Friday, January 28, 2022

Karak Azgaraz


Karak Azgaraz is an old dwarf holdfast deep in the Grey Mountains. Though never as great or rich as the World's Edge hold or Karaka Norn, Azgaraz was nevertheless considered a great hold during its heyday.

These days it has nearly faded from human history. It's deep mines are largely empty and trade has nearly dried up. Scholars may remember the name but commoners - even merchants - will probably draw a blank if asked.

Karak Azgaraz has another problem to contend with, one that consumes all of its dwindling resources: greenskins. Every time the dwarfs try to establish an outpost or open a new mine, greenskins will eventually turn up and see their efforts undone.

It is only a matter of time before this noble house of dwarfs will disappear entirely under a horde of greenskins.

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