Thursday, August 4, 2022

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 48 (Parravon Act 2: The attack)


26-28 Vorgeheim 2449, Parravon

The armies of Zul have been bled dry before the walls of Parravon. They tried crossing several times, but our gunfire - the cannons in particular - held them at bad. Zul's magic was a challenge, but not insurmountable - we had the Damsel of Parravon to protect us from the worst.

On the final day, the works crossed the river using a magically created bridge (more stone magic) to the north. Warned by scouts, Liberungen and Parravon joined together and defeated them on the field. The dragoons were hit hard, but it was a glorious victory for us. 

Note to self: Must have more cavalry. Our ability to maneuver and go on the offensive is limited.

Zul snuck into the city - I'm guessing more magic - with a handful of bodyguards. Long story short: we clashed beneath the temple of Myrmidia and he was finally brought low. The Earth crystal is now safely with us. I have also verified the whereabouts of the Air Crystal. It seems safe.

30 Vorgeheim 2449, Parravon

I received a letter from Isolde. It was... peculiar... I don't believe it. Sending Thesalva and Anna to track her down.

I'm also happy to write that Ankh is back. He's now more firmly entrenched in the body of pie-boy. It'll be a few years, but eventually, he'll grow into a man. We're thinking that the old body may finally have succumbed to the heart illness.

32 Vorgeheim 2449, Parravon

Cultist attack in the city! 

The Purple Hand tried to murder me but the Red Crown stopped them. Or maybe it was the other way around. Hard to tell, but they are all dead now.

3 Nachgeheim 2449, Parravon

The second battalion arrived in the afternoon.

5 Nachgeheim 2449, Parravon

We crossed the partially repaired bridge and sought to bring Zul's remaining forces to battle.

The enemy briefly skirmished before routing. I released the cavalry to pursue. 

On the plus side, the cavalry got some good training, but the second battalion infantry never engaged, but the artillery was barely across the bridge before the enemy ran away.

The green menace has been dealt with completely.

9 Nachgeheim 2449, Parravon

Baron Desmond Descartes has been brought to justice at the end of my blade. His foul priestess was sent screaming back to hell and his accomplishes dealt with. 

The Duke seems pleased. Philippe was reinstated as the noble ruler of the Descartes lands. My soldiers were released from Parravon's service. Our contract is completed in full.

18 Nachgeheim 2449, Parravon

Secured a trade deal with Adolphus Drücker (despite the name he's Bretonnian, but obviously has Reikland roots). Quite clever I must say, using his daughter, Wilhelmina, to gain access to the man in the first place. See's quite the little minx. She will come with us to Übersreik. I've sworn to protect her honor. And I will. Against other men.

24 Nachgeheim 2449, Parravon

Leaving Parranon for now. 

Our wagons have been filled with loot and trade goods. We bring with us more than fifty Parravonian recruits and a handful of men from the wider world. And enough good horses to get the cavalry battalion going.

27 Nachgeheim 2449, Parravon

We helped Philippe take possession of his lands and castle. Our next stop is Karak Azgaras. The roads are not good, but we will press on. If snow comes early... we could get stuck on this side of the mountains.

5 Erntezei 2449, Karak Azgaraz

Finally reached the dwarfhold. I presented my sword - which I got re-hilted in Parravon - to the loremaster. He examined the 12 runes that appeared on the blade when the Damsel examined it. 

The old dwarf was quite intrigued. It's an ancient sword - not Solland's lost Runefang - and the runes are written using a very old system that's no longer used. Not all the runes have magical powers. The loremaster promised to delve deeper into the mystery.

6 Erntezei 2449, Karak Azgaraz

I'm taking le Trois, our questing knight, Pie Boy, Ulfberth, and Annika with me through the tunnels to see Halmstad. The army will go the long way, down into the pass and on to Übersreik. Soon, we will be home!

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