Thursday, June 16, 2022

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 45 (When in Bretonnia & Battle of Parravon)


14 Vorgeheim, 2449, Parravonian countryside

We've left the hills and forests behind (more or less) and ventured into the Bretonnian version of the Vorbergland. Had a brief clash with a band of orks. Established a forward base where the orks had their outpost. Filthy creatures, greenskins, but they've a good sense of where to set up camp.

Note to self: Orks do not die easy. It's important that we maintain use of the long guns and heavy ball presently in use. Turning to lighter weapons would be a mistake - they'd lack the stopping power needed. I think that applies to heavy infantry and knights as well, though for obvious reasons I haven't tested this in the field.

15 Vorgeheim, 2449, Parravonian countryside

Went on a patrol with a few good men (and an elf woman). Met my second Grail knight. He had that same... presence that the other fellow did. Out patrolling with his two squires, fighting the ork menace. I wished him good luck. He'll need it. Or at least this squires will, judging by past experience.

Relatedly: I wonder what became of the first? Did he fulfill his quest? Did he return to his homeland? I'll probably never know.

16 Vorgeheim, 2449, Barony of Villevue/Château Descartes

We reached Château Descartes in the evening. Yes, that Descartes family. Philippe was, literally, hanging from a branch. Not dead mind you, but locked inside a gibbet of sorts. Not dead, but definitely on a long and slow journey towards the afterlife, if you catch my meaning.

Looks like his little return-to-claim-my-birthright didn't turn out so well. We parlayed a bit with his half-brother Baron Desmond. He held a fine, if rather decadent court. But instead of judging the man by Riekland standard, we joined the fun. When in Bretonnia, do as the Bretonnians do, old Malthus used to say.

Philippe was released and his "treason" forgiven. In return he relinquished any claim to the title of Baron. Philippe will be Adler of Übersreik's trade factor here in Parravon, a job more suitable for a wealthy commoner than a man of noble blood. For my own part I came away with promises of friendship, 5000 crowns worth of trade goods and Valéria, a common girl of uncommon beauty. I think Isolde will like her. 

Note to self: Bretonnia noble ranks are weird. Their dukes are more like elector-counts than dukes. And their grafs are more like our dukes. I suppose that makes their barons the equivalent out our grafs? Or isn't it that simple?

19 Vorgeheim, 2449, City of Parravon

Routed a force of orks, maybe 2000 strong that were laying siege to the southeastern approaches to Parravon. My men claimed 800 dead orks, maybe as many as a 1000, for only light casualties among my companies.

The Parravonians cheered us from the walls and opened the gates. To myself and a small group of bodyguards and attendants...

Military/logistics: The men are weary from the march, but not exhausted. Morale is very good. Light casualties only. Our supply of shot and powerder is still good. We liberated a good deal of supplies from the ork camp, but will need to restock eventually.

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