Friday, February 24, 2023

Item highlight: Ring of the Desert Genies (aka Ring of Spell Storing)


This ring was pried from Zul's dead finger. It is not unique in function - other similar rings exist - but its Arabyan origins are certainly unusual.

Powers: Rings of spells storing can hold from 1 to 5 spell levels (Wigmar's holds 5 spell levels). They prepare these rings, a spellcaster casts their spells into the ring beforehand, then release the spells as needed.

Only spells with a casting time of up to 3 Half actions can be cast into the ring. It takes 10 minutes per spell level to cast a spell into the ring

Make a Spell test as normal. As long as the spell is successfully cast, it is absorbed by the ring - there is no need to record the exact SL. If the spell is normally opposed, the opposing test is made when the spell is later released from the ring (see below).

If more levels are put into the ring than it can hold, all spells are ruined and the ring becomes inert for 1d10+18 hours. The same happens if the caster fails his Channeling test.

Any spellcaster, the original caster or otherwise, can later release the spell from the ring. Casting time, range, effect, and so forth are normal, and SL is automatically set to 1. MR is based on the original caster's MR. There is no chance of miscasting (that's checked when the ring is prepared).

Spells stored in the ring can be used for Conterspelling.

The ring has several applications. A master could place a powerful spell into a ring and give it to an apprentice about to embark on a perilous quest. Or a pair of wizards could each power their rings, then swap them, thereby giving their partner access to some out-of-color spells. A wizard could prepare difficult spells ahead of time, with easy access to components and other support.

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