Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Letter from Bova

The letter is delivered by a sleepy lawyer's assistant very early in the morning after arriving in Nuln. All he knows is that he's supposed to provide the letter and a small velvet pouch (containing a silver ring engraved with a set of scales, where the scales are balanced on a downward-pointing sword).

Bova von Dunkelberg

Alfdorf, 17 Nachgeheim 2499

Wigmar von Liberungen


Greetings and salutations.

I hope this letter finds you well.

I am well. The Order is well.

Excuse the brevity of my letter, for my time is in great demand at the moment.

I write to you for several reasons.

First of all, to thank you for your outstanding efforts regarding Fall Adler. Without your tireless and selfless work, I do not think the members of the Adlerverein could have been brought to justice as quickly, nor would we have been able to catch them all.

Relatedly, if you should run into trouble with Imperial authorities or the temple of Sigmar - its zealous witch-hunters in particular - over your involvement, show them this letter and the zeal of office (enclosed). Explain to them that to infiltrate a cult, you need infiltrators, and infiltrators are not cultists, but good men under Verena’s protection. If that doesn’t do it, refer them to me, so that I may bring them before the Grand Theogonist and the High Lord Steward, both of whom have a personal interest in the matter and will be most distraught if anyone interferes with the process.

Secondly, to thank you for your service to the people of Nuln. Without the grain and other foodstuffs provided by your mercantile contacts, the common people of Nuln would have suffered terribly. The irony of having used the Adlerverein to procure these commodities at bargain prices has not escaped notice. Rumor has it that the matter – and your name – was mentioned to the Emperor and that he had a laugh.

Unfortunately, the High Lord Treasurer has been nagging about the matter for some time now, demanding to know the whys and the hows and the whatnots. There was also something about owing the crown a lot of gold – for this and other things. I’ve told him, repeatedly, that I’m not a merchant. You may have to explain the details of the transfers to his representatives.

Finally, to request your presence in Altdorf. If you come for the Diet session, all the better. If not, I hope to persuade you to come, nonetheless. I have matters to discuss with you and there are some people I would like you to meet.

Until next time,

May Verena guide and protect you


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