Sunday, April 4, 2021

The Berebeli

The Berebeli on the water

The Berebeli is a medium-sized Reikland river barge. It's 23 feet wide and some 75 feet long which makes for a spacious cargo vessel that can also fit into the narrow Weissbruck canal and other Reikland waterways. Larger barges do exist and can carry many times more cargo but these vessels cannot use the lesser canals nor travel as far upriver as smaller craft.

The bulk of the Berebeli is taken up by the hold. Robust cargo can - and often is - placed on the foredeck as well. There is a small forecastle that's used for observation when passing along difficult stretches of water. The cabin runs from the mainmast and aft. It's divided into three compartments: one for the captain, one for the first mate, and one for the rest of the crew. These rooms are often rented out to wealthier passengers - the crew will then sleep in hammocks or deck or in the hold depending on season and weather. Poorer passengers must stay on deck. The aft of the barge holds a small aftcastle (so the barge master can have a view over the cabin and cargo) where can be found the wheel.

The Berebeli normally has a crew of only six: the captain (missing), Josef (first mate/acting captain), two craftsmen (Gerd the carpenter and Waldo in charge of the sail, rig, and ropes), and two able rivermen (Norbert and Johan). A crew of eight or more would be better but as an independent trader, the Berebeli can't afford a bigger crew.

The Berebeli primarily runs the Bögenhafen-Weissbruck-Altdorf route but will sometimes go down to Carroburg or follow the Vorbergland canals all the way to Nuln. Only rarely does it venture out on the River Reik or along any of the other major waterways of the Empire.

Since the Berebeli isn't part of any trade guild it's very much dependent on staying on good terms with local merchants and town councils. It also needs to take whatever cargo and passengers it can get and for a lower price than guild vessels.

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