Thursday, April 8, 2021

Noble ranks of the Glorious Empire of Sigmar Heldenhammer

The list is not exhaustive. There exist, especially at the lower levels, many variant, and composite titles, often with local variations. 


Kaiser/Kaiserin (Emperor/Empress): The sovereign of the Empire. The first was Sigmar. The current one is Lutipold. In between, there have been many. Sometimes more than one at the same time.


Kurfürst/Kurfürstin (Elector Prince/Princess): The all-powerful Elector-Counts of the Empire. It is they who decide who the next Emperor will be. Many are also the rulers of one of the great states (the Moot included) that make up the Empire.

König/Königin (King/Queen): There have certainly been both kinds and queens ruling domains within the borders of the Empire. In this day and age, the title is used only to refer to foreign sovereigns.


Erzherzog/Erzherzogin (Archduke/Archduchess): A high noble title below Elector-Count.

Großherzog/Großherzogin (Grand Duke/Duchess): Another high title about equal to Archduke.

Großfürst/Großfürstin (Grand Prince/Princess): High title that's about equal to the other high ducal titles. Sometimes give to peers without actual domains to rule.

Herzog/Herzogin (Duke/Duchess): This title is held by many regional overlords throughout the Empire. Typically a step down from Arch/Grand Duke.

Fürst/Fürstin (Prince/Princess): About equal to Duke. Lesser version of Grand Prince.

Markgraf/Markgräfin (Marquess/Marchioness): Originally denoting a fief (march) on the borders of the Empire. Today used more or less interchangeably with Duke/Prince.

Prinz/Prinzessin (Prince/Princess): Title given to the children of the high nobility (those of the lesser nobility must make do with Lord/Lady). The prefix Crown is added to denote an heir. 


Graf/Gräfin (Count/Countess): Technically a lesser title, there are several Grafs with the power and prestige to rival the grandest of dukes.

Vizegraf/Vizegräfin (Viscount/Viscountess): Literally a lesser Count.

Burggraf/Burggräfin: Variant of Viscount that holds a castle or other property directly from the Emperor.

Baron/Baronin: The lowest hereditary noble title that's also on the list of peers. Some baronies are of a size comparable to small duchies and their rulers among the most powerful nobles of the Empire.


Baronet/Baronetin (Baronet/Baronetess): The lowest hereditary title (will automatically pass from father to oldest lawful son) in the Empire. Baronets are not considered true peers of the realm but are allowed a coat of arms and are counted as part of the aristocracy.


Freiherr: Non-hereditary title of the lower nobility. One step above knight.

Ritter/Ritterin (Knight/Dame): Non-hereditary title, either granted for exemplary service or through membership of one of the knightly orders. Knights are not peers but they are part of the aristocracy.

Edler/Edle (Esquire/Lady): Ambiguous, non-hereditary title claimed by members of the landed gentry and the spouses and children of lesser the lesser nobility. In Ostland and some other places, the equivalent title is Junker/Junkerin. 

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