Friday, June 17, 2022

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 47 (Act1: The green horde approaches)


22 Vorgeheim, 2449, City of Parravon

I've set the galloper guns and some cavalry to guard the bridge over the stone bridge over the River Grismerie. They will be sufficient to hold the bridge until he rest of my men can be mobilized and brought to bear. I've also sent out scouts to determine the location of the ork army, and put sharpshooters in the hills to the east, both the guard that approach and act as lookouts.

The bridge over the Grismerie is the only practical means of crossing this major river for many leagues north and south. The ork army is, we are now confident, to the west of the river. Word has reached the Duke that the Army of Quenelles won't be relieving Parravon anytime soon. On account of having been waylaid and massacred by the greenskin horde

The greenskins certainly did not cross over the bridge going west, so must have found a crossing someplace else. Perhaps they've used rafts. Or built a makeshift bridge of their own? Surely they have not gone as far north as Vingtiennes to seize the bridge there?

Grismerie is the the Bretonnian equivalent of the River Reik, starting in the Grey Mountains as far south as Loren, cutting northwest through many leagues, before turning west towards the sea. It's not quite as grand as the Reik. Let's say the equivalent of the upper parts of the Reik. But still a mighty river, plied by many trade barges.

If stable trade routes can be established through Karak Azgaraz, I think Parravon shall become a great link in the Adler chain. From Parravon we can access the western seas. If trade can be diverted from the Gisoreux Gap to flow through Parravon into Übersreik, rather than go from Montfort to Helmgart... 

23 Vorgeheim, 2449, Quenelles countryside on western bank of the Grismerie 

Crossed the bridge with 50 pistoliers and Thesalva. We're now technically in the Ducky of Quenelles, though I think not the orks care much about that distinction. We found mostly plundered villages, burned houses, and dead people. The devastation is significant, but not total. The peasants will soon return and rebuild. They always do.

Rode back to camp for the night. Laetitia professed a desire to leave Bretonnia and come with us to Reikland. With an aunt that's a Damsel of the Lake - and a mother who was promised - there is a good chance she's got magical talent. And like Malthus used to say: you can never have too many attractive young wizardesses in your employ.

24 Vorgeheim, 2449, Quenelles countryside on western bank of the Grismerie 

Crossed over again today. Ranged much further. More of the same. Spent the night at an abandoned mill. Our rest was disturbed by some sudden squalls - and the orc army. It's too soon. My own forces are still ten days away and I've yet to receive word. 

We pursued the greenskins but did not engage. I will not risk my men against an enemy force of unknown strength and composition.

25 Vorgeheim, 2449, Quenelles countryside on western bank of the Grismerie 

The horde is even bigger than we feared. Five thousand greenskins, the bulk of them common orks, with a smattering of black orks and a sizeable contingent of goblins. Two thousand or so beastmen. And a thousand odd humans. Even a few elves were sighted. And here I thought all elves loved Bretonnia.

A force this big, bearing straight towards Parravon... we could not even hope to delay it. Yes, we are more mobile and have pistols, but the orks have bows and spears and the will to fight. So we circled around, looking for an opportunity.

And behold, the ork loot train of Zul the Mighty. We found a sharp action against superior numbers, losing only eight men (and some injured) and fifteen horses. We came away with sixty prisoners, mostly big, strong warriors used as slaves. And more gold and valuable than we could carry. We disengaged before the orks could figure out what had just happened. We managed to get the prisoners to safety and slipped past the ork lines during the night and back across the river.

From the captured Bretonnians we learned that Zul had slaughtered the Army of Quenelles. He'd used his earth magic to shattered the human lines with what was described as "a great wave of earth". A thousand knights (and who knows how many footmen) slain in a single day.

26 Vorgeheim, 2449, City of Parravon

We must now prepare and plan for the inevitable attack on Parravon.

Thursday, June 16, 2022

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 46 (Parravon, Legend of the Air Crystal)


21 Vorgeheim, 2449, City of Parravon

I've made myself comfortable in my new quarters in Castle Parravon. It's a pleasant enough town now that the siege has been temporarily lifted. About twice the size of Übersreik, about the same as Bögenhafen. It's an old city, dating back to before there was a Bretonnia.

I've been introduced to the most important members of the court. Duke Escarot II of Parravon is an intense man of middling years. Like all Bretonnian nobles he's born and bred to fight, but I dare say the man's more at home at court than in the saddle. Military matters he leaves to Marquise de Salle, a tall, swarthy fellow who seems more Tilean than Bretonnia.

I also have a young "Baron" (technically heir to a baron) by the name of le Trois attending me. Pretty sure he's a spy. Old master Fabien who make sure my needs are met is also a spy, I'm sure. Spies everywhere: Val Adrie, the elf diplomat (spy) from Athel Loren. Him I've convinced Thesalva is a spy from Ulthuan... hilarious.

Military matters

The Parravonians have clashed repeatedly with the orks, losing knights and foot soldiers both in the process. Maybe two hundred knights remain, many of them freshly knighted squires. Then city can muster about 2000 able-bodied warriors, 500 of them archers.

Arrayed against them are 6000 or more orks, possibly beastmen as well. We can see bands moving through the countryside to the north, but I've urged against any more sallies until we know where the main body of orks is.

I've sent Ulfberth to get the 2nd battalion. It should be here in two weeks or less. The Duke, however, seems content to wait for relief. Riders have been sent to Quenelles and an army should be on its way even as I write this. Or so they tell me. In war, things are not certain. Until I see Bretonnian banners arriving I will assume the worst.

Magical matters

Anyway. I was invited to the Duke's garden party earlier today. There I met a most intriguing lady hiding in the gardens. Yes, yes they are all very intriguing, I admit. But this one was especially so. In more ways than one.

Mademoiselle Francesca (cousin to the Duke and a spinster) isn't a young woman. In fact, she's of middle age (though I find that rather hard to believe based on her looks alone), twin sister to Antigone, mother of my Laetitia!

She also knows something of magic, professing to have "sensed" the presence of Zul. That's a very special gift - if true. Nacht has told me such things aren't easy at all. So maybe she's a wizard? Do Bretonnia even have any wizards? Do they have like a school of magic like in Altdorf?

Crystal of Air

The air crystal definitely came through Parravon long ago. Like really long ago. They have these ancient legends of dwarfs (presumably from Karak Azgaraz) handing a crystal (probably the air crystal) over to the elves. Who then didn't ship it to Ulthuan after all, but handed it over to some humans tribesmen. Reminds me of a game of tag... last one to have it loses...

And then the crystal vanishes from living memory except as ancient legends. But you can be sure that's why Zula (and the orks) are here. They are following the trail.

Crook and Flail


The primary regalia of the Tomb Kings are various crowns and scepters. There are two scepters that are far more common than any other: crook and the flail. The crook symbolized the sickle, the primary means of cutting grain in the ancient world. The fail is also grain-related, a tool for threshing. In the hands of one of the sorcerous tomb kings, however, the twin scepters are invariably artifacts of immense power.

The crook that Wigmar was given by his "guardian angel" lets whoever holds it understand and speak any language. It could have other powers as well. Who knows. The only real downside here is lugging around a piece of hardwood covered with gold, gems and lapis lazuli. Can't really hide it or explain it away.

There should be a matching flail somewhere. Probably buried in a distant desert tomb, guarded by undead...

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 45 (When in Bretonnia & Battle of Parravon)


14 Vorgeheim, 2449, Parravonian countryside

We've left the hills and forests behind (more or less) and ventured into the Bretonnian version of the Vorbergland. Had a brief clash with a band of orks. Established a forward base where the orks had their outpost. Filthy creatures, greenskins, but they've a good sense of where to set up camp.

Note to self: Orks do not die easy. It's important that we maintain use of the long guns and heavy ball presently in use. Turning to lighter weapons would be a mistake - they'd lack the stopping power needed. I think that applies to heavy infantry and knights as well, though for obvious reasons I haven't tested this in the field.

15 Vorgeheim, 2449, Parravonian countryside

Went on a patrol with a few good men (and an elf woman). Met my second Grail knight. He had that same... presence that the other fellow did. Out patrolling with his two squires, fighting the ork menace. I wished him good luck. He'll need it. Or at least this squires will, judging by past experience.

Relatedly: I wonder what became of the first? Did he fulfill his quest? Did he return to his homeland? I'll probably never know.

16 Vorgeheim, 2449, Barony of Villevue/Château Descartes

We reached Château Descartes in the evening. Yes, that Descartes family. Philippe was, literally, hanging from a branch. Not dead mind you, but locked inside a gibbet of sorts. Not dead, but definitely on a long and slow journey towards the afterlife, if you catch my meaning.

Looks like his little return-to-claim-my-birthright didn't turn out so well. We parlayed a bit with his half-brother Baron Desmond. He held a fine, if rather decadent court. But instead of judging the man by Riekland standard, we joined the fun. When in Bretonnia, do as the Bretonnians do, old Malthus used to say.

Philippe was released and his "treason" forgiven. In return he relinquished any claim to the title of Baron. Philippe will be Adler of Übersreik's trade factor here in Parravon, a job more suitable for a wealthy commoner than a man of noble blood. For my own part I came away with promises of friendship, 5000 crowns worth of trade goods and Valéria, a common girl of uncommon beauty. I think Isolde will like her. 

Note to self: Bretonnia noble ranks are weird. Their dukes are more like elector-counts than dukes. And their grafs are more like our dukes. I suppose that makes their barons the equivalent out our grafs? Or isn't it that simple?

19 Vorgeheim, 2449, City of Parravon

Routed a force of orks, maybe 2000 strong that were laying siege to the southeastern approaches to Parravon. My men claimed 800 dead orks, maybe as many as a 1000, for only light casualties among my companies.

The Parravonians cheered us from the walls and opened the gates. To myself and a small group of bodyguards and attendants...

Military/logistics: The men are weary from the march, but not exhausted. Morale is very good. Light casualties only. Our supply of shot and powerder is still good. We liberated a good deal of supplies from the ork camp, but will need to restock eventually.

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Places, Lords (and commoners) of Bretonnia, Land of Chivalry

Zul the Mighty: The name the orc horde uses for their leader. Zul isn't an ork name, but the moniker "the Mighty" is shouted in the guttural greenskin tongue.

Montfort des Grises

Literally: Montfort (of) the Grey (Mountains). Not to be confused with the great province and city of Montfort.

Giscard: Survivor of the ork assault. Plump boy of 10 or 12. Baker's son. Speaks rubbish and riddles sometimes. Wigmar has decided he's touched by the Sun (i.e. Ankh speaks through him).

Laetitia: Survivor of the ork assault. Very attractive girl of 17 (or maybe a little bit younger). Might be an actual virgin. Her mother's name was Antigone (presumed dead). Probably of noble birth and hidden away in this forest village.

Athel Loren (aka the Everwood)

The big ass forest south-west of the Grey Mountains that Reiklanders have only heard of in legends and myths.

Alvar Oakleaf: Elf scout leader.

Parravonian countryside

Sir Faulton: Grail knight fighting the ork incursion. Got two squires with him. It's the second genuine grail knight Wigmar has met, and he's starting to think they really are special in some way.

Barony of Villevue/Château Descartes

Long time (8 generations) home of the noble Descartes family.

Philippe no-longer-Descartes: Oldie but goodie. Divested of all claims to his inheritance. Filthy commoners.

Desmond Descartes: Philippe's half-brother and current lord of the Descartes.

Gisele: Commoner of uncommon beauty (strawberry blonde hair is rather rare this side of the mountains) "serving" Baron Descartes. She's now on Wigmar's staff.


The capital of the province by the same name. About the size of Bögenhafen (10-12000 inhabitants, approximately twice that of Übersreik).

Duke Escarot II of Parravon: Lord of Parravon.

Marquis de Salle: The Duke's right-hand man. Probably a spy.

"Baron" le Trois: Heir (not really a baron) to the le Trois legacy. Serves on the Duke's staff. Probably a spy. Wants to touch Wigmar's pistol.

Master Fabien: Elderly gentleman. Palace staff. Likes to wear colorful gowns. Probably a spy.

Val Adrie: Elf (from Athel Loren) envoy/spy to Parravon. Is convinced Thesalva is a high elf spy.

Francesca: Laetitia's spinster aunt (sister of Antigone).  Lives at the Parravonian court. Knows something about magic. Maybe or maybe not a spy. Hard to tell.

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 44 (Orks like Bretonnians too)


19 Sommerzeit, 2449, Übersreik

We march. Into the Grey Lady Pass we go. In the lowlands summer is in full swing. In the high mountains the snow still lies thick. But the pass to Bretonnia is open.

Near enough two full battalions of infantry, a company of mounted specialists of various stripes, their attending batteries and engineer support, and the fleet of wagons needed to move it all.

Ulf is with me, commanding his company. Doppler the second. I have Anna (Halmstadt minds his tower) and Annika both. And Thes. I even brought Fräulein Nacht for additional magical and moral support. Ankh has gone with the Shallyans to Grausee to cleanse it (the Grandfather has been implicated - fumigation and blessings are called for).

22 Sommerzeit, 2449, Barony of Teufental/Grey Lady Pass

No sign of the ork yet. We turn towards Karak Azgaraz. The 1st Battalion under Ulfberth remains as a holding force just east of Tallerhoff. The lake secures one flank and if the ork comes it must wade a river to get to my men.

23 Sommerzeit, 2449, Barony of Teufental/Grey Lady Pass

Brief battle against a holding force of orks. They were well positioned among the high ground and hard to get at with only a narrow winding road to follow. My sharpshooters were invaluable, keeping them pinned until mortars could be set up. Elevation too steep for effective cannon-fire.

25 Sommerzeit, 2449, Karak Azgaraz

The citadel still stands. Only minimal ork activity. The 2nd battalion under Doppler will remain to reinforce the troops of Nuln. My own men are the less experienced ones, though I find our gun drills and battle order superior to that of the Nulnites. I'm sure they are perfectly fine infantry, but as gunners they lack experience.

29 Sommerzeit, 2449, Karak Azgaraz

Spent a couple of days with the dwarfs then rode at speed back to Ulfberth. My personal wagons and the galloper guns slow us down and we took nearly two days instead of one. On the other hand, we used three full days on the day up.

Tomorrow I march west towards Bretonnia with my companions and the mounted troops. Ulfberth will remain in the blocking position.

31 Sommerzeit, 2449, Barony of Teufental/Grey Lady Pass

Just east of Tequelle we found the pass completely blocked by a landslide so great as to nearly defy description. An entire mountain had fallen and created a hill of stone and gravel hundreds of meters tall. Explains why we've seen zero traffic coming from Parravon.

Took Thes to the top. Found the remains of an ork high up, but no sign of an army. On the other side a pubble had started to form. In a few years there will be a great lake. Maybe the dam will burst and the Pass - and Übersreik - will be swept away?

At any rate the pass is shut. I'll borrow more money to buy donkeys. I'm sure we can find a way for them over and greatly profit.

I go to KA again to speak to the dwarfs. There are old roads up there, leading to Parravon. If we are lucky they are still in good enough shape to take wagons. If not, we shall have to fix them.

6 Vorgeheim, 2449, Karak Azgaraz

The king of the dwarfs agrees to grant us trading rights. I'm going to borrow even more money to buy wagons. With the pass blocked, I should get them for cheap, if timed right. Then we'll reopen the old roads and profit. Surely there will be profit.

Tomorrow we march towards Parravon. Too look for orks and to assess the road.

9 Vorgeheim, 2449, Montfort/Parravon

Roads are not too bad. Had to make some repairs in a few locations, but nothing major. Wagons can come this way. But it's steep, byt the gods it's steep in places. One prancing pony away from disaster so to speak. The men are holding up well enough, but I'm sure they dread the return trip. Getting those cannons back up will be hell...

Orks have been through the area some weeks ago, killing and looting as they go. We found a couple of survivors in Montfort, the first village we came across. Laetitia, a teenage girl, very pretty (if dirty and near starved). Much too fine for a place like this, as confirmed by her gold locket (it had a miniature portrait of her mother, Antigone inside). And her corpulent, dim-witted companion, Giscard.

12 Vorgeheim, 2449, Durak Way/Parravon

The Bretonnians have not kept their part of the road up to standards. It more like a rutted path through the woods. Were ti not for the wagons we could go faster, but no. Gunners without powder, shot, and cannon support are as good as dead.

Met some elven scouts, led by Alvar Oakleaf. They confirmed the presence of a force of orks, possibly 2000 strong, to the west. They had come down the same way we have, and made for Parravon...

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 43 (I'm NOT a merchant!)


26 Sigmarzeit, 2499, Übersreik

It's the last Backertag - Baking Day - of the month of Sigmar. It is late in the night, almost morning. The bakers are already at work, making their doughs and lighting their ovens. Soon all of Übersreik shall be awash with the smells of newly baked bread.

I have not written in some time. My poor journal. It's not for lack of want, but for lack of time. Every day is a flurry of activity. Matters of my house, matters of commerce, matters of my army. Only one of those tasks would be enough to keep a man busy. Two would push him to the brink. Three... three would make the poor man work well into the night, then get up at sunrise. At least seven days a week, often eight.

It is fortunate that I need little in the way of sleep. Four hours is mor than sufficient, I can get by with three if need be. I think it is related to the elixir, though I cannot say for sure. Perhaps the tonics Thesalva has been feeding me are to blame. I equally cannot say for sure. But let's not look a gift horse in the mouth...

I'm sitting in the study of my Übersreik manor. Not the old townhouse, but the manor of the previous Baron of Grausee - Gray Lake - and the Graf of  Witwental - Widow's Vale. It's a far more suitable residence for a noble lord, spacious and freshly appointed - and located in the Morgenseite (aka "the Hill") district, rather than the Artisan's quarter.

Speaking of titles: My liege, Gregor von Schadelfaust, Graf of Witwental, lies dead, as does all his kin, claimed by the plague that grips Grausee. He was a fine fellow, but one man's loss is another man's gain. And in this case, my gain. I, Wigmar von Liberungen, is now the Baron of Grausee, Graf of Witwental, and Meister Hoher Wachter von Übersreik - Lord High Protector of Übersreik.

With these titles come the Übersreik manor, the Grausee residence, and the Höhewacht Tower deep in the Grey Mountains. And the rich farmlands of the Grausee. And the hills of the Widow's Vale. And various tax rights and privileges. Including a seat on the Reikland Diet!

Truly I've taken the step up into the upper league of peers!

4 Sommerzeit, 2499, Übersreik

The second battalion is coming together nicely. We mostly have the men, and most of the materiel. Now they must be trained and made ready. They seem so weak and lost when I compared them to the men that went to war with me last year. But soon we shall make men and warriors of them!

The specialist corps is also filling out nicely. No longer do my pistoleers exist mostly on paper. No longer are my veteran sergeants bright-eyed amateurs. No longer. Now the specialists are either veterans in my employ, veterans of other wars and companies, or young men of promise and character.

I've made an effort to "sell" the town council another two battalions. With the Reiksguard gone and orks on the horizon, they need more than the city guard to defend the walls. Come to think of it the orks could be good for business if they don't get defeated too quickly. Not that I'd let any greenskin live, I'm to much of a Reiklander for that, but still, they could be good for business.

8 Sommerzeit, 2499, Übersreik

Adler von Übersreik, Händler und Anbieter (Traders and Suppliers) is formally established. It is a consortium of my mercantile interests, hidden behind several layers of proxy owners, lawyers, and bankiers.

As this is my personal journal, I shall not go into detail. Suffice to say that I've borrowed enormous sums to get us going, hoping that my approaching to business will help me to great profits. I'm not sure why I'm so optimistic. Things never turn out as well as you hope for. But without optimism and risk-seeking no profit can be made...

17 Sommerzeit, 2449, Übersreik

Ready or not, here we come.

Orks have been reported in the Grey Lady Pass. The army is already mustered outside the city. We will march into the mountains the day after tomorrow.

On one hand the terrain will be a hindrance for large-scale maneuvers. On the other hand it's ideal for the defense. Massed gunfire backed by artillery can hold valleys and passes better than most.

We shall soon see who comes out on to: Wigmar or the ork. I'm betting on Wigmar.