-10)

Foci: Stone figurine of a flying creature (+5) or pair of dove’s wings (+10*)

Description: You gain the ability to fly at Speed 8 (about as fast as a horse) for MR minutes.

Note: Speed was increased a bit (from 6 to 8).

Magic revision, short version


Chaos is eternal, and magic IS Chaos - these rules arrived when they were meant to

Better late than never, here are the revised rules for magic, based on initial concepts that never got finalized... until now!

Key points:

  • Magic is SKILL BASED, like everything else.
  • Spellcasting is WP-based.
  • EACH color of magic is a SEPARATE skill (whether or not the caster actually cares about colors).
    • Other lores have their own skills.
    • Most casters know Pretty Magic (used to cast petty and lesser magic) and at least 1 Color lore (or other lore).
  • Spells have a MINIMUM MAGIC RATING to cast; if your MR is too low, you can't even try to cast the spell.
  • The difficulty of the spellcasting test is loosely based on Casting Number (the higher the number, the more difficulty).
    • Stuff like ingredients and magic foci can grant bonuses to the spellcasting test.
  • Spells will get tweaks to stuff like range, damage, and other things to bring them more in line with weapon mechanics.


Elves use High Magic, which includes controlling ALL the Winds of Magic. They do NOT get any freebies, except that when an elf takes a wizard career, he gets access to ALL the color skills. So no, elves don't automatically start with +30 in everything. They have to learn everything the hard way by sitting in a high tower on Ulthuan, being taught by the finest wizards of the world for a century or so before graduating...

TRUE High Magic is when an elven Wizard Lord makes new and unique spells that combine 2-8 of the winds of magic to do truly astonishing stuff. Kind of outside the scope of what most PC spellcasters are doing.


Each spell has a minimum magic rating; if you don't have a high enough MR, you can't cast the spell!

The spell's listed Casting Number is used as a baseline, then adjusted for general usefulness and power. I'll make a list of all the spells eventually, but if you have a spell that isn't listed, just ask.

MR1: Spells with a Casting Number well below 10. Examples: Aethyric Armor, Blessed Weapon.

MR2: Spells with a Casting Number around 10. Examples: Dispel, Lightning Bolt, Wind Blast

MR3: Spells with a Casting Number around 15. Examples: Fire Balls, Wings of Heaven

MR4: Spells with a Casting Number around 20. 

MR5: Spells with a Casting Number of 25 or more. 

Priests (MR "penalty"): Remember that priests typically have 1 less MR than wizards (Initiates have MR0, High Priests are MR3 vs MR4 for Wizard Lords) and can thus only ever reach MR3. This is more than compensated for by the fact that they invoke the displeasure of their God when fumbling magic rather than unleashing Chaos. Sure, Gods can be fickle and WILL penalize even devout servants for misuse of magic, but it beats mutation, insanity, or being dragged into the Warp by a LONG shot! Plus, priests have more useful stat lines, skills, and talents.


Lists of common slores and spells with MR ratings and difficulties are coming, plus some advanced rules.

Goal: Spells are easy to resolve using basically the same system as everything else. Magic should feel powerful without being inherently more powerful than other combat options. Magic should, however, enable casters to do stuff non-caster never can, from flying to seeing in the dark to putting the restless dead to rest.