Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Something rotten in Moneyhafen

Been using 4ed price lists because they seemed more realistic than 2ed. For example, 1 gold buys you a sword or other hand weapon (used to cost 10 gc) and a pistol is 8 gold (rather than an insane 100). Prices have been divided by between 3 and 10 (or more in the case of some things, like firearms).

This adjustment has the benefit of not having to use a wheelbarrow to carry enough gold to go shopping 😅

So far, so good.

But not ALL prices have been adjusted in 4ed...

For example, the cost of food, drink, and many services are unchanged. 10 silver shillings (20 silver to 1 gold) buys you a moderately comfortable private room at an inn (no feather beds). In BOTH editions. 

So in 2ed you can have a private room for 20 nights for the price of a sword. In 4ed it's just 2 nights a sword - which is totally preposterous. Incredibly sloppy game design/editing. Sigh.

Expect an adjustment of prices. Either stuff like food and lodging gets cheaper or items get more expensive - or both. Treasury to be adjusted accordingly.

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