Friday, January 28, 2022

Karak Azgaraz


Karak Azgaraz is an old dwarf holdfast deep in the Grey Mountains. Though never as great or rich as the World's Edge hold or Karaka Norn, Azgaraz was nevertheless considered a great hold during its heyday.

These days it has nearly faded from human history. It's deep mines are largely empty and trade has nearly dried up. Scholars may remember the name but commoners - even merchants - will probably draw a blank if asked.

Karak Azgaraz has another problem to contend with, one that consumes all of its dwindling resources: greenskins. Every time the dwarfs try to establish an outpost or open a new mine, greenskins will eventually turn up and see their efforts undone.

It is only a matter of time before this noble house of dwarfs will disappear entirely under a horde of greenskins.

Blood Keep


The Blood Keep is an ancient castle ruin situated on the eastern slopes of the Grey Mountains. Seven centuries ago as the minstrels tell time it was the home of an order of valiant knights. Then a powerful vampire came among them. Those he did not slay he turned into thrall vampires. Thus was born the Blood Knights, and for many years they terrorized the lands of men until finally the vampire was destroyed, the Knights laid to rest, and the castle torn down.

From time to time the castle ruins has served as a base for monsters, smugglers, outlaws, and other ner-do-well - until cleared out by local nobles, adventurers, or road wardens.. There is an ancient decrepit (but still functional) stone bridge spanning the gorge of the river Wut. The only other bridge before the Countess Emmanuelle Canal is in Königsdorf.

Of late it's been refurbished as an asylum, "The White Oak Sanatorium of the Mentally Diverse." It's staffed by Shallyans and Sigmarites, and paid for by Emperor Lutipold. There are about fifty of the "mental divergent" in residence at any time, attended by a staff of twenty. They are led by Shallyan priestess Anastasia Krilenko (a white-haired Kislevite in her late 50s).

The closest settlement is Königsdorf, a walled village of some 500 souls. And old road winds past Blood Keep, crossing the valleys and highlands of the Grey Peaks until it reaches Karak Azgaraz, deep in the mountains.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 34 (A conspiracy, a faked murder, and the ghosts of sorcerers past)


17 Vorhexen

It's been... an interesting few days. 

Turns out the good Elector is part of a cult - of sorts. The Adlerverein - the Eagle Club. It has roots back to her childhood here in Meissen and includes friends of old - and new. Their current obsession is the extension of human lifespan through non-forbidden means. They've managed to create an elixir that slows the aging process. If that's true it's truly remarkable. I was given a sample of the elixir - which is highly toxic even in small dose - and will have it tested. I really do hope it's not a forbidden substance - I'd hate to have to bring in Emmanuelle dearest.

Oh, and there was a plot to kill the Elector-Countess and replace her with a cousin. A real plot by a real cult - the Purple Hand. Yes, those guys again. And this time they were not kidding around: "Kastor Liberung" has been marked for death. The order came down from the top brass in Middenheim. 

So this particular cell decided to kill two birds with one plot: murder the Countess and me both. But as usual hey got sidetracked by their own overly intricate plotting and ended up dead - every last one of them. 

It was quite clever if I may say so. Me and Emmanuelle really worked well together. With some help from Thes. But mostly my own brilliance.

Ah yes, one last thing: Thesalva has been poisoning me every day for quite some time now. It's... an elven thing. I can't really be cross with her: without her ministrations I would be dead at the cultist's hands.

The Purple Hand should be crushed in Nuln and around the Countess' person now: I've rooted out two major cells. Can't say for sure there aren't more but if there are I'd be greatly surprised. Between the Hand and Herzen's Red Crown, I've dealt the Enemy a severe blow.

31 Vorhexen

After a week and a half weather-locked in Meissen, we hit the road. We finally reached Nuln after three miserable days in the saddle. Thank the light for coaching inns and the company of noble ladies. We didn't immediately enter the city with the gates being closed up and everything. One final night on the road with the lady of the manor.

Career spotlight: Knight & Knight of the Inner Circle



Knights are professional Soldiers, generally, but not always of Noble blood. They specialize in fighting in heavy armour while using large weapons, often from horseback, and comprise a general’s most elite shock troops. Many Knights have a duty to protect the lower classes, though not all of them acknowledge it. There are a large number of knightly orders hailing from both the Empire and Bretonnia, such as the Knights of the White Wolf, the Knights Panther, the Reiksgard Knights, and the Grail Knights. Religious orders of Knights are known as templars.

















Skills: Academic Knowledge (Genealogy/Heraldry or Religion), Academic Knowledge (Strategy/Tactics), Cool, Dodge, Perception, Ride, Secret Language (Battle Tongue), Speak Language (any two)

Talents: Specialist Weapon Group (Cavalry), Specialist Weapon Group (Flail), Specialist Weapon Group (Two-handed), Strike Mighty Blow, Swift Attack

Trappings: Flail or Morning Star, Lance, Heavy Armour (Full Plate Armour), Shield, Religious Symbol, 25 gc, Destrier with Saddle and Harness

Career Entries: Noble, Pistolier, Sergeant, Squire

Career Exits: Captain, Initiate, Knight of the Inner Circle, Noble Lord, Vampire Hunter


Within each knightly order there are those who rise to the top, the best of the best. They have proven themselves valiant and loyal time and time again and for that they are brought into the inner circle of the order. They command Knights in the field, represent the order at court, and make the important decisions. They are some of the greatest warriors the Old World has to offer and many of them have been entrusted with dangerous secrets about the foundations of their group. Each one of them aspires to become the Grand Master of his order. That is the pinnacle of knighthood.

















Skills: Academic Knowledge (Genealogy/Heraldry or Religion), Academic Knowledge (Strategy/Tactics), Dodge Blow, Perception, Ride, Secret Language (Battle Tongue), Speak Language (any two)

Talents: Lightning Attack, Specialist Weapon Group (Cavalry), Specialist Weapon Group (Flail), Specialist Weapon Group (Two-handed), Strike Mighty Blow

Trappings: Flail or Morning Star, Lance, Heavy Armour (Full Plate Armour), Shield, Religious Symbol, 25 gc, Destrier with Saddle and Harness

Career Entries: Knight, Witch Hunter

Career Exits: Captain, Champion, Noble Lord, Witch Hunter

Career spotlight: Noble Lord & Witch Hunter


Couple of new advanced careers. Might add some of the new skills and talents. But at least you see the stat lines.


 Hmmm... ye'r not a dwarf, are ye?

















Yeah, he's a skilled operator.


Noble Lords are members of the nobility with actual power and responsibility, unlike the many dilettantes who fill the courts of the Old World. Some inherit their positions, whereas others forcefully claw their way to them. All of them tend to be strong-willed, adroit public speakers, and skilled fighters. They must be adept at resolving local disputes, negotiating court politics, and leading troops in the field. Some of the most powerful Noble Lords in the Empire are the Elector Counts who choose from among their number who will be the next Emperor.

















Skills: Academic Knowledge (History or Strategy/Tactics), Academic Knowledge (Genealogy/Heraldry), Charm, Command, Common Knowledge (the Empire), Evaluate, Gossip, Perception, Read/Write, Ride, Speak Language (Classical), Speak Language (Reikspiel)

Talents: Master Orator, Public Speaking, Specialist Weapon Group (Fencing), Swift Attack

Trappings: Best Craftsmenship Rapier or Foil, Best Craftsmenship Noble’s Garb, 500 gc, Jewellery worth 500 gc, Destrier with Saddle and Harness

Career Entries: Courtier, Knight, Knight of the Inner Circle, Politician, Sea Captain

Career Exits: Captain, Knight, Scholar, Sea Captain


Witch Hunters are grim individuals who have dedicated their lives to eradicating the forces of Chaos, either in the service of the state or the Church of Sigmar. They prefer to seek out Chaos cultists, Mutants, and heretics that have insidiously hidden amidst the cities of the Empire. However, they will travel far indeed if they think they can strike a meaningful blow against the forces of evil. Witch Hunters tend to be a surly and suspicious lot with no qualms about killing innocents, so long as they also manage to slay the guilty, which means their appearance is often regarded with dread by other folk.

















Skills: Academic Knowledge (Magic), Academic Knowledge (Necromancy), Academic Knowledge (Theology), Charm, Command, Common Knowledge (the Empire), Cool, Gossip, Initiative, Intimidate, Perception, Ride, Search, Silent Move, Speak Language (any one)

Talents: Lightning Parry, Lightning Reflexes or Marksman, Lightning Attack, Menacing, Public Speaking, Sixth Sense, Specialist Weapon Group (Crossbow), Specialist Weapon Group (Entangling), Specialist Weapon Group (Throwing), Stout-hearted, Strike Mighty Blow

Trappings: Crossbow Pistol with 10 bolts, Best Craftsmenship Hand Weapon, 4 Throwing Knives/Stars, Heavy Armour (Full Plate Armour), 10 Yards of Rope

Career Entries: Anointed Priest, Assassin, Champion, High Priest, Judicial Champion, Knight of the Inner Circle, Vampire Hunter

Career Exits: Captain, Champion, Demagogue, Initiate, Knight of the Inner Circle

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 33 (To Wissenland, to the East - or actually, to the South)


5 Vorhexen

Nuln was a disappointment. No jubilant minions cheering my arrival - they've all gone back north again to Liberungen. Even Renate and her colorful little boat had gone up the canals. I should be glad, I suppose, but it would have been nice to see a few friendly faces.

No Kurfürstin von Liebwitz either. She had was at her family's lands down by Meissen. So I decided to pay her my respects.

7 Vorhexen

Helped the Lord Seal deal with a grain-related problem. It started with pestilence, but investigation showed it to be related not to a contagion, but spoiled gain. Someone (or somethings) had contaminated the gain stores with sewage. The rat-men again? Or more human enemies? Greedy servants had then sold some of the seemingly fine grains instead of tipping the lot into the Reik. The result: disease.

Sometimes I amaze even myself with my wit and deductive powers.

With this cleared up we're free to proceed.

9 Vorhexen

We kept west of the Reik on our way south. It was a dreary journey. Ill weather, worse roads. In a sense the winter is better up north. There you gets snow and stuff freezes solid. This far south it's sleet and mud. No wonder the Countess didn't bother going back to Nuln!

11 Vorhexen

Ankh fell of his horse a few hour's ride past the village of Owingen. One minute he was fine, the next he was face down in the mud. We got him to the nearest coaching in (Gods he's a big man) and sent for the village doctor. He turned out to a she: an elderly (by my standards even) lady by the name of Sabine Hofstadter, trained at the University of Nuln, sent packing from the city after one too many cries of malpractice.

Ankh has a condition of the heart. It's his size, you see. The human heart is not strong enough to endure such greatness. He's fine - for now - but needs to rest in the sun. But sooner or later it'll happen again - sooner if he exerts himself - and one day, it'll kill him. Who knew the heart was such a complicated thing? A stab or a shit through the heart will kill you - but apparently so will a great many other ailments of the heart.

We had a good long talk, me and the big man. About the sun and life and how it'll all work out as long as we keep to the light. Got hold of an old carriage and sent him back home under guard. He's not fit to travel with us at the moment.

12 Vorhexen

Arrived at Meissen. Not sure what I had expected. Something bigger and livelier? What we got was a run-of-the-mill village clustered around an old family castle. Welcome to the Duchy of Meissen, once part of the realm of Solland. Does that mean von Liebwitz is actually a Sollander? I have to ask her.

Note: apparently there is also a town called Meissen that sits of the River Söll, just a few hours ride from here.

Picked up Bernt Heimler, a down-on-his-luck (read: couldn't get an appointment to present his wares to the Countess, also got robbed of his coin by the very men he'd hired as bodyguards) clothes merchant, and his assistant, young Frederick. I took it upon myself to reverse his fortunes. And the only thing I ask in return: a pretty dress for the elven lady at my side.

Called at the castle. Got settled. Got invited for a fine dinner with the Countess and a bunch of strangers. She already had quite a bit of company - but in the end, she chose the Wigmar.

I got back to my quarters well after midnight, so technically it's the 11th. I was feeling kind of funny. On account of having been poisoned during dinner. Apparently, I could have died. Thesalva told me so. Fortunately for me, Thesalva admitted to having slipped me poison on a daily basis for quite a while. So now I've built up quite the resistance to many common toxins. She's a woman of many talents my elf is.

Now she'll dress like a common maid and go snoop around while I take a really long nap...