Thursday, February 2, 2023

Lore of the Heavens sample spells


These spells are not final but should give a good indication of how the system will work.

Foci with a * are consumed by the casting, and those without * are not.

Aethyric Omens

MR: 1+

CT: 1 minute

Difficulty: Normal (+0), Simple (+10) if you can see the stars

Foci: Arcane almanac (+5) or liver of a small animal (+10*)

Description: Consider a course of action and cast this spell. If successful, the GM will make a hidden Int test, that if successful will truthfully—but vaguely—reply if the course of action is favourable or not. The difficulty of the Int test is Normal (+0) is the action is straightforward and to be taken in the immediate future. More convoluted and distant actions have higher difficulties.

Note: It’s a fun little spell but don’t expect too much in the way of details.

First Portent of Amul

MR: 1+

CT: Half

Difficulty: Normal (+0). Every subsequent time you cast this spell without taking a Long rest first, the difficulty is cumulatively increased by 1.

Foci: Aethyric crystal (+5) or piece of glass (+10*)

Description: You gain 1 Fortune point that must be spent during the next round. You cannot spend Fortune points other than those granted by spells until after you have taken a Short rest.

Note: Extra Fortune is super strong, so there have to be some checks and balances.

Lightning Bolt

MR: 2+

CT: Half

Difficulty: Normal (+0) at Close/Short, Challenging (-10) at Medium

Foci: Silver tuning fork (+5) or piece of wood struck by lightning (+10*)

Description: Conjure 1 bolt of lightning. This is a magic missile with Medium range, MRx2+3 damage, AP 4 vs metal armour (typically medium and heavy armour) and the Shocking (MR) quality.

Note: Very useful now, especially against armour, plus has the ability stun in some cases. Damage scales steeply with MR.

Second Portent of Amul

MR: 2+

CT: Full

Difficulty: Challenging (-10). This spell cannot be cast again without taking a Long rest first.

Foci: Aethyric gemstone (+5) or piece of stained glass (+10*)

Description: You gain 2 Fortune points that must be spent within the next hour or before daybreak, whatever comes first. You cannot spend Fortune points other than those granted by spells until after you have taken a Long rest.

Note: Extra Fortune is super strong, so there have to be some checks and balances.

Wind Blast

MR: 2+

CT: Half

Difficulty: Normal (+0) at Close-Medium, Challenging (-10) at Long, opposed by target’s Strength

Foci: Aethyric gemstone (+5) or piece of stained glass (+10*)

Description: Target a point at up to Long range. Anyone at Short range of that point are knocked down and gains the Prone condition unless they successfully oppose the spell’s effect. Large targets and targets with more than 2 legs gain a bonus, fliers get a penalty (and could be knocked out of the sky if they are flying very low). The winds persist until the beginning of your next turn. Movement in the affected area is halved and missile attack out of/through the area suffer a -20% penalty.

Note: Repeat to keep enemies knocked down, unable to move fast, and trouble using missiles.

Curse of the Heavens

MR: 3+

CT: Half

Difficulty: Normal (+0), opposed by target’s WP.

Foci: Silver mirror (+5) or pieces of a broken mirror (+10*)

Description: Choose a target at up to Short range. Target suffers a -10 penalty on ALL tests and all attacks against it do +1 damage. The duration is equal to 8 hours times SL.

Note: Basically a debuff for bosses and other powerful opponents.

Wings of Heaven

MR: 3+

CT: Full

Difficulty: Challenging (-10)

Foci: Stone figurine of a flying creature (+5) or pair of dove’s wings (+10*)

Description: You gain the ability to fly at Speed 8 (about as fast as a horse) for MR minutes.

Note: Speed was increased a bit (from 6 to 8).

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