Thursday, June 16, 2022

Crook and Flail


The primary regalia of the Tomb Kings are various crowns and scepters. There are two scepters that are far more common than any other: crook and the flail. The crook symbolized the sickle, the primary means of cutting grain in the ancient world. The fail is also grain-related, a tool for threshing. In the hands of one of the sorcerous tomb kings, however, the twin scepters are invariably artifacts of immense power.

The crook that Wigmar was given by his "guardian angel" lets whoever holds it understand and speak any language. It could have other powers as well. Who knows. The only real downside here is lugging around a piece of hardwood covered with gold, gems and lapis lazuli. Can't really hide it or explain it away.

There should be a matching flail somewhere. Probably buried in a distant desert tomb, guarded by undead...

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