Wednesday, January 26, 2022

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 34 (A conspiracy, a faked murder, and the ghosts of sorcerers past)


17 Vorhexen

It's been... an interesting few days. 

Turns out the good Elector is part of a cult - of sorts. The Adlerverein - the Eagle Club. It has roots back to her childhood here in Meissen and includes friends of old - and new. Their current obsession is the extension of human lifespan through non-forbidden means. They've managed to create an elixir that slows the aging process. If that's true it's truly remarkable. I was given a sample of the elixir - which is highly toxic even in small dose - and will have it tested. I really do hope it's not a forbidden substance - I'd hate to have to bring in Emmanuelle dearest.

Oh, and there was a plot to kill the Elector-Countess and replace her with a cousin. A real plot by a real cult - the Purple Hand. Yes, those guys again. And this time they were not kidding around: "Kastor Liberung" has been marked for death. The order came down from the top brass in Middenheim. 

So this particular cell decided to kill two birds with one plot: murder the Countess and me both. But as usual hey got sidetracked by their own overly intricate plotting and ended up dead - every last one of them. 

It was quite clever if I may say so. Me and Emmanuelle really worked well together. With some help from Thes. But mostly my own brilliance.

Ah yes, one last thing: Thesalva has been poisoning me every day for quite some time now. It's... an elven thing. I can't really be cross with her: without her ministrations I would be dead at the cultist's hands.

The Purple Hand should be crushed in Nuln and around the Countess' person now: I've rooted out two major cells. Can't say for sure there aren't more but if there are I'd be greatly surprised. Between the Hand and Herzen's Red Crown, I've dealt the Enemy a severe blow.

31 Vorhexen

After a week and a half weather-locked in Meissen, we hit the road. We finally reached Nuln after three miserable days in the saddle. Thank the light for coaching inns and the company of noble ladies. We didn't immediately enter the city with the gates being closed up and everything. One final night on the road with the lady of the manor.

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