Tuesday, August 16, 2022

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 49 (Back to the Reikland)


9 Erntezei 2449, Halmstadt's Tower

We reached Halmstad's tower.

Ankh's old body was indeed dead - and consigned to the pyre. We suspected as much. But more mysteries awaited us. Herr Halmstadt had become possessed by the same entity we now believe latched onto Ankh as early as Castle von Wittgenstein. The working theory is that Ankh pushed himself too hard and had some sort of fit. And the entity used this opportunity to gain a foothold.  

Long story made short: I was forced to slay Halmstadt to banish the entity. The glowing runes on the sword certainly helped. Afterward, we had a chat with Hugg. He's now the protector of the tower and will assume Halmstadt's identity. It has to be that way. None of my lady wizards are suited for the job (or want it), and no one wants a goblin wizard running around (most Reiklanders are so small-minded, for good reason, I might add, but still small-minded).

Hugg will keep the two elemental crystals safe. The daemon combined the fire and earth gems before we had uncovered his identity. That wasn't supposed to happen, but it did. We can't undo the merge, so the next best thing is to keep the crystal(s) safe in the tower.

Annika was absolved of her sins one final time - I decided to keep mine - and Herr Müller was laid to rest. If ever the Reik was home to a good-hearted man, it was him. He will be missed.

11 Erntezei 2449, Liberungen

I'm back home. Everything looks mostly like it did when I left. I see marked improvements in some areas, but in others, not so much. I wish progress was faster, but I must control my impatience.

Question: Where did Isolde go? And why?

I got no good answers to the latter. I'm sure there is something odd going on with her. Isolde hardly leaves Liberungen. She's not the type to steal away on an adventure.

Thesalva (with Anna in tow) is on her trail. It leads south, to Nuln.

13 Erntezei 2449, Übersreik

So much to do, so little time. Matters of trade. A parade. Meetings with the powers that be. Tiring.

15 Erntezei 2449, Grausee

Grausee has been cleared of taint. The unspeakable darkness has been banished. Shallya and Morr will watch over my town from now on. The castle is to become my military headquarters. Liberungen shall remain my home.

18 Erntezei 2449, Blood Keep

We dealt with the vampire plague that had taken root in Blood Keep. Seven Blood Knights and their Grand Master had enthralled the garrison and was feeding on the local population. We defeated them. The sun god proved his worth. I shall ask Emmanuelle for these lands. She will agree, I'm sure.

22 Erntezei 2449, Nuln


Did a bunch of stuff... but most importantly, helped the Sultan of All Araby establish an embassy in Nuln. Or is the right term consulate? Doesn't matter. As payment for my troubles, I was awarded Yasmina, 17th Daughter of the Sultan. Should I marry her or just keep her around for pleasure?

Oh, and someone has ordered (and paid for) four 24-pounder cannons in my name! They are monstrous and beautiful. And darn expansive. I wonder who's behind the purchase and to what end.

On to darker matters. Bova was here. She's warned me that the Adlerverein has been labeled heretical. Its members will be brought to justice. I'm exempt, but Emmanuelle is not. Which explains why she's fled to Wissenland!

30 Erntezei 2449, Nuln

Emmanuelle asks me to come pick her up in Pfeildorf. She will come with me to Altdorf. We'll sort out this heretical business.

32 Erntezei 2449, Pfeildorf

We met up with the Elector-Countess in the river town of Pfeildorf (formerly the capital of Solland). She was more youthful and vibrant than ever. The years have truly been kind to her. 

It does help that her body double is around my own age or younger. That's right. Emmanuelle fears for her life, so sends a double to the capital. I'm to treat her as I would the Countess. I can't wait.

2-3 Brauzeit 2449, Kemperbad

A brief stop in lovely Kemperbad. The Emperor has "besieged" the city from the river - four warships are anchored outside the harbor. The Emperor is most displeased with Kemperbad's unwillingness to comply with his edicts. So basically, there is a trade war going on. According to my old friend, Otto, smuggling is at an all-time high, and he hopes the blockade lasts forever.

Thesalva and Anna passed through here at least eight weeks ago, so we've fallen further and further behind. They continue to Altdorf.

5 Brauzeit 2449, Altdorf

We're finally here, in the capital of the glorious Empire!

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