Thursday, February 23, 2023

Item highlight: Jade Ring of Cathay


These magic rings (about a dozen are known to the Colleges) are said to originate from Cathay, but some of the ones found in the Old World are definitely made locally. The common denominator is being made of a solid piece of jade, without any other materials present. The purpose of the rings is to absorb magic energy and thereby protect the wearer.

Powers: Jade rings can safely absorb up to 8 spell levels (some rings may have higher or lower capacity). The rings will absorb any spells with the wearer as the target, where the wearer is within the direct area of effect, or if the wearer moves into an ongoing area of effect. Rings will also absorb spells cast by the wearer, although some rare rings are said not to eat the caster's own spells (Wigmar's ring is of this type).

After absorbing 8 levels, the ring will continue to absorb spell levels, but there is a cumulative 10% chance for each extra spell level that the ring will overload (check once after each spell is absorbed). For example, if a jade ring has 7 absorbed levels and is hit by an MR 3 spell, it's 2 points over, and there is a 20% mishap chance.

Removing a ring that has absorbed 1 or more spell levels is dangerous: there is a 10% chance per absorbed level a mishap will trigger.

If a mishap triggers, the ring is ruined and the wearer suffers 1 hit to the hand wearing the ring with S = absorbed spell levels. Armor does not protect against this damage.

The ring can be drained of spell energy by a magic user (MR 1+) by making a Channeling (any type) test, with Normal difficulty (Hard -20 if the ring is over capacity). This takes 10 minutes per level drained. All levels must be drained in one go, or the ring suffers a mishap as described above.

Cursed rings: Some rare jade rings are cursed. These appear normal jade rings when examined, but only work when used by a spell caster, and only to absorb their own spells! If a cursed ring is removed, it automatically suffers a mishap, but the ring is NOT ruined.

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