Thursday, April 1, 2021


"Liber" is a Classical word meaning "free" or "open" that is the origin of many very old Reikspiel words. 

One such word is "Liberung" which basically means "freedom."

Liber is not to be confused with the common Reikspiel word for "free" which is "frei" and from which the term "Freiherr" is derived (meaning free lord, the lowest noble rank, just above knight/ritter).

Liberung is a relatively common surname that came into being as a way for freemen to distinguish themselves from peasant serfs. It's in no way related to Freiherr or noble rank.

The name for a fief granted to a "Liberung" should be "Liberungen," not just "Liberung". Liberungen would mean "the place of the Liberung(s)" and be grammatically correct. Calling a place Liberung doesn't make linguistical sense.

This is what you get for sleeping with a scholar...

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