Friday, January 28, 2022

Blood Keep


The Blood Keep is an ancient castle ruin situated on the eastern slopes of the Grey Mountains. Seven centuries ago as the minstrels tell time it was the home of an order of valiant knights. Then a powerful vampire came among them. Those he did not slay he turned into thrall vampires. Thus was born the Blood Knights, and for many years they terrorized the lands of men until finally the vampire was destroyed, the Knights laid to rest, and the castle torn down.

From time to time the castle ruins has served as a base for monsters, smugglers, outlaws, and other ner-do-well - until cleared out by local nobles, adventurers, or road wardens.. There is an ancient decrepit (but still functional) stone bridge spanning the gorge of the river Wut. The only other bridge before the Countess Emmanuelle Canal is in Königsdorf.

Of late it's been refurbished as an asylum, "The White Oak Sanatorium of the Mentally Diverse." It's staffed by Shallyans and Sigmarites, and paid for by Emperor Lutipold. There are about fifty of the "mental divergent" in residence at any time, attended by a staff of twenty. They are led by Shallyan priestess Anastasia Krilenko (a white-haired Kislevite in her late 50s).

The closest settlement is Königsdorf, a walled village of some 500 souls. And old road winds past Blood Keep, crossing the valleys and highlands of the Grey Peaks until it reaches Karak Azgaraz, deep in the mountains.

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