Sunday, August 28, 2022

Some new NPCs


You need to go to Naggaroth for this outfit...

New followers

Sir Léon Fuileré: Bretonnian knight from Quenelles. His master died at the hands of Zul, and he seeks atonement (losing your liege and yet surviving is the worst sin for a true knight) in Wigmar's service.

New girls

Laetitia of Parravon: Daughter of Antigone of Parrvon (who was sister to Duke Escarot and Damsel Francesca) and a handsome peasant. Not technically a bastard since her parents were wed by some backcountry priest, she's nevertheless the result of an unwanted liaison. Has magic potential.

Wilhelmina Drücker: The spoiled (in more ways than one) Daughter of Parravonian merchant Adolphus Drücker (whose family obviously has ties back to the old country). Accompanies Wigmar in the hopes of attracting a worthy Reikland suitor. Wigmar has sworn to protect her honor against everyone but himself.

Felicia of Myrmidia: Initiate of Myrmidia. Guarded the temple in Parravon during Zul's attack. Now an officer in Wigmar's employ. Better soldier than a lover, but if you like 'em fit, she's one for you.

Yasmina of Araby: The 17th (of 54) daughter of the Great Sultan of All Araby (he's got a LOT of children). Very attractive, very exotic, very much trained in the higher arts of keeping her man happy.

Naggaroth delegation

Wigmar doesn't know how many elves* there are. Fifty or more is the best bet. They arrived aboard a three-masted full rigger coming up the Reik. The vessel is moored next to the Emperor's (not a battle) barge. How they got past Marienburg (which has a large elven population and an embassy from Ulthuan) is anybody's guess. They are here to get back the traitor witch (Theslava) elf at all costs. And establish diplomatic relations between the Empire and Naggaroth.

* In this version of Warhammer, humans consider elves to be elves. They know next to nothing about intra-elven politics and conflicts. Even if they did, humans wouldn't care.

Gonthar, Prince of Naggaroth, Ambassador to Altdorf: His name means something like "he who sleeps/plays with apes." So the post of ambassador to the apes is probably not highly sought after. He seems nice enough but is probably a total bastard (like all elves). Getting Thesalva back is only part of his mission. The other half is establishing an embassy.

Nesheea, Sorceress of the Ebony Tower: Thesalva's daughter. Seems determined to drag her mother back to Naggaroth. Wigmar plans to turn her to his course. Cuz no one can resist the Wigmar.

Even though elves are ageless, she seems younger than her mother. Hard to tell exactly how old she is. Sixty maybe? Very young for an elf to be a full-fledged sorcerer. Looks a lot like Thes. Less lean muscle and horrendous scares and more curves and flawless skin.

Aneeshka, Witch Elf of the White Heart: One of several witch elves in the group. Assigned to protect Nesheea. Half crazed berserker, half murderous assassin. All in a very enchanting package. Unlike most (all?) elves Wigmar has met, Anee has blonde, almost white, hair and blue eyes. Maybe she's a mutant?

Other NPCs

Professor Quintus Fassbinder: Respected professor of both law and Reikland history at Altdorf university. Secretly specializes in such fun fields of research as mutants and cults. Connected to the temple of Verena and Frau Dunkelberg's little inquisition.

Rand von Grünburg: Son and heir of Graf Dolph von Grünburg (Grünburg is an important trading town on the Tefuel - the same river that flows through Übersreik). His father's proxy at the 2499 Reikland Diet. Knight Griffon (of the Altdorf chapter). The Grünburg clan has had connections to the Griffons since the order's inception.

Dong (Nacht): Emmanuele's bastard half-brother. He's half-Cathayan.

Eligible bachelorettes

Fidelia Leitdorf von Averland (mentioned only): Grand niece of the Elector-Count of Averland. She's a bit on the young side, but that'll sort itself out. They do, however, say she's a bit too skinny to be a good child-bearer, which could be a major issue for a future Emperor. 

Veranda von Bildhofen: Second daughter of the Duke of Carroburg. She's the right age, of a fine family (rich and powerful), and is said to be very pleasant to look at. They also say she's got quite the appetite for a woman her age. Whatever that means.

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