Sunday, August 28, 2022

Some new NPCs


You need to go to Naggaroth for this outfit...

New followers

Sir Léon Fuileré: Bretonnian knight from Quenelles. His master died at the hands of Zul, and he seeks atonement (losing your liege and yet surviving is the worst sin for a true knight) in Wigmar's service.

New girls

Laetitia of Parravon: Daughter of Antigone of Parrvon (who was sister to Duke Escarot and Damsel Francesca) and a handsome peasant. Not technically a bastard since her parents were wed by some backcountry priest, she's nevertheless the result of an unwanted liaison. Has magic potential.

Wilhelmina Drücker: The spoiled (in more ways than one) Daughter of Parravonian merchant Adolphus Drücker (whose family obviously has ties back to the old country). Accompanies Wigmar in the hopes of attracting a worthy Reikland suitor. Wigmar has sworn to protect her honor against everyone but himself.

Felicia of Myrmidia: Initiate of Myrmidia. Guarded the temple in Parravon during Zul's attack. Now an officer in Wigmar's employ. Better soldier than a lover, but if you like 'em fit, she's one for you.

Yasmina of Araby: The 17th (of 54) daughter of the Great Sultan of All Araby (he's got a LOT of children). Very attractive, very exotic, very much trained in the higher arts of keeping her man happy.

Naggaroth delegation

Wigmar doesn't know how many elves* there are. Fifty or more is the best bet. They arrived aboard a three-masted full rigger coming up the Reik. The vessel is moored next to the Emperor's (not a battle) barge. How they got past Marienburg (which has a large elven population and an embassy from Ulthuan) is anybody's guess. They are here to get back the traitor witch (Theslava) elf at all costs. And establish diplomatic relations between the Empire and Naggaroth.

* In this version of Warhammer, humans consider elves to be elves. They know next to nothing about intra-elven politics and conflicts. Even if they did, humans wouldn't care.

Gonthar, Prince of Naggaroth, Ambassador to Altdorf: His name means something like "he who sleeps/plays with apes." So the post of ambassador to the apes is probably not highly sought after. He seems nice enough but is probably a total bastard (like all elves). Getting Thesalva back is only part of his mission. The other half is establishing an embassy.

Nesheea, Sorceress of the Ebony Tower: Thesalva's daughter. Seems determined to drag her mother back to Naggaroth. Wigmar plans to turn her to his course. Cuz no one can resist the Wigmar.

Even though elves are ageless, she seems younger than her mother. Hard to tell exactly how old she is. Sixty maybe? Very young for an elf to be a full-fledged sorcerer. Looks a lot like Thes. Less lean muscle and horrendous scares and more curves and flawless skin.

Aneeshka, Witch Elf of the White Heart: One of several witch elves in the group. Assigned to protect Nesheea. Half crazed berserker, half murderous assassin. All in a very enchanting package. Unlike most (all?) elves Wigmar has met, Anee has blonde, almost white, hair and blue eyes. Maybe she's a mutant?

Other NPCs

Professor Quintus Fassbinder: Respected professor of both law and Reikland history at Altdorf university. Secretly specializes in such fun fields of research as mutants and cults. Connected to the temple of Verena and Frau Dunkelberg's little inquisition.

Rand von Grünburg: Son and heir of Graf Dolph von Grünburg (Grünburg is an important trading town on the Tefuel - the same river that flows through Übersreik). His father's proxy at the 2499 Reikland Diet. Knight Griffon (of the Altdorf chapter). The Grünburg clan has had connections to the Griffons since the order's inception.

Dong (Nacht): Emmanuele's bastard half-brother. He's half-Cathayan.

Eligible bachelorettes

Fidelia Leitdorf von Averland (mentioned only): Grand niece of the Elector-Count of Averland. She's a bit on the young side, but that'll sort itself out. They do, however, say she's a bit too skinny to be a good child-bearer, which could be a major issue for a future Emperor. 

Veranda von Bildhofen: Second daughter of the Duke of Carroburg. She's the right age, of a fine family (rich and powerful), and is said to be very pleasant to look at. They also say she's got quite the appetite for a woman her age. Whatever that means.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 49 (Back to the Reikland)


9 Erntezei 2449, Halmstadt's Tower

We reached Halmstad's tower.

Ankh's old body was indeed dead - and consigned to the pyre. We suspected as much. But more mysteries awaited us. Herr Halmstadt had become possessed by the same entity we now believe latched onto Ankh as early as Castle von Wittgenstein. The working theory is that Ankh pushed himself too hard and had some sort of fit. And the entity used this opportunity to gain a foothold.  

Long story made short: I was forced to slay Halmstadt to banish the entity. The glowing runes on the sword certainly helped. Afterward, we had a chat with Hugg. He's now the protector of the tower and will assume Halmstadt's identity. It has to be that way. None of my lady wizards are suited for the job (or want it), and no one wants a goblin wizard running around (most Reiklanders are so small-minded, for good reason, I might add, but still small-minded).

Hugg will keep the two elemental crystals safe. The daemon combined the fire and earth gems before we had uncovered his identity. That wasn't supposed to happen, but it did. We can't undo the merge, so the next best thing is to keep the crystal(s) safe in the tower.

Annika was absolved of her sins one final time - I decided to keep mine - and Herr Müller was laid to rest. If ever the Reik was home to a good-hearted man, it was him. He will be missed.

11 Erntezei 2449, Liberungen

I'm back home. Everything looks mostly like it did when I left. I see marked improvements in some areas, but in others, not so much. I wish progress was faster, but I must control my impatience.

Question: Where did Isolde go? And why?

I got no good answers to the latter. I'm sure there is something odd going on with her. Isolde hardly leaves Liberungen. She's not the type to steal away on an adventure.

Thesalva (with Anna in tow) is on her trail. It leads south, to Nuln.

13 Erntezei 2449, Übersreik

So much to do, so little time. Matters of trade. A parade. Meetings with the powers that be. Tiring.

15 Erntezei 2449, Grausee

Grausee has been cleared of taint. The unspeakable darkness has been banished. Shallya and Morr will watch over my town from now on. The castle is to become my military headquarters. Liberungen shall remain my home.

18 Erntezei 2449, Blood Keep

We dealt with the vampire plague that had taken root in Blood Keep. Seven Blood Knights and their Grand Master had enthralled the garrison and was feeding on the local population. We defeated them. The sun god proved his worth. I shall ask Emmanuelle for these lands. She will agree, I'm sure.

22 Erntezei 2449, Nuln


Did a bunch of stuff... but most importantly, helped the Sultan of All Araby establish an embassy in Nuln. Or is the right term consulate? Doesn't matter. As payment for my troubles, I was awarded Yasmina, 17th Daughter of the Sultan. Should I marry her or just keep her around for pleasure?

Oh, and someone has ordered (and paid for) four 24-pounder cannons in my name! They are monstrous and beautiful. And darn expansive. I wonder who's behind the purchase and to what end.

On to darker matters. Bova was here. She's warned me that the Adlerverein has been labeled heretical. Its members will be brought to justice. I'm exempt, but Emmanuelle is not. Which explains why she's fled to Wissenland!

30 Erntezei 2449, Nuln

Emmanuelle asks me to come pick her up in Pfeildorf. She will come with me to Altdorf. We'll sort out this heretical business.

32 Erntezei 2449, Pfeildorf

We met up with the Elector-Countess in the river town of Pfeildorf (formerly the capital of Solland). She was more youthful and vibrant than ever. The years have truly been kind to her. 

It does help that her body double is around my own age or younger. That's right. Emmanuelle fears for her life, so sends a double to the capital. I'm to treat her as I would the Countess. I can't wait.

2-3 Brauzeit 2449, Kemperbad

A brief stop in lovely Kemperbad. The Emperor has "besieged" the city from the river - four warships are anchored outside the harbor. The Emperor is most displeased with Kemperbad's unwillingness to comply with his edicts. So basically, there is a trade war going on. According to my old friend, Otto, smuggling is at an all-time high, and he hopes the blockade lasts forever.

Thesalva and Anna passed through here at least eight weeks ago, so we've fallen further and further behind. They continue to Altdorf.

5 Brauzeit 2449, Altdorf

We're finally here, in the capital of the glorious Empire!

Thursday, August 4, 2022


There may be some adjustments to skills and talents to comply with the new rules.


















Skills: Academic Knowledge (Astronomy or History), Academic Knowledge (Theology), Charm, Heal, Perception, Read/Write, Speak Language (Classical), Speak Language (Reikspiel)

Talents: Lightning Reflexes or Very Strong, Public Speaking, Suave or Warrior Born

Trappings: Religious Symbol, Robes

Career Entries: Hedge Wizard, Knight, Scribe, Student, Vampire Hunter, Witch Hunter, Zealot

Career Exits: Barber-Surgeon, Demagogue, Friar, Priest, Scribe, Zealot


















Skills: Academic Knowledge (any one), Academic Knowledge (Theology), Channelling, Charm, Common Knowledge (any two), Gossip, Heal, Magical Sense, Perception, Read/Write, Ride or Swim, Speak Arcane Language (Magick), Speak Language (any two)

Talents: Armoured Caster or Master Orator, Petty Magic (Divine), Strike to Injure or Strike to Stun

Trappings: Prayer Book, Writing Kit

Career Entries: Flagellant, Friar, Initiate

Career Exits: Anointed Priest, Flagellant, Scholar, Steward

Anointed Priest

















Skills: Academic Knowledge (any two), Academic Knowledge (Theology), Channelling, Charm, Common Knowledge (any two), Gossip, Heal, Magical Sense, Ride or Swim, Speak Arcane Language (Magick), Speak Language (any two)

Talents: Aethyric Attunement or Meditation, Armoured Casting or Fast Hands, Divine Lore (any one), Lesser Magic (any two), Seasoned Traveller or Strike Mighty Blow

Trappings: Noble’s Garb

Career Entries: Priest

Career Exits: Demagogue, Flagellant, High Priest, Scholar, Witch Hunter

High Priest

















Skills: Academic Knowledge (any three), Academic Knowledge (Theology), Channelling, Charm, Common Knowledge (any two), Gossip, Heal, Intimidate, Magical Sense, Ride or Swim, Speak Arcane Language (Magick), Speak Language (any three)

Talents: Aethyric Attunement or Meditation, Armoured Casting or Mighty Missile, Etiquette, Fast Hands or Strong-minded, Lesser Magic (any two)

Trappings: Religious Relic

Career Entries: Anointed Priest

Career Exits: Politician, Scholar, Witch Hunter

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 48 (Parravon Act 2: The attack)


26-28 Vorgeheim 2449, Parravon

The armies of Zul have been bled dry before the walls of Parravon. They tried crossing several times, but our gunfire - the cannons in particular - held them at bad. Zul's magic was a challenge, but not insurmountable - we had the Damsel of Parravon to protect us from the worst.

On the final day, the works crossed the river using a magically created bridge (more stone magic) to the north. Warned by scouts, Liberungen and Parravon joined together and defeated them on the field. The dragoons were hit hard, but it was a glorious victory for us. 

Note to self: Must have more cavalry. Our ability to maneuver and go on the offensive is limited.

Zul snuck into the city - I'm guessing more magic - with a handful of bodyguards. Long story short: we clashed beneath the temple of Myrmidia and he was finally brought low. The Earth crystal is now safely with us. I have also verified the whereabouts of the Air Crystal. It seems safe.

30 Vorgeheim 2449, Parravon

I received a letter from Isolde. It was... peculiar... I don't believe it. Sending Thesalva and Anna to track her down.

I'm also happy to write that Ankh is back. He's now more firmly entrenched in the body of pie-boy. It'll be a few years, but eventually, he'll grow into a man. We're thinking that the old body may finally have succumbed to the heart illness.

32 Vorgeheim 2449, Parravon

Cultist attack in the city! 

The Purple Hand tried to murder me but the Red Crown stopped them. Or maybe it was the other way around. Hard to tell, but they are all dead now.

3 Nachgeheim 2449, Parravon

The second battalion arrived in the afternoon.

5 Nachgeheim 2449, Parravon

We crossed the partially repaired bridge and sought to bring Zul's remaining forces to battle.

The enemy briefly skirmished before routing. I released the cavalry to pursue. 

On the plus side, the cavalry got some good training, but the second battalion infantry never engaged, but the artillery was barely across the bridge before the enemy ran away.

The green menace has been dealt with completely.

9 Nachgeheim 2449, Parravon

Baron Desmond Descartes has been brought to justice at the end of my blade. His foul priestess was sent screaming back to hell and his accomplishes dealt with. 

The Duke seems pleased. Philippe was reinstated as the noble ruler of the Descartes lands. My soldiers were released from Parravon's service. Our contract is completed in full.

18 Nachgeheim 2449, Parravon

Secured a trade deal with Adolphus Drücker (despite the name he's Bretonnian, but obviously has Reikland roots). Quite clever I must say, using his daughter, Wilhelmina, to gain access to the man in the first place. See's quite the little minx. She will come with us to Übersreik. I've sworn to protect her honor. And I will. Against other men.

24 Nachgeheim 2449, Parravon

Leaving Parranon for now. 

Our wagons have been filled with loot and trade goods. We bring with us more than fifty Parravonian recruits and a handful of men from the wider world. And enough good horses to get the cavalry battalion going.

27 Nachgeheim 2449, Parravon

We helped Philippe take possession of his lands and castle. Our next stop is Karak Azgaras. The roads are not good, but we will press on. If snow comes early... we could get stuck on this side of the mountains.

5 Erntezei 2449, Karak Azgaraz

Finally reached the dwarfhold. I presented my sword - which I got re-hilted in Parravon - to the loremaster. He examined the 12 runes that appeared on the blade when the Damsel examined it. 

The old dwarf was quite intrigued. It's an ancient sword - not Solland's lost Runefang - and the runes are written using a very old system that's no longer used. Not all the runes have magical powers. The loremaster promised to delve deeper into the mystery.

6 Erntezei 2449, Karak Azgaraz

I'm taking le Trois, our questing knight, Pie Boy, Ulfberth, and Annika with me through the tunnels to see Halmstad. The army will go the long way, down into the pass and on to Übersreik. Soon, we will be home!

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Letter from Thesalva

You discover this letter hidden inside a book that wasn't on your shelf the last time you visited Nuln: Castranova's Guide to Pleasuring Women (translated from Tilean, amply illustrated). 


In case you come this way, I had my assistant write this letter (a copy is sent to Liberungen by barge).

My target passed through Nuln a while ago, perhaps as long as six weeks.

Some effort was made to obfuscate its next destination, trying to make it appear that the south was the goal, but I’m confident the target met someone in the city, and together they took a river boat north. If I am not much mistaken Kemperbad is where I must go next.

I will write again when I know more.


Letter from Bova

The letter is delivered by a sleepy lawyer's assistant very early in the morning after arriving in Nuln. All he knows is that he's supposed to provide the letter and a small velvet pouch (containing a silver ring engraved with a set of scales, where the scales are balanced on a downward-pointing sword).

Bova von Dunkelberg

Alfdorf, 17 Nachgeheim 2499

Wigmar von Liberungen


Greetings and salutations.

I hope this letter finds you well.

I am well. The Order is well.

Excuse the brevity of my letter, for my time is in great demand at the moment.

I write to you for several reasons.

First of all, to thank you for your outstanding efforts regarding Fall Adler. Without your tireless and selfless work, I do not think the members of the Adlerverein could have been brought to justice as quickly, nor would we have been able to catch them all.

Relatedly, if you should run into trouble with Imperial authorities or the temple of Sigmar - its zealous witch-hunters in particular - over your involvement, show them this letter and the zeal of office (enclosed). Explain to them that to infiltrate a cult, you need infiltrators, and infiltrators are not cultists, but good men under Verena’s protection. If that doesn’t do it, refer them to me, so that I may bring them before the Grand Theogonist and the High Lord Steward, both of whom have a personal interest in the matter and will be most distraught if anyone interferes with the process.

Secondly, to thank you for your service to the people of Nuln. Without the grain and other foodstuffs provided by your mercantile contacts, the common people of Nuln would have suffered terribly. The irony of having used the Adlerverein to procure these commodities at bargain prices has not escaped notice. Rumor has it that the matter – and your name – was mentioned to the Emperor and that he had a laugh.

Unfortunately, the High Lord Treasurer has been nagging about the matter for some time now, demanding to know the whys and the hows and the whatnots. There was also something about owing the crown a lot of gold – for this and other things. I’ve told him, repeatedly, that I’m not a merchant. You may have to explain the details of the transfers to his representatives.

Finally, to request your presence in Altdorf. If you come for the Diet session, all the better. If not, I hope to persuade you to come, nonetheless. I have matters to discuss with you and there are some people I would like you to meet.

Until next time,

May Verena guide and protect you
